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Posts posted by mazeltov

  1. Abhisit, here again shows his inability to keep his words. Cunning, and always look for an excuse is never a leadership quality. What he will become in his political future, another Chuan LEEKPAI?

    What words of Abhisit did he fail to follow?

    His own words, anotherpeter. Can't you see that there is no reason to believe what Abhisit talks all day?

    Nice promises are void tomorrow. Don't trust him. The PM lies.

  2. Today Thai country People will face their destiny...

    Poor country People, exploited during years and centuries by the Elite, but also exploited by ambitious politicians from both sides.

    They have no choice they are there for begging a little improvement for tomorrow, more for the future generations than for themselves. Generously, they put their life at stake facing History and Eternity: I wish than tomorrow will not be a bitter day.

    My deepest respect

    More propoganda from Jerry.

    The reds got a concession from the government for new elections. There was a fair and reasonable reconciliation plan on the table that was backed by everyone including their moderate members BUT not backed by Thaksin and his cronies. They spit on reconciliation and continue to hold the entire country's economy hostage. They are armed and violent and have shown this on many occasions. They don't deserve respect at all. They deserve to be removed from this illegal protest site and tried for terrorism, sedition, insurrection, treason, failure to comply with lawful orders etc.

    Those found guilty of the big 4 deserve the consequences they have worked so hard for. Those that are only guilty of failure to comply with lawful orders should be given probation and sent home. A condition of the probation should be that they refrain from joining any gathering that is illegal for the next 10 years. should they join another illegal protest they should spend time in jail.

    I wish that this could end without more violence but it is my firm belief that Thaksin needs more martyrs to gain his goal ... so he'll spend red lives like water if he needs to.

    "The spittle of the toad cannot reach the white dove" French proverb

    second that!

    nothing more than a strawman attack by jdinasia, a failed one, like so often.

  3. Today Thai country People will face their destiny...

    Poor country People, exploited during years and centuries by the Elite, but also exploited by ambitious politicians from both sides.

    They have no choice they are there for begging a little improvement for tomorrow, more for the future generations than for themselves. Generously, they put their life at stake facing History and Eternity: I wish than tomorrow will not be a bitter day.

    My deepest respect

    like their daughters exploiting foreign men online and cheating you for your money everywhere you go. boo hoo


    hard feelings?

    that sexy lady you met online and send your money to was probably just another bloke like you. :)

  4. Tallforeigners picture are well chosen propaganda pictures of peaceful red shirts, old people, monks and whats make me so sad, small children, who have no choice of their own to be in the red fort. This is the people the red leaders and Dear Leader wants to fight to the death, because of the selfish aim of the leaders. I say shame, shame, shame, one thousand times shame on you!!!!

    Why not baa SHAME ON YOU ONE THOUSEND TIMES on the people who support a violent crackdown by a army ready do shot at protesters?

    That the reds are terrorists is the propaganda here.


  5. ZOMG! just get it over & done with!

    Exactly! Whatever is going to happen just get on with it so we can all start trying to get back to some kind of normality.

    PS: To all our American friends, "normalcy" is NOT an acceptable English word. Stop b*astardising our lingo.!!

    Normalcy is a funny thing. A big goal for Abhisit, sometimes it comes soon as possible, some tomes it has been achieved already and elections are essential and once normalcy is restored Abhisit sees no problem in dissolving the parliament.

    Abhisit and the pledge of normalcy in previous years

    The whole idea of getting things back to normalcy is to have elections, Parliament and government that are legitimate," Abhisit said. July 25, 2006, NYT

    We are ready: Abhisit

    The Democrat Party yesterday vowed to restore political normalcy, ensure a robust economy and to bring about good governance as political activities start to return to normal. June 7, 2007, The Nation

    Even the other main party in the race, the Democrat Party, offered a warning to ambitious military leaders as Thailand tries to regain political normalcy after the elections. ‘’If the military shows signs of wanting to hang on to power, the Democrats will be out there protesting,’’ Abhisit Vejajiva, leader of the party, said during a speech at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand on Tuesday. December 21, 2007, IPS NEWS

    ""My government will restore normalcy to the country and make Thailand victorious," the 44-year-old Abhisit said in his speech, which was shown live on national television." December 30, 2008, smh.com.au

    On the first day of his official visit to England yesterday (March 13th), the premier met with a group of British businessmen and delivered a speech entitled "Restoring International Confidence and Pushing Thailand Forward." Mr Abhisit stressed during his speech that Thailand already returned to normalcy ... March 14, 2009, NNT

    "What I like to stress is I am not worried about elections," he said. "That is not a problem. I am a politician who has contested elections for 17 or 18 years."

    But the prime minister said elections should only be held after the situation became stable. "It would take some time for normalcy to return to the country." April 6, 2009

    “We announce the state of emergency and related announcements to give legal power to the government to restore order and bring back normalcy as soon as possible,” Abhisit, 44, said on state television. “The government will try to prevent any losses. We hope to get support from the public to bring peace to the nation.” April 12, 2009, Bloomberg

    "We will send a signal to the international community that normalcy has been restored," Abhisit said at his offices in Bangkok's Government House, which were at the epicentre of the protests by the pro-Thaksin "Red Shirts". April 25, 2009. Kuwait Times/ AFP

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday pledged to resolve animosity between rival groups and foster reconciliation in six to eight months to pave the way for a snap election.

    "If things proceed as anticipated, then I aim to steer the country out of the present turmoil and bring about normalcy in six to eight months, following which I won't mind dissolving the House," he said. May 1, 2009, The Nation

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday he intended to stay in office for as long as it takes to bring normalcy back to Thai politics and the economy.

    He said that though he did not know how long he would remain in the premier's seat, it should not be any longer than eight years. September 8, 2009, The Nation

    "Thailand has been absent from the global stage for a long time. Now we have made a comeback," he said.

    Abhisit said he had reassured foreign political and business leaders he met during his visit that the country had returned to normalcy September 27, 2009, The Nation

    "Chaos will not be triggered by the government. I want to reassure the public that my government will continue working and restore normalcy as soon as possible," said Abhisit, before leaving the barracks by helicopter. March 15, 2010, Times of India

    It must be emphasized that the law is a mechanism that allows the Government to effectively discharge its function. It does not intend to cause harm to the public. The objective of using the law is to return the situation to normalcy as soon as possible. The Government is doing everything it can and in accordance with international standards to restore peace and order. April 7,2010, thaigov.go.th

    Speaking during his weekly TV programme, which was recorded Saturday and aired Sunday, Abhisit said the government's goal is to return normalcy to the country so the government has to consider all connected moves of the red-shirt movement before taking actions to solve the overall problem. April 25, 2010, The Nation

    Thailand's prime minister said Monday that his government is working to achieve normalcy in the country amid massive opposition protests, but warned it will take "time, patience and cooperation" from all parties involved. April 28, 2010, CNN

  6. I imagine that their proposal will be about the same, except with elections or dissolution earlier.

    Expect the army to be rolling in in the next couple of days. That's what the reds want.

    O RLY?

    That the army should roll in is a wish you can read often at thaivisa and also the PAD demands this kind of action, they submitted letters to the army barracks country wide.

    albeit the boys at thaivisa deny that they are yellow, i think no member of any of this groups is a red shirt or a red shirt supporter.

  7. My first highlighting of your remarks in Red (a favorite color of yours, and I recognize and respect that you are indeed entitled to your favorite Soviet and PRC color if that's what it may be :D ) is so I can pose the question: How did Russia manage to have "won the second world war" for the rest of the world and somehow have supposedly done so "by a considerable margin?" This is indeed a wild and unsupportable, unsubstantiated grab of fantasy and gross overstatement made arbitrarily and capriciously out of the fog of blue smoke and mirrors.




    Maybe you should read some history books that aren't only US-centric and propagandistic.

    Thanks for the presumptive advice (not really of course).

    I've been abroad 13 years in several countries of East Asia and well know the comparasions and contrasts between my own native society, culture and civilization and opposite ones. Perhaps you and certain others might consider learning realistically about the United States of America and its demographic, cultural, societial and civilizational trends. President Obama might be a good starting point.

    I don't go to Wikipedia nor do I recommend the site as anyone of any level of pedestrian intellect, bias, prejudice, prelediction can and does write there, thanks again.. :)

    ^^ asking for it...


    Get A BRAIN! MORANS... GO USA!!!

  8. Am I mistaken, or is all this talk about amnesty moot. Last I heard, Red leaders claim they're not going to ask for amnesty, and I haven't heard any offers from gov't. So why all this discussion about something that's a non-issue?

    Has anyone but I mentioned the big clean-up that will need to happen? Plus, will there be charges for illegal dumping, and if so, who will be held responsible? And who will pay for the clean-up, .....municiple resources paid by taxpayers?

    More than a few farang have been busted and fined 2,000 baht on the spot for allegedly dropping a cig. butt in the city (some of the bustees don't even smoke, but that's another story). If 2,000 baht is the going rate for a cig butt smaller than your little finger, than what's the fine for dumping 5,000 fuel covered tires in downtown bangkok. Just the fuel itself would be grounds for hazardous waste dumping charges - in any civilized country.

    The red shirt leaders announcement that they didn't want any amnesty because they wanted to be able to prosecute government leaders and officials over the events of 10th April when they are in power (and being attacked by terrorists will be made a crime??!!) was clearly only for adrenaline pumping show on the red shirt stage. They are actually feverishly negotiating in secret for a blanket amnesty, which is why they are making feeble excuses for staying put, e.g. the date of the dissolution which is already known within 15 days. I think Abhisit has to restrict amnesty to charges regarding illegal assembly under the SOE. Without that they should arrest all the demonstrators as they leave the rally which would be pointless. Charges relating to terror and LM will have to stay (at least until Phuea Thai gets into power and squashes them). Otherwise Abhisit will be rejected by his own party, let alone the yellows, the multicolors and some factions in the army.

    Thanks Arkady, for substantiating what I assumed. In other words, it would be wholly understandable if the Red Shirt leaders are negotiating feverishly behind closed doors for certain types of amnesty. Simultaneously, they can strut on their stage and claim they're not asking for it, but that's probably just show.

    Certainly, scum like Seh Daeng and Kwanchai know they're going to be in deep doo doo, so expect them to hide away from authorities.

    UDD’s answer to Abhisit 4th May

    1. UDD is happy to enter negotiations and the process of solving the crisis.

    2. UDD wants to know the exact date of the dissolution of parliament since the election date is determined by the Election Commission, not the Prime Minister.

    3. The Government must stop all repressive measures. The citizens must have freedom of movement, freedom of assembly and freedom to receive information via all forms of media.

    4. The UDD leadership does not seek any pardon for charges of over throwing the Monarchy or charges of terrorism. They are happy to fight all charges in court. Similarly, those responsible for ordering soldiers to kill unarmed civilians should not receive any pardon. The Government must press forward with cases against the PAD for seizing the airports.

    5. All sides must stop using the Monarchy for political purposes.

  9. Many sources includign Bangkok Pundit, Chaing Noi, Nation BP, Matichon and many others, including

    most all papers of record in both language. Plus copious amounts of links and disccusion at the time in TVF.

    Forget this, he hasn't shown me links, so it never happened argument.

    It was common public knowledge. If you weren't looking then,

    it's not jd's responsibility to educate you now.

    When did all these people die? While part of organised protests, or over the years in individual incidents?

    I have found and seen reports of maybe up to 5 dead, but can't find anything about the numbers you are talking about.


    I am also missing the reports that include the numbers the boys here talking about.

    Have you ever seen that Animatic or jdinasia back up their 'facts'? No, also not in this case because they can't.

    The number is far to high. Team yellow at this board handle their figures in a lose way and 'generous'. Hyperbole is their hobbyhorse.

    Whybother, good to see, that you enquire here additional information 2 for this doubtful claim. That gives you credibility. you are far from coming under suspicion to be one of the "paid red propaganda trolls" and you are not one of the usual suspects and coloured internet partisans who regularly attack and bully only one side, but close their eyes at discrepancies or blatant lies as long it supports their 'fight' or support and defend every BS of their comrades.

  10. Does anyone here remember what Abhisit said exactly one year ago?

    May 1, 2009 PM vows reconciliation in 8 months

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday pledged to resolve animosity between rival groups and foster reconciliation in
    six to eight months to pave the way for a snap election

    "If things proceed as anticipated, then I aim to steer the country out of the present turmoil and bring about normalcy in six to eight months, following which
    I won't mind dissolving the House
    ," he said.


    Should the political reconciliation materialise and the economy show signs of recovery by the year's end, the government will be
    ready to return its mandate to the people
    for charting the future course, he said.

    Good Luck, don't forget that there is an IF in this years promise by Abhisit. Do you believe him? 55555

    Things didn't proceed as anticipated.

    I think one of the main things Abhisit has been trying to do is to fix the constitution.

    That was proceeding well, with proposed changes even including what the PTP were wanting, but then the PTP pulled out of all negotiations.

    Well, in the quote above Abhisit speak about Dissolution of the House and snap election, after he had steered the country out of turmoil and brought normalcy in six to eight months.

    Now according to Abhisit normalcy was restored even in a shorter time frame. On September 27, 2009 he said exactly that:

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday that his visit to the United States would help improve Thailand's image in the international community and show the country's readiness to resume its role in world forums.

    "Thailand has been absent from the global stage for a long time. Now we have made a comeback," he said.

    Abhisit said he had reassured foreign political and business leaders he met during his visit that the country had returned to normalcy.

    The prime minister said he believed business leaders now had a better understanding of and increased confidence in Thailand.

    Of course Abhisit wouldn't be Abhisit if you could believe what he says. Only a fool would trust his words. He only act more careful now and will later have the excuse: "I only said IF, but ..."

  11. mazeltow: You are the one doing propaganda when you post their reply regarding that the man in the picture is carrying a pistol 1h before the event and the fact that my statement above is in regards to red fans here claiming without a doubt that the shots came from the military infront of the soldiers on the bikes as they were traveling back.

    Your misuse of my quote out of context is typical propaganda twist.

    Nicely played.

    The other comments/replies that followed your entry address the 'a foreign media captured a man in black with gun.' part.

    Maybe you should wrote more than an oneliner comment and explain beforehand what you really wanted to say and don't cry fool afterwards if you don't like the reply.

    I twisted nothing. You should have some patience and spend some time for your audience if you wanna avoid misunderstandings.

  12. Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban Thursday night urged Silom people to stay away from the red-shirt people at the Lumpini Park by more than 400 metres.

    He said the M79 grenades, which injured more than 75 people on Silom Road, were fired from behind the King Rama VI statute where the red-shirt protesters were demonstrating.

    He said if the protesters were staying away more than 400 metres from the line of red-shirt protesters, they would be safe from the M79 attacks.

    Suthep said it was too dangerous for police and troops to go into the rally site at the park to try to arrest the assailants at night.

    The Nation

    -- The Nation (Date Unsure, not on the website)

    I hope this one wont be deleted by the moderators

    TO MODS: Can you put this in news it comes from a respectable newspapers/agency, but if this topic is already in news please give me the link smile.gif thanks (The link : http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/Suthe...-30127781.html)

    your link is broken, but google helped me:


    To check out the date of a The Nation article, press the small print icon icon_print.gif located at the top right of the article. The print version should open in a new window and contain the publishing date.

    "Your" article was published on April 22, 2010.

  13. Does anyone here remember what Abhisit said exactly one year ago?

    May 1, 2009 PM vows reconciliation in 8 months

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday pledged to resolve animosity between rival groups and foster reconciliation in
    six to eight months to pave the way for a snap election

    "If things proceed as anticipated, then I aim to steer the country out of the present turmoil and bring about normalcy in six to eight months, following which
    I won't mind dissolving the House
    ," he said.


    Should the political reconciliation materialise and the economy show signs of recovery by the year's end, the government will be
    ready to return its mandate to the people
    for charting the future course, he said.

    Good Luck, don't forget that there is an IF in this years promise by Abhisit. Do you believe him? 55555

  14. :) I believe you will find that they are talking about AlJazeera getting an armed terrorist on film.
    Jesus christ for red shirts with short memory...

    From that foreign media, AlJazeera, came already a statement that their film is used a propaganda tool and for misinformation:


    The shot that had a huge impact

    By Wayne Hay in Asia on May 1st, 2010

    It's amazing how one shot of a man carrying a gun can have a huge impact.

    While we were filming the battle between Thailand's anti-government protestors and the security forces on April 28, we saw several red shirts sneaking forward through cars, approaching the line of police and soldiers.

    One of them was carrying a pistol. Cameraman Ben Emery captured the image, and of course we used it in our story that day.

    The shot caught the attention of a lot of people in Thailand because it appeared to provide evidence that some of the red shirts are indeed brandishing guns.

    The image has been replayed on Thai television over and over again. It's been used in newspapers and on websites, and now by the warring factions.

    The red shirt leaders are talking about it on stage. Their political arm, the Peau Thai Party, used it as an exhibit at a media conference. They both claim the government and Thai media have been using that shot in isolation to attack them, instead of telling the whole story about what happened that day.

    All this debate has detracted from the facts.

    Brandishing pistol

    The man in the shot was clearly carrying a gun. He was wearing a red bandana and was creeping towards the police and military when he pulled the pistol from his bag.

    He was right in front of us and the three people in our team all saw it with our own eyes. We only saw one man carrying a gun. But he was slinking around the place with several other men. One of whom was dressed completely in black, which immediately raised my suspicion after so many mysterious men in black were spotted during the April 10 violence.

    Could they be government/military plants, as the red shirts suggest? Maybe. They could also be from a third party trying to stir up trouble. Or they could simply be red shirts.

    The leaders continue to deny their people are carrying guns, but all we can do on the ground in a fast moving situation like that is report what we see. And we saw a man in a red bandana brandishing a pistol.

    The second, and more important talking point of that day, was the unrelated killing of a soldier, which may have been a tragic case of death by friendly fire. The government has remained very quiet about the events that led to his death.


    It released a statement saying investigations are continuing but it also happened to mention our pictures of the man carrying the gun.

    In this order the statement mentioned: the possibility that "terrorists" may have infiltrated the protestors, the direction the bullet came from, the Al Jazeera footage showing "a terrorist" holding a weapon, and then lastly the autopsy results of the dead soldier.

    Despite the best efforts of various organisations who are trying to twist the story, we did not in any way suggest that the man we filmed with the gun had anything to do with the death of the soldier. We filmed him about an hour before we saw the body of the soldier being carried out.

    This ongoing crisis has been dominated by misinformation, rumours and speculation. The government and the security forces lost another one of their own. A clear explanation should have been forthcoming by now.

    Pure luck

    Compare this situation to the grenade blasts in Silom on April 22. Immediately after the explosions, the military broadcast over its loud speakers on the streets, that this was a red shirt attack. That same night, the deputy prime minister made a statement saying the grenades were launched from inside the red shirt protest area. Where was the investigation?

    From what I witnessed during the gun battle on April 28, it's pure luck that more people weren't killed or injured. The police and soldiers had more than enough warning that the red shirts were coming down the highway. They were travelling en masse and were easily identifiable. They should have diverted all the other traffic.

    Instead, innocent people were sandwiched between the riot police and the red shirts. Many remained in their cars, expecting to be let through the road block eventually. But when the security forces started firing their guns, people were trapped, lying down in their vehicles, trying to avoid being shot while others ran to the relative safety of the side of the road.

    This should never have been allowed to happen. They could easily have cleared those people out before the reds arrived.

    Twenty seven people have now been killed. Everything possible should be done to ensure that toll doesn't rise.


    I expect an apology from some posters too...
    Listen to the silence. :D
  15. For a group that is supposed to represent THE PEOPLE, it is suprising how much damage to the country of Thailand, its business and economy, not to mention the disruption to everyones lifestyles, health and finances have been caused by these protesters to teh very people of Thailand they are supposed to represent - what about the recent bomb atttack that resulted in a local business woman being killed by a grenade... all she was doing was closing her business after a hard days work earning a living (my sincere condolances go to her family) - how does this action help the people????

    คนเลวบึ้มเอ็ม 79 บีทีเอสศาลาแดง เจ็บ 75 ดับ 1 - พยานอ้างยิงจาก รพ.จุฬาฯ


    There have been reports that the M79 attacks on silom road came from the fifth floor of the chula hospital.

    Rhe red shirts didn't want to kick out and bully all the patients at chula but had other reasons.

    You mean to use it as a platform to stage attacks from?

    No, i don't think so. They don't wanted to get attacked from this location and assumed there where soldiers in the building.

    Sala Daeng grenades proven to be shot from Chulalongkorn Hospital

    BANGKOK, 5 May 2010 (NNT) – M79 grenade attacks at Sala Daeng Intersection on 22 April 2010 have been proven to be shot from Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, according to the Central Institute of Forensic Science Director, Khunying MD Pornthip Rojanasunan.

    The director stated that M79 grenades against protestors of the Alliance of Patriots that day could have been launched from either the seventh or the eighth floor of King Bhumibol Building in Chulalongkorn Hospital based on traces and damages found at the scene.

    Khunying MD Pornthip added that nitrate, a compound of the grenade, was found at both the seventh and the eighth floor of the building while a bullet hole was also found on the outside mirror of the women’s restroom on the eighth floor.

    The director however could not conclude if the grenade attacks at BTS Sala Daeng station and in front of Bank of Ayudhya near Dusit Hotel were instigated by the same perpetrators or not due to different projectile directions.

    Khunying MD Pornthip reasoned that all CCTVs inside King Bhumibol Building inside the hospital were damaged, and therefore no traces of the unrest perpetrators could be tracked.



    -- NNT 5 May 2010


  16. Porntip: Troop killed in Don Muang clash not killed by friendly fire

    Doctor Porntip Rojanasunan, the director of the Central Institute of Forensic Science, announced Tuesday that a troop killed during a clash between troops and protesters on April 28 was not killed by a friendly fire.

    Porntip said the ballistic study found that Pvt Narongrit Sala was shot by someone from a building under construction near a petrol station.

    The shooter was not on the Don Muang Tollway, Porntip said.

    The petrol station was the are where a foreign media captured a man in black with gun.

    I expect an apology from some posters too...

    Not likely contrition is something that requires logical thinking and... well contrition.

    Friendly fire never seemed likely, just fog of war reporting, and whirlwind spinmeistering.

    And most interesting that REPORTERS captured an armed Black Shirt near that building.

    Kudos to Dr. Porntip.

    In this video you can see some armed men at the petrol station, start at 1:46.

    Maybe some of the experts can have a look at it and tell us if that are weapons that can fire high velocity rounds.

    skynews — April 28, 2010

  17. . At one time they had a lot of sympathy among a lot of people and many of their demands remain reasonable. Sadly they have undermined this with their awful and agressive tactics, arrogance and complete lack of respect for ordinary people. These so called leaders should take a long look at themsleves and how they have managed to turn a peaceful campaign for the betterment of others lot into an armed violent campaign bent on squashing the rights of anyone they come across while holed up in an armed fortress with walls manned by thugs and fed with hate filled lies and single source indoctrination on a daily basis.

    "fed with hate filled lies and single source indoctrination on a daily basis. "

    now that is funny. you are talking about who?

    Declaring the red for "dead" as a movement and that they now lost all sympathy of the ordinary people is something that the spin meisters kept saying since 2007. It is a broken record.

    The reds have overreacted but the doc dudes at the hospital overreacted too. and with much bigger consequence for the patients. the evacuation is just a propaganda show and totally uncalled-for. Sane people will understand it.

  18. For a group that is supposed to represent THE PEOPLE, it is suprising how much damage to the country of Thailand, its business and economy, not to mention the disruption to everyones lifestyles, health and finances have been caused by these protesters to teh very people of Thailand they are supposed to represent - what about the recent bomb atttack that resulted in a local business woman being killed by a grenade... all she was doing was closing her business after a hard days work earning a living (my sincere condolances go to her family) - how does this action help the people????

    คนเลวบึ้มเอ็ม 79 บีทีเอสศาลาแดง เจ็บ 75 ดับ 1 - พยานอ้างยิงจาก รพ.จุฬาฯ


    There have been reports that the M79 attacks on silom road came from the fifth floor of the chula hospital.

    Rhe red shirts didn't want to kick out and bully all the patients at chula but had other reasons.

  19. A first arrest is made!!!

    the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has arrested a man who is suspected for posting a message on the social networking website Facebook, with inappropriate content posing a threat to national security.

    During the arrest the Police police confiscated more video and audio clips as well as pictures and articles deemed inappropriate and intended to stir up social unrest. A violation of the Computer Crime Act, in which violators will face up to no more than 15 years in prison.

    And DSI director-general Tharit Pengdit asked the public to help to keep watch for dissemination of content that violates the Computer Crime Act If you see something inappropriate, content instigating rifts within the society report them to the police.

    The DSI will root out persons in the network for punishment. So better watch out who is your friend at facebook and what this person are doing, if he posted something inappropriate to your wall you can get into big trouble, maybe you an get even in trouble for not reporting him when you know he does something obviously illegal.


    Additional the access to a couple of facebook groups websites got blocked in Thailand. I guess that and the arrests for a facebook comment will make some international news over the weekend.

    The other big story that goes INTER involves every-bodies darling Foreign Minister Kasit. While the brave man sees no problem when in a democratic country ambassadors meet with various political groups in the country it is viewed with concerns that a number of ambassador had meetings with anti-government protesters, no good because anti-government is illegal in Thailand.

    There is also a group of certain Ambassadors who spreading false information and voicing opposition through the internet.

    That is a story that will not make big headlines in the press, because it is an diplomatic issue and diplomats using other channels to communicate.

    read the full story here

  20. All Abhisit needs to do is to say "The coup of 2006 was incorrect, the following events from 2006 were wrong and the parliamentary coup that put me into power was also wrong and so I dissolve the house and put the power back to the people and lets have elections"

    No, Abhisit already mentions from start he is willing to accept Government dissolution in 9 months. The people will have the plenty of the times to have all the constructive debates and to reach the best decision to appoint the successful PM.That is reasonable, I am afraid to say.

    yes, Abhisit said that all the time and people stopped to believe him. he is a liar.

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday pledged to resolve animosity between rival groups and foster reconciliation in six to eight months to pave the way for a snap election.

    "If things proceed as anticipated, then I aim to steer the country out of the present turmoil and
    bring about normalcy in six to eight months
    , following which I won't mind dissolving the House," he said.

    five month later normalcy was restored, according to Abhisit, but no snap-election followed. a false promise.

    "Thailand has been absent from the global stage for a long time. Now we have made a comeback," he said.

    Abhisit said he had reassured foreign political and business leaders he met during his visit that
    the country had returned to normalcy

  21. A desperately absurd argument you are not successfully making.

    And the flame to finish it, bravo.

    Thank you for your input.

    I don't know about what you are talking and what is your point. Care to explain what and who you mean with 'desperately absurd argument'?

    But i am sure that you can tell jingthing a few things he isn't aware off. You know it better, right?

    Samak -- red shirt hero, Thaksin puppet PM, chef, implicated in the 1976 mass murder of peaceful, non-violent Thai students at Thammasat U.

    sounds very different from the version that was debated few days ago.

    Yes I know the history of Thammasat 1976, I was living just a few miles away at the time and watching the whole thing on the TV.

    I remember quite clearly how four officials, waving a large white flag were gunned down by the students as they were walking in through the main gate to negotiate a ceasefire. The students were on the 3rd floor stairs and used a M50 heavy caliber machine gun to kill the four officers.

    After that all hel_l broke lose and I remember the crowd grabbing a student, hanging him and then burning him alive in what used to be the old Sunday market.

    The students were out and out communists in those days, and the ones that escaped out the back and up the river, went to live in China. Now must are back in Thailand after they were awarded immunity from prosecution.

    One might extrapolate this the crucible in which Red Shirt Dr. Weng's philosophy was hardened.

    So what you think about Weng seems clear, but would you agree with the jingthing interpretation too?

    How it comes that member Hawk tells us something else? What is true?

    Recap: The whole point started with member jingthing who wanted to frame and blame the red shirts for the October 76 tragedy with finger-pointing at Samak. mass murder of innocent peaceful non violent students, he said.

    Unfortunately he refused to become more elaborate. Busy typing so many entries per day he had no time leftover to do it.

    I said it is necessary to keep the things in context and look at the source of his information.

    because it is mostly a version of the history that Dr. Weng and Prof. Giles Ji Ungpakorn opine. who are not exactly leading figures of the anti-red movement, right.

    Actually is that what Jingthing called "common knowledge- google it" the history written & published by and according to Ungpakorn and former CPT like Weng and nobody else. A version recognised and accepted by the so called 'western liberal view'. And too detailed books about it are banned in Thailand. A reduced wiki version seems to be jungthings common "knowledge". In thai context something like 'wengen'.

    Than in Thailand that version far from established, that explained Samaks reaction in the Al Jazeera interview "only one died". Only strange for western eyes. Samak was loyal to the constitution and a staunch anti-communist just like the Democrats Party for example, the Chuan Leekpai government wanted to honour Dictator Thanom Kittikachorn. And the evil-communist card or the blame game to label someone as anti-monarchist is still a tactic today, used against an anti-government protest.

    You cannot one day rant again the unconstitutional students protests and claim they wanted to overthrow the monarchy and are all thuggish Maoist and a Marxist and so on. And three pages later suddenly start to to say they are all innocent and take Samak as bogeyman who represents the evil force. It is to complex and pretty complicated and cannot be reduce into two lines of hate comment. this way you will repeatedly commit a fallacy after fallacy.

    I don't want to defend Marxism or claim that Samak is a good guy.

    But you cannot say October massacre=peaceful students vs.Samak=PPP=Red Shirts

    or October massacre=communist/maoist revolt=Weng/Giles=Red Shirts

    Put and keep the things in context or you are nothing else than a dishonest demagogue, telling half truths and lies.

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