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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. Yes they both love that. also this one
  2. You have to pay the toll E3s3dOsSsL2efBih.mp4
  3. We tried a couple already the other dog (male) eats them all, but the other one doesn’t. She is more interested in raw meat / pork bone / liver etc etc
  4. cW_IzXgzOPfF1c8M.mp4
  5. Can be compared almost to CP ????
  6. I tried to feed our dogs that, one of them eats it like it’s his favorite food and the other one just comes and smells it and walk away
  7. What is even more confusing, the official brand name is Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS) https://www.bdms.co.th
  8. Or Bangkok Hospital Pattaya or Bangkok Hospital Korat or Bangkok Hospital Khon Kaen etc etc etc
  9. Withdrawn I guess he means the one in Bangkok
  10. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/10/which-countries-make-voting-compulsory/
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Music#:~:text=Amazon limits international access by,versions of the store followed. So no Thai. No idea what to buy as I don’t use streaming for my music
  12. My BIL will be pissed because that is the only reason why he voted PT
  13. Do think you are right, but when I moved from Dtac -> AIS, I did not have to go or talk to Dtac, AIS did everything for me and I received SMS from both providers on my number to keep me informed. They (both) also notified me in advance that on that day and on that approx time I could swap the SIMS. Down Time was kept to a minimum. I also received Sms from Dtac for the following - a sms with a link so I could cancel the whole process - a sms with a promotion that If I cancel I would receive some Gb for internet for free. overall a smooth process. (however YMMV)
  14. After watching Eurovision Song Contest c4VtUIEr4ulFatLN.mp4
  15. Learning English is difficult, but it can be taught through tough thorough thought though…
  16. Oke you asked for it ????
  17. Fully agree, if you don’t understand a joke or don’t think it’s funny just move to the next one, enough to see in this thread.
  18. Kim Jong Un uses body doubles as part of his security team… They’re named Kim Jong Deux and Kim Jong Trois.
  19. Update: measuring of my eye has been done, very comprehensive again. Final result, I am getting Monofocal lens with final strength of 2,50. Right eye first for a cost of 120-140k. operation date to be announced. edit: Dr Roy will do the operation in Bumrungrad
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