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Posts posted by mic6ard

  1. Being in the restaurant biz as Chef/Owner for 25 yrs. in USA I'd like to add that there is a lot more involved, esp. in the management of all the details, than noted in the above post. I graduated from The Culinary Institute of America after I got a BA in Economics and would never open one here. But I wish you all the luck and if you have any questions or need advice I'd be happy to help as I still have a passion for it all and often lend a hand, not looking for anything in return as long the person is serious and wants to do it honestly with respect of the customers and food etc.

    I totally agree. Most people think that it's a very simple stuff of cooking food and serving. But, OMG, it's crazy. All the equipment has to be maintained, taxes, phones/internet bills, wages, buying supplies. And there's no such thing as a day off when you own a business. you live it, breath it, dream it (and the occassional nightmares!). It's something that can/will kill your social life during the high season. Have to agree with most people and DON'T buy the cheap stuff, it breaks down more and will ended up costing more in repairs and lost of use.

    It's a blast if you love a challenge.

    Good luck if you decide to go with it.

    • Like 1
  2. There's a BBQ store on the canal, going towards the night safari. Can't remember the exact location, but it's a small store, on the left. Look out for the red sign. They have a decent selection, but rather pricey.

    • Like 1
  3. It'll be a mess. Right now some of my staff are getting under 6000/mth on basic salary not including benefits etc. Don't forget that increase at the lower level must be mirrored by increase at almost all levels of the organization. Apparently the wage increase would be ignoring the extras and count only the basic income. Which would dramatically increase operation costs. Don't forget most of our stuff in CM is coming from Bangkok where the wage would be 300baht/day!

    I might be thinking too much, but the increase in operation costs in BKK is going to lead to increase in prices nation wide. Now don't forget that its 300 in BKK but only around 250 here, operators have to charge the price with 300baht in mind. Talking about a mess.

    Cost of living could potentially sky rocket, but the wage here wouldn't rise enough to compensate.

    Increase in basic living cost = Decrease in extra expenditures = Bad for business

  4. People who are wearing helmets get killed everyday.....and many more are left as quadraplegics. All you pro helmet pee brains need to realise helmets don't save lives. Avoiding sudden stops (accidents) saves lives.

    Those injuries occurrs when you go too fast and wipe out. Helmets prevent severe injuries at moderate speed or whe you just wipe out by yourself. NOTHING can save you in an accident when going too fast. It's really funny how people thinks that wearing a helmet makes you invincible, it just increase your chance of surviving. Just like airbags.

    The downside is that, in some cases, you might ended up paralysed or missing limbs.

    The best form of protection is whats in your head. Ride safe, ride smart.

    • Like 1
  5. It's really amazes me whenever this topic comes upcoffee1.gif.

    Personally, I always wear one. Saved my bacon the other day, didn't go down but a car infront of me kicked up a stone, left a nice ding in the helmet.

    Helmet don't just save your head when you crash but also prevent you from being beaned by a stone or stray debris.

    In earlier posting, some one mention rider checking hair at every light? I've seen it, a dude was speeding along on his DREAM, stopped at the light, pulled out a COMB (of all things) and brushed up his hair. Lights goes green, off he goes, completely messing up his hair again.

    Y bother? don't ask me, but he just looks like an idiot, which he is.

  6. I have never been to the States but it does seem to be a vast country with a great variety of scenery, wildlife, climates and people. If I came from there I can't imagine why I would want to live here. America seems to have everything; mountains, beaches, deserts, wildernesses and big cosmopolitan cities. Yet there does seem to be a lot of Americans living here. I can't understand why they would want to leave all that and come and live in a condo or mooban in Chiangmai.

    The difference is:

    1. it's cheaper here, in a way.

    2. the laws (what law!) is pretty lax here. there're ways to get around most of them.

    3. People has a lot nicer attitude.

    4. No Hurricanes, Blizzards, tornedos. Was going to mention earthquake but...

    5. NO RELIGIOUS extremism (well except for the Southern part).

    6. Constant climate, you know it's going to be warm-hot. No Freezing spells

    7. No shoveling the sidewalk or raking leaves.

    8. Big cosmopolitan cities - Bangkok!!!; Beaches - need I say anything?; Wilderness - heads into the mountain up country

    Granted, personally I missed the seasonal changes (not the shoveling), and all the food over there. Just couldn't live there

  7. Yo

    Anybody know where to get decent kit for making candles? Got plenty of left over waxes and want to reuse them. The only place I've been sent to is 'Chiang Mai Plastic' in Kad Luang, not very useful at all, too limited.

  8. For those in the city, I know that there is one shopping mall coming up too!!. It's on the Rincome Intersection. Coming from the super highway, it's on your right opposite the old think park site (not the old Rincome hotel).

    Cinemas and all too.

    Traffic is going to be 'lovely... NOT' in that area soon.

  9. Go to the Chiang Mai municipal office, it's free from there. Bus leave approx every 10 min!.

    Or by the Train Station, I think that it's free there also.

    Other location you mihgt have to pay a small fee, around 10-20 baht pre trip.

  10. Got my 43-air for 8500 on sale from the Dirtshop!!!. Love it, especially without the chin bar. The visor is so good that sometimes I forget that I have it down!!!

    How does it do in the summer here with highway riding. Any better than Arai's? Sure it has that huge vent up top, but does that really work???

  11. I have the N43-air. It's something else. Just got it so didn't have a chance to try it out in the summer yet, but so far it's something else.

    Still, I'm not too entirely sure about the top vent on it, especially in the city. You really need to be moving for the air flow to work, otherwise it'll be like any other helmets.

    Here's something that people might forget, PLEASE chose one with WASHABLE liners, make it soooooo much better than having to dunk the whole helmet in a bucket with shampoo and water.Especially city riding

    Check this link: http://www.bmwriderspoint.com/1080.aspx

    The helmet looks really funny.

  12. Ouch, seems like a long list. However the most important thing is the frame, how is it? Still straight? I would trash it if the frame is cracked or bent, just don't trust it.

    The other stuff are (as others have stated) an opportunity to customise.

    I wish you got a photo of it, cos from what you are saying it's pretty messed up, but yet you rode it 40-50km???

  13. Honestly, just who is coming up with these stories. IMOP the comment regarding kiiling the elephants for meat, etc. is probably taken out of context. I think that the writer is probably looking for someting to write, not really good journalism at all. The whole piece is just "hear-say", "possibly", "probably"!

    Unless you have concrete evidence shut your !@#4g mouth and leave LOS alone.

    Are you trying to help the country of drag in down further!.

    What an idiot1zgarz5.gif

  14. Umm. OK here's maybe something I picked up from watching too much NCIS and CSI cheesy.gif .

    How can they prove the direction of the shot, it's been over a year!

    Won't you need the weapon that fired the fatal shot to convict anyone of the 'crime'.

    Some poor sod is just going to get rail roaded for this, unfortunately.

    Can someone remind me if there is any actual footage of him being shot? Such as from the CCTV that the BMA put on the streetsclap2.gif

  15. Parked at the City Hall as well. Decent transportation options.

    The show itself though left me feeling disappointed. It was more like garden setup in styles of various countries but there were only local plants and flowers. After a while, it was looking pretty much the same everywhere I looked.

    the evening light show is decent and definitely highligh of the day for me.

  16. I have an Arai tour cross 2. The visor catches major wind at 80kph. Thankfully it was removable, so I did. But it still catches wind when i turn my head for over taking. I guess the bulkier chin protector is to blame for that.

    Just can't really advise anyone riding fast with visors. Infact Arai had a warning attached to it "NOT DESIGN FOR HIGH SPEED", or something of similar effect.

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