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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. YTz5yNyGzvwfNDse.mp4
  2. Another one for @Crossy
  3. In case anyone doesn’t know what UBP stands for (I didn’t) it’s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubon_Ratchathani_Airport it’s how IATA identifies it
  4. ENjeVh5j0haZSnyN.mp4
  5. Was 69. Keeps increasing. Be 99 soon. Edited yesterday at 01:00 PM by bignok Inflation
  6. In case someone doesn’t know what that is https://www.spine-health.com/conditions/spine-anatomy/all-about-l5-s1-lumbosacral-joint
  7. Why not buy travel insurance in your home country?
  8. Update: Left Eye done 3 weeks after my right eye. Procedure same as in a previous post but took longer, went into the operation room before 11am and was in the recovery room at 12:15pm Total price 141K THB so more expensive then the right eye procedure but could be because of the longer operation but also because the Doctor inserted a different lens. tomorrow follow up then I can report back, but I already know that I have to keep wearing glasses for distance, but reading can do without glasses.
  9. Take the Village Chief with you, and if the concrete poles that make the boundary are missing, get the Land Office to measure.
  10. Money and Friendship don't mix. MIL (RiP) was stilling waiting for some money from a land sale to her Uncle (which happened 10+ years ago)
  11. Moderators will know, they can see who is trolling
  12. It maybe is for you, but for some it is.
  13. Thx. Handy. I have tried something before with Firefox and that did not show you it. I got this link from someone via PM https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/bullets_password_view.html Will try it when I get home, but just reading it again it doesn't work with FF or Chrome so have to try IE
  14. How did you get the PPoE pwd? Was that attached to the box of the Router by any chance? In my case I don't have the PPoE pwd and they won't give it to me. I have no idea why in our case they don't want to set the Router in Bridge (or "bit" as they like to say it) mode. When I get home will go and ask again (for the x time) and see what it brings. Providers I can't change as they are the only one in the Area.
  15. Thx, you never know with Thai customs ????????
  16. But found another thread and there they mention import duty
  17. It was a long time ago this thread and the battery’s was in the frame of the bicycle..i am not sure if a scan would have showed it. I am going to see if I can find the thread.
  18. No idea sorry, but 1 remark. Does it have a battery in it? If so don’t mention that as I can recall a member posting about his experiences in sending his bike over and he mentioned that it had a battery and they only allowed it if he removed the battery which was as I recall (could be wrong) very difficult good luck
  19. https://support.google.com/accounts/thread/212869056/can-microsoft-close-my-gmail-account?hl=en#:~:text=Once your account is closed,you left them until then.
  20. But then that Email should come from Gmail and not MS IMHO it would help if the OP could post the headers of that email plus the site to where that link points to
  21. Yep, totally a scam what has MS to do with Google Gmail. ????
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