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Posts posted by mazeltov

  1. terryfrd twitter: Complete PR disaster for reds from pantip.com. Then linkls to the piucs we have seen. Neutral journo gets it and this started to be seen after Nattawut and then Weng jusitifed the invasion last night and while Jatuporn was actually jusitfying it live on TV

    pretty exciting isn't it? you celebrate the bad PR almost as a victory.

    the whole stunt is nothing more than a battle for the public opinion. a media war.

    will be forgotten for the international press tomorrow, they will continue to focus on the bigger picture and the main issue. and abhisit don't have many plus points there.

  2. Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...


    It would be interesting to see the conditions of the hospital before they moved the patients. You're suggesting the mattresses were not stained before? And the fluids machine wasn't rusty? Considering the red shirts haven't harmed any patients, was there really a need to move them?

    The patients are now used as a pawn in the propaganda war against the reds.

  3. Do you know who Dr. Weng and Prof. Giles Ji Ungpakorn are?

    And your fact taken from wikipedia might be coming from a book that is banned in Thailand. Guess why.

    I don't say Samak was a good guy but you should better studies all the circumstances and the historical context too before you start throwing mud at the reds.

    Ummm Dr Weng --- Senior Core member of the Reds --- known Maoist --- spokesman for the Red shirts when they met with the government --- has openly called for violence against the legal sitting government.

    Giles U ... had to run from Thailand back to the UK. Wrote the Red Siam Manifesto. There was a Red Siam stage not too long ago. Giles is an outspoken red that has appeared on red stages along side red core leaders. Giles has spoken out against the monarchy. Giles was turned in for his crimes apparently by his coworkers.

    So, we have Dr Weng --- core leader of the Reds and violent, and Giles U. who has appeared on red stages and is no longer welcome in Thailand (without having to answer for L.M. charges). A Maoist and a Marxist that are openly associated with , or are directly red shirt core leaders ---

    Now --- what is your point?

    I think his point was that it is understood by all and sundry that maoist and marxist philpsophies fully endorse the choice of a constitutional monarchy as an appropriate form of political structure for a country.

    The whole point started with member jingthing who wanted to frame and blame the red shirts for the october 76 tragedy with finger-pointing at Samak.

    put and keep the things in context or you are nothing else that a dishonest demagogue.

    so what is your agenda?

  4. Man from Phichit asks Democrat to help send him, 24 friends home

    BANGKOK: -- A man from Phichit went to the Democrat Party head office Friday and asked the party to help send him and 24 friends back home.

    Add a few more people to the list of Isaan non-red supporters.

    Mr. Expert, Phichit isn't exactly in Isaan, but keep on going with your stereotyping and simplifying if it helps your agenda.

  5. Do you know who Dr. Weng and Prof. Giles Ji Ungpakorn are?

    And your fact taken from wikipedia might be coming from a book that is banned in Thailand. Guess why.

    I don't say Samak was a good guy but you should better studies all the circumstances and the historical context too before you start throwing mud at the reds.

    Ummm Dr Weng --- Senior Core member of the Reds --- known Maoist --- spokesman for the Red shirts when they met with the government --- has openly called for violence against the legal sitting government.

    Giles U ... had to run from Thailand back to the UK. Wrote the Red Siam Manifesto. There was a Red Siam stage not too long ago. Giles is an outspoken red that has appeared on red stages along side red core leaders. Giles has spoken out against the monarchy. Giles was turned in for his crimes apparently by his coworkers.

    So, we have Dr Weng --- core leader of the Reds and violent, and Giles U. who has appeared on red stages and is no longer welcome in Thailand (without having to answer for L.M. charges). A Maoist and a Marxist that are openly associated with , or are directly red shirt core leaders ---

    Now --- what is your point?

    Dude. the context comes with October 1976.

  6. Prove it. Your statement is at odds with almost every report by domestic and international journalists.

    What latest investigation? Got a source for that latest investigation?

    What was exaggerated about the deaths? Got a source for that one too?

    Enlighten us please mazeltov

    An independent committee probing drug-related killings during the first Thaksin Shinawatra government has found no concrete evidence linking senior figures with the murders, a Justice Ministry source said yesterday.

    After five months of inquiries, the panel, led by former attorney general Khanit na Nakhon, has obtained only statistical details about the number and nature of the murders.

    But no conclusion that would implicate police or Thaksin as the instigator of the shoot-to-kill policy has been reached.

    a lot of the death were just "normal homicides" that would had occurred without war on drugs or not.

    Re: former attorney general Khanit na Nakhon


    I thought they were being polite in this article. Umm... not exaggerating.

    Whats your point? Not so nice people in the JUNTA team? guess why the reds are out in the streets and protest.

  7. Samak -- red shirt hero, Thaksin puppet PM, chef, implicated in the 1976 mass murder of peaceful, non-violent Thai students at Thammasat U.

    Did he? Source?

    Dr. Weng and Prof. Giles Ji Ungpakorn might argue that way. Not exactly leading figures of the anti-red movement.

    Common knowledge, boychik. Google it yourself.

    "In 1992, as Deputy Prime Minister in the Suchinda administration, Samak justified the military's brutal suppression of pro-democracy demonstrators by declaring that the government had the right to do so as long as the US could send troops to kill people in other countries,"

    wikipedia Samak_Sundaravej

    If you read the bios of some of these key players you'll find that they've been all over the political map. That they've suppressed and killed demonstrators when they were in power. It's a never ending cycle.

    Do you know who Dr. Weng and Prof. Giles Ji Ungpakorn are?

    And your fact taken from wikipedia might be coming from a book that is banned in Thailand. Guess why.

    I don't say Samak was a good guy but you should better studies all the circumstances and the historical context too before you start throwing mud at the reds.

  8. Man from Phichit asks Democrat to help send him, 24 friends home

    BANGKOK: -- A man from Phichit went to the Democrat Party head office Friday and asked the party to help send him and 24 friends back home.

    More evidence that many of the red shirts are being VICTIMIZED by their very own warlord leaders. ...

    Actually more an evidence that the people who attend the rally don't get paid and that coming from a witness who openly admit that he would sell his political opinion for money and is only here for the ฿ bill.

  9. Thaksin killed nobody. And the number of 2600+ Thai killed in the war of drug exaggerated and outdated and not conform with the latest investigation.

    Prove it. Your statement is at odds with almost every report by domestic and international journalists.

    What latest investigation? Got a source for that latest investigation?

    What was exaggerated about the deaths? Got a source for that one too?

    Enlighten us please mazeltov

    An independent committee probing drug-related killings during the first Thaksin Shinawatra government has found no concrete evidence linking senior figures with the murders, a Justice Ministry source said yesterday.

    After five months of inquiries, the panel, led by former attorney general Khanit na Nakhon, has obtained only statistical details about the number and nature of the murders.

    But no conclusion that would implicate police or Thaksin as the instigator of the shoot-to-kill policy has been reached.

    a lot of the death were just "normal homicides" that would had occurred without war on drugs or not.

  10. Samak -- red shirt hero, Thaksin puppet PM, chef, implicated in the 1976 mass murder of peaceful, non-violent Thai students at Thammasat U.

    Did he? Source?

    Dr. Weng and Prof. Giles Ji Ungpakorn might argue that way. Not exactly leading figures of the anti-red movement.

    Common knowledge, boychik. Google it yourself.

    do you realise that you get something wrong and illogical here? it isn't always so simple as you maybe wish or appreciate it.

    try to grasp the context. But analytical skills and greater breadth of understanding is something you cannot google.

  11. Yeah that Samak...nasty piece of work.....knocking up a ceasar salad on TV........personification of evil......makes me sick. :)

    Don't you think a PM should just concentrate on being a PM, instead of having a job as a chef on TV too?

    It does explain a lot though. Samak didn't get much done while he was PM. (RIP)

    Samak -- red shirt hero, Thaksin puppet PM, chef, implicated in the 1976 mass murder of peaceful, non-violent Thai students at Thammasat U.

    Did he? Source?

    Dr. Weng and Prof. Giles Ji Ungpakorn might argue that way. Not exactly leading figures of the anti-red movement.

  12. However, Natthawut apologized to the hospital's staff and patients over the inappropriate behavior of some protesters and red-shirt guards, but asked for sympathy as they are waging this political war with their bear hands.

    This has to be one of the funniest things that I have heard in this entire escapade. If English isn't your first language then let me explain.

    If you are intending to say "without any weapons" you would say "with their BARE hands". "With their BEAR hands" means that they have paws. For a moment I pictured the image of the red shirt leaders on stage fumbling about with the microphone because they have bear's paws (hands).

    If you still don't get this then you probably haven't sampled such a wide variety of the world's bountiful substances as I have and I apologise for heading off on a tangent!!


    did you ever sampled that yellow flower stuff? i heard it is one of the best things evar.



  13. How gives a ...? Only small minded people think that is all about the Montenegrin.

    so tell me what is it all about ? what is so pressing that you could not take the 9 month offer ? huh ?

    Dude. No trust in Abhisits promises and when the argument is the the current govenment isn't truly a democratic elected one why should they wait any longer and give them additional 9 month to cling in power?

    I love that "Not democratically elected" theme. No matter how many times it is debunked, it keeps coming back. Fight the power Mazeltov!

    Dude. If the reds had the opinion that Abhisit is democratic legitimate why they should call for a snap elections at all? They argue he is not and then makes it no sense to wait another 9 month.

  14. yeah right but now he is in his new country changed his name and spoke to the world that montnegro now is his home forget takky senagare he aint coming back

    How gives a ...? Only small minded people think that is all about the Montenegrin.

    so tell me what is it all about ? what is so pressing that you could not take the 9 month offer ? huh ?

    Dude. No trust in Abhisits promises and when the argument is the the current govenment isn't truly a democratic elected one why should they wait any longer and give them additional 9 month to cling in power?

  15. New Elections New Elections New Elections New Elections

    Democracy Democracy Democracy Democracy Democracy Democracy

    Desolve Parliment Desolve Parliment Desolve Parliment Desolve Parliment

    storm more . . .

    search more . . .

    block more . . .

    sorry, I am really sick :-(

    A taste of things to come if the reds prevail. And yet we still have foreigners in sympathy with this lawless insurgency. Talk about sickening. I am sure there were also pro-Nazi expats in Weimer Berlin too.

    Of course there always hardcore extremist that supports the undemocratic side. This board is full of them.

    elections, who can they dare...

  16. Can somebody explain me what is waiting the government to send 10000 soldiers to bash all these retarded reds ?

    Serious question, I can't understand.

    There is a measurable percentage of the Reds that are heavily armed. (See the videos from April 10th etc to verify this)

    History in Thailand suggests that a government that cracks down on citizens and causes deaths cannot survive. The (perhaps false) belief that blood on the streets will topple ANY government in Thailand explains why the reds are so intent on creating martyrs. This MAY be an outdated belief in that Thaksin cracked down on "drugs" and killed 2600+ Thai citizens without trial and of whom MANY were in no way involved with the drug trade. Not only did his government survive but it was re-elected.

    Since the violence of April 10th (Red violence that elicited a response from the government) there has not been an increased cry for the dissolution of parliament, and in fact the Reds have lost credibility AND support. This may indicate that Thai people are now seeing that there may be times when a Thai government may have to crack down on violent lawless elements in society.

    What a nonsense.

    The reds are not intent on creating martyrs. t This is a typical yellow mindset, but not everybody is that lunatic. The reds mourn their death of course, but not worship them to the extreme as the PAD did.

    This was one of Maj. Gen. Chamlong strategies when he send his yellow sheeps to attack the parliament in october 2008. Remember his famous letter he wrote in the morning.

    ""We all gather here to repay the gratitude of our motherland. We come here to do good for the country and repay our debt to the country. This is the duty of all Thais. Before we die, we must repay the debt to our motherland. No matter what will happen, let us all remember that it's the duty of Thais to serve the nation, religion and the King. I, Chamlong Srimuang, would like to remind all Thais that we were all born with a duty. No matter how tall we are, no matter the shade of our complexion, how poor or rich we are, we have the duty to repay the debt to the motherland. Chamlong Srimuang, 6 am."(Source: The Nation)

    And this was not the first time that Maj. Gen. Chamlong created martyrs for his own interests.

    Thaksin killed nobody. And the number of 2600+ Thai killed in the war of drug exaggerated and outdated and not conform with the latest investigation.

  17. dear mazeltov how delusional are you its only thanks to that gov. that there is not more blood. the only people really trying to have fights is that red mob. there the only ones shouting come and get us so they can go trough with there hidden agenda.

    Dude. What is the hidden agenda in demanding a new election?

    On which side are the most dead and the most injured? Which media channels get shut down and websites banned and censored? Who tries something to hide here?

  18. In addition to the wheelchair-bound patients shown earlier, the international press is showing the bed-ridden being evacuated to safety

    Reuters - Paramedics assist in evacuating a patient from the Chulalongkorn Hospital in the Silom business district of Bangkok

    This is really sick. The reds are starting to look like the Khmers Rouges.

    If you knew anything about the Khmer Rouge you would realize just how assanine your comment is. Get educated or keep quiet.

    The ustupty of some ofte posts on heough to make me want to go postal myself. Farangs, and yes I am one, calling for the mass slaughter of teh red demonstrators, when in fact most all of you do not understand what the hel_l is going on around you. It just interupts your beer drinkingand you are upset. I what the reds are doing is terrorist activity, then what the yellows did was also terrorist activity. As such, justice needs to be served on a first come first served basis. Convict and imprison the Yellow Shirt Leaders and set the example of what will happen to the Red leaders. What's is good for the goose is good for the gander.

    The modeator here needs to eliminate all posts which call for the slaughter of any group of people. The words of a few morons make all farang look bad.

    Second that!

  19. No worry, give the(PM)and his PR strategists a half day down on the streets of bangkok and he will refill the entire hospital with new patients in serious condition. Easy task, that is what the PM is known for.

    translation please in english

    * edited to repair the quote

    One month ago PM Abhisit, promised to restore normalcy as soon as possible and without any losses.

    End of this month we have so far more than 1,000 people injured and 27 killed. Most of them are the victims of a failed crackdown operation on April 10, in a few hours over 20 people dead and more than 800 injured.

    That keeps a hospital busy.

    My comment was an reply to an entry that was concerned about the loss of face and spoke about the biggest PR disasters because patients left the hospital. I said no reason to worry, the empty bedsides will be easy refilled if PM Abhisit continues with his marvellous work.

    Understand it now?

  20. Im sure its been before but just noticed Al Jazeera has the shadowy black shirts mingling with reds again at Don Muang.

    18 people wounded, of whom 16 are civilians and two soldiers. What did Al Jazeera say, who is responsible for this?

    One month ago, when the government invoke the emergency law, Abhisit promised restore normalcy as soon as possible and without any losses. How its going?

  21. Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

    Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

    Lets understand what happened.

    Old Weng last night went on stage and said the government were hiding fully armed troops in Chula Hospital. Then later Payap went on stage and said the same thing. Then a very young woman journalist challeneged Payap to produce evidence. Payap obviously couldnt produce any at all but having had his word as a elitist Thai cahallenged by some young woman was quite hard for him to take. Lot sof the elite are like this. If they say something you are expected to believe it and for a young woman to challenge a rich powerful older man was just too much for old Payap who basically thought he would prove it by storming into the hospital. Then double loss of face. Not only was it shown that old Weng and old Payap were telling a few porkies but the condemnation for storming into a hospital gave the reds one of their biggets PR disasters to date and left any vestige of moral highground shattered while also taking what they had done past anything the yellows had ever done.

    So when Weng issues his hollow apology where is his apology for whippng the incident up with his lies in the first place?

    No worry, give the Butcher if Bangkok and his PR strategists a half day down on the streets of bangkok and he will refill the entire hospital with new patients in serious condition. Easy task, that is what the PM is known for.

  22. Either gunshots or a firecracker is being heard at Chula. Just how far will they go? A hospital of all places. No respect for anyone, even those who are in need of medical help. Sickening.

    Of course this is not their FIRST hospital invasion this MONTH...

    Lets not forget the emergency room Body Snatching scenes from two weeks back.

    Yes, we're talking about a hospital. It's a hospital. Since when are hospitals in Thailand a political target? Only since the Redshirts came along and on the scene. If I knew nothing else of Thailand and the conflicts of the past decade, this would be all I'd need to know about present events, circumstances and the 'players', for sure. This would be all I'd need to know of the Redshirts and Thaksin.

    Maybe britmaveric can tell us in 6 words and 3 emoticons or less why freedom fighting "lads" need to force their way into a hospital and intimidate staff and patients? Maybe they're doing it for the "dosh"? Or maybe they're just immoral thugs.

    Just stay tuned to your favorite twitter channel. Will tell you everything you wanna know. Don't miss if someone hears a firecracker near whatever sounds important.

    Over 100 red shirts still linger around at the hospitals since the emergency room invasion ofApril 10, refuse to walk home. yesterday another batch was delivered.

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