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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. But please do note if you buy Huawei, you are stuck using their batteries only, and they are NOT cheap
  2. I had a procedures done at another hospital one time IPD and the other one OPD and both were paid directly by the Insurer to the Hospital. Now because it’s a significant amount it’s a bit of a pain to also worry about this when I thought everything was already settled. The estimate for the procedure on my right eye I send in on the 9th to the Insurance and just ….. yesterday afternoon, the hospital informed me about it ????
  3. i guess so, it’s not a Thai insurance, but I am really wondering why it is because I send the first estimate on April 9th, and just yesterday afternoon we got a phone call from the Hospital in which they they told us that I have to pay for it myself and then the insurance will reimburse me, and they (the hospital) then send us a link to the Payment options the hospital offers, and one of them is VIA SWIFT (International transfer) And that is why this thread. edit I should have placed a comma between No and Opd. The operation takes approximately 2-3 hrs and then I am “released”. Follow up the next day (booked a hotel near the Hospital)
  4. As I wrote in later post, I am going to pay now in CASH and any overpayments via qr or CC. thanks @lopburi3 for the tip
  5. I am going to check that out, did not know it was an option. Edit: Where do you see that option? I only see "Low Cost Transfer, Fast Transfer and Easy Transfer" no mention of Swift. Edit2: And Transferring 150k THB I am only left with the options "Low Cost and Fast Transfer"
  6. Yeah I do think now that is the absolute BEST option to do and don't bother with Transfers via the Banking APP (maybe only the overpayments)
  7. https://www.accessliving.org/newsroom/blog/on-blindness-and-braille/
  8. As I said earlier the CASH option is becoming more and more appealing. Will get the Max amount in Cash and any overpayments will be do via QR or CC. Early visit is not really possible, as we are 500kms away from the Hospital.
  9. Yes but wouldn't that mean that the Transfer has NOT to come (from WISE) from a LOCAL Bank Transfer but show up as FTT ??
  10. And the pushing of the Buttons on the ATM as well I guess
  11. Estimate is 120-140k for right eye, and 160k - 180k for left eye (much more complicated)
  12. NO OPD. As already Said, Insurer has said that I must Pay myself, claim and they will reimburse me. Pain in the ..... this. (and that is why the Thread)
  13. But why then the face scan, and how are they going to enforce it, my iPHone already uses Face Scan to get access, but I can use a 6 digit to access it if the Face Scan doesn't work., but how is the Face Scan in the Banking App going to work? And especially after a Eye Operation. Will there be a way to still get access? @scubascuba3 Do you have any idea how this new Face Scan for Banking apps is going to work?
  14. No I am not talking about WISE, Thai Banks are putting restrictions on transfers over 50.000 THB at a time. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Digital-Banking/Bualuang-mBanking/MB-SecurityUpgrade You need some kind of Face Scan done, but as with everything in TIT I wonder how this is going to PAN out. And Face Scan funny when you just had an operation on your Eyes done
  15. Read further on, but this is only required if I transfer the MONEY directly to the Hospitals account from my Overseas Bank account
  16. I don't have an ATM Card with any of my Banks in Thailand ANY MORE, but could use my overseas CC for any overpayments that need to be done. They have given me an estimated costs, but who knows if it doesn't go way over it? Bloody annoying this that my insurer wants me to pay myself. The more I think about it, the more appealing Cash payment is, I think 100% of the money in Cash and the OVERPAYMENT via either QR Code or my CC.
  17. Aha I saw another option at the Hospital Payment Page. You can use a Cashiers Cheque!! ????
  18. Operation is 2nd part of May and they require pre-payment, so I was thinking of already transferring the money to them so they have enough time to check their records.
  19. Great idea, but I am wondering how that is going to pan out with the new restrictions the Banks are imposing on us with transfers over 50.000 THB, the amount I have to pay is substantial MORE and funny when you are paying and it doesn't go through. Just like when my Wife and BIL had a procedure done and I wanted to pay with my CC, but the CC only was accepted to 1000 EURO equivalent because the Hospitals payment system was outdated and did not require a PIN. And then the CC limits all payments to only 1000 EURO MAX. Fortunately (back then) I could pay the remaining amount via my Bank App Bringing Cash with me is a last resort option.
  20. That won't be possible as I will be operated on my Eyes ????
  21. How do you mean? I clearly wrote that because it is an option but I would prefer as I said to use Wise and If Wise responds that it’s not guaranteed I will transfer directly via my Bank account.
  22. <removed> edit : I need needs to arrive in The hospital Bank account (if I transfer it via Wise) as an international transfer as stated on the site so I can send the hospital a Swift transfer paper this is what it says on the hospital site In order to confirm the transfer promprtly, please specify the patient's name and Hospital Number (HN) on the pay-in slip. Once the transfer is completed, please ask the bank for the SWIFT MT103 notification form and fax or email it to the hospital at:
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