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Posts posted by mic6ard

  1. " "If they [biotechnological experts] think that GMOs are good and will not affect to human health, why are they afraid of listing GMOs as a harmful activity?" he said. "from the OP

    WHY should they list it as harmful then if it doesn't affect human health adversely!!! whistling.gif

    Maybe the scientists aren't afraid to list it, but that it doesn't belong on the list in the first place????


  2. The Commerce Ministry said that the cost of many materials had barely increased. But consumers feel the value of money in their wallets is decreasing because the cost of a product has increased sharply from its original source to the end of the supply chain, partly because of ineffective energy consumption.

    So they are suggesting that energy consumption in Thailand has suddenly become even more inefficient? They seem to be clutching at straws

    Price of production = wage!! Increase wage obviously increase cost of production.

    You have to increase wage for

    1 housekeepers

    2 delivery drivers

    3 stock boys/girls - moving stuff from trucks to warehouse

    4 petrol price increases

    So let's say you're importing your material in to the country. You would have to pay the driver from port/airport to warehouse, another form warehouse - factory. Don't forget people driving the lifters in and out of trucks. And it just goes on and on. Therefore price of raw material (sugar cane) is the same, but the price of processed material (sugar) increases. "Sugar cane - Sugar" are just random example of raw material - processed material, so don't go flaming me about inaccurate figures.

  3. Personally when you are in the growing age, don't buy expensive clothes, you'll need bigger sizes after a couple of months. I remember my growth spurt, 3 sets of uniform with in a year!!!

    Cheap socks wears out after 2 months, so forget those. Same as shoes.

    I think that folks are really forgetting about the fact that kids grow, and sometimes really fast. So it's not just a one time shopping trip but rather multiple trips. Costs do add up.

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  4. The Commerce Ministry would launch a sale campaign, known as the Blue Flag project

    It'll be interesting to see how this past-its-scheduled-opening program operates in regards to under-cutting the prices that normal vendors charge for their similar prepared food items, raw meat, and consumer goods.

    It'll also be interesting to see the government's grand plans for implementation as they intend to have one in every sub-district in the whole country (8,000 in all).

    Lastly, AFAIK, no budget has been announced for what this subsidizing of a nation-wide system will cost, so that too would be nice to know.


    Exactly. Talk/promise first then deal with problems later.. Typical M/O for the gov't

  5. Funny that the RSD website has a picture of a woman with prominent ear rings and a nose ring.

    So this would be what like earnings for a motorcycle? But variety is the spice of life and each to their own.

    Do we really need a comment like this?

  6. Won't go with totally slick tyres, I preferr a bit of thread for the occassional rain day! Or do what I did when I was in the US, have 2 set of tyres at home, one for road and one for the mountain!, never use the hybrid (multi purpose) for the mountain, tried that almost got my arm broken when it got side ways

  7. 280 KPH ??? That is 173 MPH , on a Thai toll way......This is clearly a case of Darwin's law at work. Perhaps in order to help ensure the survival of the hisos and their idiot off spring, these high powered sports cars should be speed limited...That would also have the double benefit of helping to stop the killing of other innocent people such as the other driver here who was killed.

    Why would you limit the car? The car didn't drive itself that fast. The other driver that was killed was also driving excessively fast according to the article so maybe they were racing. If the car was limited they would just find a way to disable it. TiT.

    A Fortuner doing 280km? I dont think so. To hazard a guess, Mr. Porche was screaming up the tollway in the outside lane and Mr. Fortuner, driving along as normal, changed lanes to overtake the third vehicle and moved into the right lane. Mr. Porsche, going too fast to avoid or slow down, slams into the back of him. Keep in mind if the Porsche hit the breaks just before slamming into the Fortuner, then conceivably he was going faster than 280km.

    The best theory yet. Looking at the photo of crash, the left side 'a-pillar' looks pretty good (comparing to the rest of the car), so he must have tried to take evasive action of some kind!

    And somehow the Porsche ended up infront of the Fortuner (left edge of photo)? Must have been some impact..

  8. More than 60 per cent of workers polled recently believed the government’s 300 baht minimum wage policy would make their life better, Bangkok Poll at Bangkok University reported on Friday.

    The pollster conducted a survey on “the life of labourers after getting paid a 300 baht daily minimum wage” from April 23 to 26, seeking opinions from 1,180 workers in Bangkok and nearby provinces.

    Bangkok Poll reported that 60.7 per cent of the polled workers said their living standards had improved, 36.5 per cent of them believed there was no impovement and 2.8 per cent said it was worsening.

    Asked whether their working life changed or would change after the higher wage was implemented, 82.4 per cent said no change, 15.4 per cent said they had to work harder and 1.3 per cent said they worked less than before.

    Half, 49.9 per cent of the respondents, did not believe the wage increase would cause problems for manufacturers or force them to close down, 26.9 per cent of them believed employers’ profits would drop, 23.0 per cent said businessed would extra gain more profits, 1.4 per cent said their employer could face a loss and 0.8 per cent said the factory could close down.

    Questioned whether the wage rise would help ease the problem of social inequality, 54.9 per cent of the labourers said yes but 45.1 per cent of them disagreed.

    A total of 93.2 per cent of the respondents backed the 300 baht daily minimum wage hike nationwide but 6.8 per cent of them opposed.

    The polled workers wanted the government to oversee and improve welfare of labouers, ensure that the employers would abide by the law and improve their quality of life.

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