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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. Lost for words. ???? RIP Joe and all the thoughts are with his family in this difficult time
  2. I am using Buriram and I never had to show up (after going for the retirement extension) to show that the money was still in the account after I got my "year" stamp. Also on renewal date I only have to give them a 6 months statement and that is accepted. However YMMV
  3. they don’t work one bit, the birds will make their nest in between the spikes. Been there done that
  4. Thx @nigelforbes I just read the reports of “previous” experiences which were not that favorable so that is why the choice for Bumrungrad, and that whole experience was slick as well.
  5. I think you misunderstood, but maybe my wording was not correct or confusing (I just now added @Rutnin to the original text), I most certainly do think that Rutnin will be a Lot (???) cheaper, but I can't say that for sure as I have never been, but I have heard (read) stories that to see Dr Roy at Rutnin would take approx 4-5 hours alone, so that was also one of the reasons why I went to see him at Bumrungrad. And as the Insurance pays in the end I don't care really ????
  6. In case you wonder why Bumrungrad and NOT Rutnin, because Dr Roy also works there and it would be cheaper (I guess) to do the procedure there (@Rutnin), the answer is simple. I had a follw-up appointment with a Urologist in Bumrungrad and went to see the Dr Roy on the same day. So 2 Docs in 1 Hospital on the same day, and not visit 2 Docs in 2 Different Hospitals. First visit was to Dr Roy and 2nd Visit with the Urologist. I arrived at 9:00am and left at around 12;30pm, so not bad having seen 2 docs and 2 comprehensive tests done.
  7. just bought a mirror to put next to my favorite chair. not sure why but the doctor told me I'm gonna need to watch my drinking...
  8. Right Eye, 120-140K. Left 160-180K (that is because I had surgery on that eye before and the doc said it would make it much more difficult) and also I am taking Xatral for Prostate, that could complicate things even more. I know it’s not cheap, but my Insurance will pay for it in the end, the only costs I have to pay my self is paying for the hotel near the Hospital for a couple of nights (family lives way to far from Hospital). Lens not 100% sure yet, but the Doc said I would still have to wear reading glasses but I recall it being mono-focal, but again not 100% sure. I will know more after I went for the pre-op which is a couple of days before the surgery.
  9. Don’t forget that many Thais work outside of their home province, and (maybe) they at one point in time would like to move back to their village. But that said, it will be very hard to make a profit on selling a house in a rural village.
  10. @Old Croc I tend to agree with everything you say but not entirely with this part They will tend to side with her, but they will most certainly, if she is not doing him justice, tell her that. they will have known them living as a couple for an extended period of time and they will know how he is and how he has treated her. It’s not that just because the relationship seems to be over that they are forgetting how he is
  11. Yep ideal breeding grounds for pigeons
  12. I think you forgot that Thais can be very vindictive. If he throws her out that way, he might have a very unpleasant live afterwards if he stays in that House, and don't forget it's her village.
  13. I will undergo my Cataract operation middle of this month at Bumrungrad. Doc who will be performing the Surgery is Dr. Roy Chumdermpadetsuk First my Right Eye will be done, and then "weeks" (????) later my left eye. Will report back how it went.
  14. Old Report, but this is the sentiment with Double Decker Buses after many horrific accidents with them https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30341581 More articles in the News Paper we can't link to. Just do a search for "double-decker buses thailand accidents"
  15. Maybe the Bike cut in front of him? Who Knows? Not Jump too conclusions is best, but I do start to think that many people just love to do that. Edit: Have a Dash Cam fitted will benefit in case you have an accident.
  16. Are you sure about that? Lotus's is AFAIK owned by CP (Makro, True, 7/11 etc) and Big C is AFAIK owned by Central (owner of for example Robinisons and Central World) and TCC Group https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_C CP Group - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charoen_Pokphand
  17. I had to look up what that means https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyre
  18. That is your landlord taking a profit of around 4-5 THB per unit, you are not paying official rates.
  19. The weirdest one IMHO was how many days is a 30 day Visa ????
  20. Hospitals and Borders still will be open if it’s a Public Holiday ????????
  21. I have been married once (still married to her) I love her to bits, but I know that if the Marriage ends and I am going to be single and move back to Pattaya
  22. IMHO this has nothing to do with problems that BIG C or Robinsons are having but more of the troubles of the individual shop owners. As you maybe know they (Big C / Robinsons etc etc) rent out the spaces which is not their main retail space and prices are AFAIK not cheap. Also online sales are hurting those business.
  23. MJCM


    But you are here and UJ unfortunately is NOT. So kindergarten level has to do (you are way higher then that ???? )
  24. MJCM


    No worries we thank you for your help on the Visa Forum, since @ubonjoe is absent
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