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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. Try via a VPN and see if that works.
  2. Not for me, applied on Friday and still NO approval ????
  3. I used Lucky Motors in Phnom Penh on Monivong but that was already a couple of years ago. They are on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/p/Lucky-lucky-moto-shop-and-visa-100078168573937/
  4. And the PDF (you receive) will look different as it will have AFAIK a RED (or Black) stamp in it with your new reporting date
  5. Does it say approved? When you get the email right after application it's just proof that you submitted it. AFAIK after it's approved you will get another Email with the same document but with added your next reporting date
  6. It's 15 days before https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?page_id=1666 As said online is a good option https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login
  7. MJCM

    Clinic prices Isaan

    I once tripped and it left a big cut on my leg, and was visiting a friend and at the local anamai the stitched me up for free. Was not registered there and my friend as well. Edit: Of course YMMV
  8. MJCM

    Clinic prices Isaan

    Your girlfriend can visit the local (village) hospital (called Anamai or Thai อนามัย ) with the 5 year old free of charge and if it's serious they will then refer her to the Local Bigger Hospital.
  9. 7/11's enough in Pattaya and they love coins to use as change.
  10. and this is the usage history
  11. Just a Heads UP A while ago we bought the property next door it's on a Supply of 5/15. Now if you have a 5/15 meter and you use less then 50 Units (kW) per month for a consecutive period of 3 months you don't have to pay. To our surprise this month we had to pay even the usage in that house is only 12 Units (kW) per month for over 6-7 months. So if you are on a 5/15 Supply and use less then 50 Units expect to have a bill to pay. It's not much (in our case only 3x THB) but just wondering if they maybe removed the <50 units free discount.
  12. I think you don't understand the principle of those machines. They are connected to the water supply and through filters "clean" water comes out if you insert money. (I believe 1 THB per liter) To me that the machines contained 13.000 THB just means that the machines haven't been serviced for a long long time and thus also the filters haven't been serviced ????
  13. Linode has cheap VPS (Shared CPU for around $5 per month) which could easily do this in case someone wants to do it. Ps: Not affiliated with them I used to use one of their VPS for VPN
  14. In my case is that I then won't receive an Email. My Script is sending out 24 emails a day (1 every hour) and you just regularly check the email inbox to see if there is an outage. You can of course increase or decrease the frequency (once every 30 min for example or even faster) and your Email alert program (Windows for example poppeeper) will tell you if an email has arrived and thus the Internet (and the thus also the POWER at the Remote Location) is online Edit: Of course not as sophisticated as your solution but it works for me
  15. AFAIK you can run Python scripts on the ESP32 and as it has WiFi capabilities you can send thus things over the internet so it can be used standalone. But I am not 100% sure Edit: You can even run a simple Webserver on it https://electropeak.com/learn/create-a-web-server-w-esp32/
  16. I assume you have a Router there. Why not SSH into the Router, create a Ping / Email Bash Script and schedule that via Cron. This will work only of course if you can get SSH access. This solution will not cost you anything as you already have the router
  17. I wonder how long it will take that other Banks (Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn etc) will follow and close theirs as well
  18. No email either but I just logged in there and saw the message. Took a screenshot of it to post on here, but there is already a topic about it.
  19. Just an example, he has a Fridge at that location and it is full of food, and when the Internet is down then the power could be off and he could take action to make sure that he doesn't have to throw away the food. Just one of the usage cases or maybe he likes a project so as they say in TiT, Up To Him.
  20. @OneMoreFarang Is the remote location behind CGNAT or does it have a Public IP Address and is the device over there Ping-able?
  21. He is talking about to monitor a Remote Location not his home
  22. Maybe @Crossy also has an idea because I believe he likes to tinker with those.
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