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Posts posted by MJCM

  1. All the land and the houses we bought are in my wife's name, I had to sign a piece of paper at the Land Office every time when we bought something, that the land is not mine and that I can't claim it when we get divorced (or something like that)

    Edit: //

    Every time I transferred the money to her Bank Account just days before the purchase. But if that is legal I don't know as it clearly shows the money is Sin Som Rod and not as should be Sin Son Tua.

  2. Are you looking for an Electric Food Steamer ??

    If so then Central (next to Soi 9 beach Road) has some.

    We bought a metal steamer and we are more then happy with it.

    Bought it behind Big C (Central Pattaya) and over there they have that metal steamer in several different sizes


  3. I presume the requirement of two witnesses and separate interviews for each one was designed to make sure they were both telling the truth because the questions asked from what I understand were identical. However this was in Nong Khai so I would not be to concerned because the requirements of your office may be different.

    Yes, I think that a lot of Immigration offices make up their own rules, but I am not concerned but just wanna come prepared.

    Note: the wife went today to the Amphur to get a up to date copy of the Kor Ror 2, she was told at the Amphur that we need 2 copies (but at 20 THB each (so 40 THB in total) it's not a big hurdle).

  4. Just to add to the list of requirements you now may need for a marriage extension. I have just reapplied for my second marriage extension at Nong Khai and has well as all the above I had to provide two witnesses to verify my details at a stipulated time and date. These witnesses were both interviewed separately. They signed documents and were both asked questions to verify my status. This is despite me providing two witnesses the year before when I applied for my first marriage extension successfully.


    Yesterday, while I was doing my 90 Day Report, my wife went to talk to the Immigration Officer responsible for "Married Couples Extension of Stay" as my 1st extension is also up for renewal in about 2 weeks. She went there to ask which documents do we need (as things can change) plus 1 specific question "Do we need a Witness again?" And the answer was "No you only need a

    witness while doing the First Extension of Stay, for subsequent extensions it's not necessary."

    However this was Pattaya / Jomtien Immigration, but just to be on the safe side I will ask my witness (Retired Police Officer) to be on "stand by" on the day that we are going for the extension.

    Other thing worth mentioning is that she also reminded my wife to bring an Recent printout / copy of Kor Ror 2.

    I will report back in about 2 weeks after I have done my extension.


    Edit: // Spelling

  5. Very not nice people that run this sort of trafficking.

    Sex is the Number one commodity and thus attracts the most disgusting people

    water and food are the number one commodities for all people everywhere

    i think i might understand what you are saying

    but there is a huge hole in your logic

    Yes in sex there is also a hole wink.pngcheesy.gif

    Oke oke i forgot the word selling

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