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Posts posted by mazeltov

  1. If they did the same with the PM arrests would be made.

    And would you support that, or is this all just harmless fun characteristic, as some have said, of a healthy democracy, but uncharacteristic in the extreme in Thaksin's time as PM.

    Cartoons losing their funny side?

    Published on April 29, 2009

    Rayong Democrat MP Satit Pitutacha attacked Thai Rath cartoonist "Sia" Sakda Iew, saying he was bent on destroying Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and the Democrat Party.

    In a press conference on Sunday, Satit said Sia's cartoons were clearly biased against the PM and the Democrat Party.

    "Sia did not exercise media ethics and professionalism in his work. He did not offer a professional, honest criticism or offer his opinions in a creative manner so it would lead to a straightforward consumption of news. He did not use his intellect either at a time when the country is facing problems," he said. "I ask for Sia to be fair, unbiased, professional, ethical and work within media standards."


    The Supreme Court Friday issued arrest warrants against 2 former Thai Rak Thai MPs after they failed to turn up to hear the verdict of the court in a defamation case filed by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

    The court ordered that Suporn Atthawong and Thirachai Saenkaew be arrested and brought to the court to hear the verdict at 9 am on April 21.

    The two were accused of defaming Abhisit by saying the prime minister was unusually rich.

    The lower courts gave 12-month suspended jail term against Suporn and a six-month suspended jail term against Thirachai. Suporn was ordered to pay a fine of Bt20,000 while Thirachai Bt10,000.

    The lower courts put the two on probation for two years.

    The two appealed against the ruling and the Supreme Court was scheduled to read the verdict Friday.

  2. Shawndoc,

    Great comment. I respect your view totally. I won't deny I support the red very quietly. Due to my profession, I should be ''neutral'' so I don't make biased comments and I wouldn't say I agreed with the blood campaign the reds carried out, yet I totally understand their call, and I fight their corner. I believe the poors and unpriveledged votes should count just as much. In the society where it all depends who you know, it's unsurprising people with little connection will feel frustated like this.


    Or if you're Thai like me, you'd know wherte to go already. We don't want these websites that us,banned so , with a bit of research without me spelling them out.

    How is this site 'non-properganda????

    Non-properganda means having an impartial view on avents. This site is a LONG way from that!

    did you take a look at the 'pending cases' and which persons are listed there?

  3. The obvious differences being that no urine was thrown at the airport and the blood that was thrown more recently was contaminated with HIV.

    Some might think those are somewhat significant differences.

    Urine was thrown at the airport by Yellow shirts

    Do you have news coverage link on that? Never saw that in any media.

    The PAD said it had to campaign for Samak government's ouster because it regarded the government as being a puppet of the Thaksin regime.

    Police apparently briefed up its forces at the bridge while the PAD leaders announced to the demonstrators to get prepared for resisting a possible crackdown.

    A PAD leader advised protesters to arm themselves with bags of human excrement and urine to fight off police.

    below photos from the government house and what the PAD had left there:



    i saw similar photos from the airport.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yob7DUHl-Hg

    The song is, 'Mop see chom-poo'. It is not the yellow shirts or the red shirts in the streets but the pink shirts!!! This is an interesting concept for a song in light of recent demonstrations by the yellows and reds in Bangkok. Does it make a political statement too? Yes, the song does. Jintara is saying that the yellow and red shirts are not real competitors. She wants a new political formation based on love. This group would be identified by their pink shirts! Good for Jintara! Jintara was born on 12 March 1971, and this vcd was released on 11 February 2009. A special thank you to Nisamanee for helping to translate the title of the song, in particular, the word 'Mop' from Thai to English.

  5. Korn wants to serve as FM for nine years

    BANGKOK, 1 April 2010 (NNT) - Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij says that he wants to continue his term as the finance minister for nine years, providing a plan to manage the economy in the short- and long-terms.

    According to Mr Korn, the plans include solving the Map Ta Phut impasse, pushing for the informal debt refinancing as well as various monetary policies and expediting public investments through the economic stimulus Strong Thailand Scheme.

    Regarding the request for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to dissolve the house in three months, the minister said it was not sensible and the premier had already explained why the house should be dissolved in the next nine months.

    According to the minister, before the house is dissolved, the government will expediting budget disbursement under the Strong Thailand Scheme, pass loan acts, complete the 2011 fiscal budget plan, tackle informal debt and enact the property act.

    The government has also set plans to reform telecommunications concession and manage the micro-finance system for low-income earners to solve the problem of informal debt in the long run.

    Mr Korn said that the private sector has expressed their disapproval of the UDD’s demand for a house dissolution in 15 days due to bad timing.


    -- NNT BANGKOK, 1 April 2010



  6. City Residents Hold Gathering to Oppose House Dissolution

    BANGKOK: -- Bangkok residents are gathering at Chulalongkorn University today at 2PM to show opposition towards a House dissolution.

    They will also wear pink to show their displeasure towards the red shirt movement.


    i thought the pink shirts or the concept and idea behind is something to show love and positive emotions. IMHO, it should not be used in a counter-action against the red shirts.

    All the other colours have been taken.

    it isn't just an issue that there aren't any colours left to chose. that colour represent point one in the constitution.

    and it is used in a government propaganda campaign. or should i say a democrats propaganda campaign.

    protests against Abhisit aren't protests against that point one.

    a political team that currently run a government should not declare its political opponents to enemies of the state.

    i am waiting for a 'come as you are' movement. pluralism, a unity in diversity.

  7. She stressed that the movement was non-partisan and "colour-blind" as far as the current political rifts were concerned.....

    And then proceeded to list off a list of demands/request that solely target one side and benefit the other in the debate.

    That's a popular form of "non-partisan" around these here parts.

    during the "Airport fun, food, music and PAD party" there came also peace calls from such peaceniks. demaning that the PAD should go home and let it be restore democracy and so on.

    " Ask Gorvernment to Leave due to inefficiently in solving political conflict

    And PAD to leave Suvarnabhumi Airport

    Let legitimacy back on the track and free democracy

    We don't want Thais people to fight each other, We don't want to see violence and so The Civil War"

    People Stop Civil War through Peace Network (PWPN)"


    undersigned by a impressive list of many different groups, network of academics, businessmen and civic-society organisations and so on.

    these dudes had their priorities and where able to focus the main problem and the following demands made clear that they are truly 'non-partisan' and not target only one side.

    I am wondering when they will come forward these days. its about time.

  8. City Residents Hold Gathering to Oppose House Dissolution

    BANGKOK: -- Bangkok residents are gathering at Chulalongkorn University today at 2PM to show opposition towards a House dissolution.

    They will also wear pink to show their displeasure towards the red shirt movement.



    i thought the pink shirts or the concept and idea behind is something to show love and positive emotions. IMHO, it should not be used in a counter-action against the red shirts.

  9. he is violent?

    Yes, I believe he is. Although he get's his lackies to do most of the violence for him now.


    I couldn't find the one about his speech before the protests started.

    r u kidding me?

    did you read the entries in the topic?

    and is TVF your prime source of information?

    you know there is a big discrepancy between the world according to TFV & The Nation and the colourful world and reality outside this narrow minded forum focus.

    seh deang is an actor and self promoter for his adventure story books. he is your cool uncle. don't take everything literally. like every thai actor he is overacting. (but not becoming agitated)

    on a list of possible suspects he is one of the last.

    do you know that his daughter is in the Young PAD Team?

    Mazeltov --- please tell that to the people that died from grenade attacks that commenced immediately after Sae Daeng annonced them. Please tell that to the familes of the wounded after he made his most recent announcements.

    Then again for someone that claims to know things about the current impasse your questions of who is Sae Daeng and is he violent were just typical disengenuiness.

    "the familes of the wounded after he made his most recent announcements." - about what exactly you are talking here?

    'the violent red shirt leader Sae Daeng ' - that must be an other than the Seh Deang i know. so my guess is you must have other information. so what is wrong with my question? if your share your information i can maybe rethink my opinion. a recap is also not bad from time to time for a readers.

    what makes the question 'who is Sae Daeng' "typical disengenuiness [sic]"?

    don't like it because you cannot answer it, cannot give an objective reply and your 'knowledge' is only rumours, fiction, exaggeration and rhetoric? then blame yourself not me.

  10. Actually a very informative report. Thanks for the link.

    Of course, it took me a while to find it, but sure enough, they do mention Yongyuth case. A bit different then the storey you told.

    ...Using a hidden camera, Yongyuth was filmed bribing local government officials from the town of Chiang Rai to campaign on his behalf. The strength of such evidence – collected by the Special Branch police – lead to the ECT giving Yongyuth a ‘red card’. ...

    I am not familar with the Chaing Rai politics, can you tell me for how many years a Tiyapairat has been the MP and have they ever lost an election?


    at an other topic you wrote that you miss my reply, so here it comes:

    i was impressed that you read the whole paper in 10 minutes and didn't found any other interesting details worth to mention. (i was also impressed that only 3 other board member did download it)

    it was published in march 2008, so it didn't mentioned later development like the by-elections for his yellow carded sister. i didn't found the 100k of baht you have been talking about.

    did the quote you had cherry picked from the report contradict what i have said before?

    what said the report about balanced and even-handed investigation of all sides and the neutrality of the investigation/investigators? did you read that?

    don't look only superficial at the subject, the surface and then assume or make speculations about what the details could be. look at the details for yourself and than make your own conclusion. if you know the tiny bits you will probably better understand why some people argue otherwise.

    anyway, what is actually your point? taken me in responsibility for how precise and accurate the report is or how many mistakes are inside? the video evidence was controversial and disputed and indeed the EC based their decision on other evidence.

    "EC member Sumeth Upanisakorn said the EC had carefully looked into the sub-panel's investigation report before deciding to hand Yongyuth the red card. He said he did not attach much weight to the VCD used as evidence to back up the vote-buying allegations against Yongyuth. Witness accounts were more important, he said. "EC rules to red-card Yongyuth

    so why you are pushing me to answer you, while yourself you ignored my question 'where you get the bags filled with 100k's of baht from?' and ignored my point 'to have a look at the outcome of the by-election at the constituency , exactly there where the fraud, the so-called vote buying, was committed.

    do you want exchange opinions, share your knowledge on the subject with others in a mature debate or are you up for bickering and strawman attacks?

  11. Yes, that new poster does have a tendency to get carried away. But for most here we do not use the characterizations that you seem to want to put on everyone.

    Oh, did you ever answer my response to about Yongyuth and how your own source used him as an example of enforcement of voting fraud during the 2007 election?


    did is say everybody is that way? i had my reasons to reply to this member with the words i have chosen.

    and okay, i will answer to your reply at the Yongyuth issue.

  12. who is sae deang?

    One of the more violent of the reds "leaders".

    he is violent?

    Yes, I believe he is. Although he get's his lackies to do most of the violence for him now.


    I couldn't find the one about his speech before the protests started.

    r u kidding me?

    did you read the entries in the topic?

    and is TVF your prime source of information?

    you know there is a big discrepancy between the world according to TFV & The Nation and the colourful world and reality outside this narrow minded forum focus.

    seh deang is an actor and self promoter for his adventure story books. he is your cool uncle. don't take everything literally. like every thai actor he is overacting. (but not becoming agitated)

    on a list of possible suspects he is one of the last.

    do you know that his daughter is in the Young PAD Team?

  13. rather tactless to instrumentalise innocent victims for your hate speech.

    the 'reds' you like to paint as uncivilised cavemen and sub-humans are an anti-coup movement. citizen resistance. being more civil isn't possible and they are the only group but there are many of them.

    Please point to a single time a reputable member has used these words to describe the red shirts.

    This is pointless hyperbole and demagogy, the refuge of those that have run out of reasonable, fact based arguments.


    so what have the bombings in Moscow in common with the red shirts in bangkok?

    sorry, hyperbole and demagogy you can find in the remarks of this members. all the time with the same pattern and systematic.. good vs. evil. high vs. low. 'the raw and the cooked'. some innocent victim, a decent person, a superior Abhisit, a self declared art expert and so on are juxtapose some horror stories and rants about the inferior red mob who throws grenades and blood buckets all the time at innocent bystanders and burns down the city. that is pure hate speech. every post is full of phobia, xenophobia and a superiority complex. i don't lot of insults and rants you can read here at this board. people are emotional and not everybody got a good education. but this rhetoric has a special quality. Julius Streicher couldn't have done it better.

    2 examples:

    on the subject of blood rituals:

    I do artworks to sell, since 1982, and to be honest you can make more of an captivating & hard-hitting drawing using pencils than you can with congealed plasma.Its just another step back away from civilisation. Even cavemen used multi-coloured pigments and crystals to produce powerful art.Topic: Drawings By Human Blood

    besides that you have works with blood in modern art too, the western "civilisation" worship(ed) carvings and paintings of a tortured dude nailed on a cross, while drinking his blood and eat pieces of his flesh. how you explain that to an outsider, a stranger from an other culture, who comes the first time ever in his life into a church?

    or the imaginary friend and the red monsters

    "One of my Thai friends who was born and raised in Bangkok, and works with international investment firms there, telephoned me last night in tears because she said she was so embarrased to speak to her foreign clients today, she felt this blood incident made her look like she was part of some barbaric race. Her words.

    Its so sad, I've never met any of these loonies with the blood buckets etc. but I have met hundreds of professional and smart Thais who all get tarnished by this." Protests Turn Bloody -- But Not Violent

    reasonable? fact based arguments?

  14. Rather tactless & in poor taste, to travel to a city on the very day it is in mourning over a tragic double bombing the day before, when you yourself are the advocate, funder & protagonist of bombings against civilians in an armed insurgency in your home nation.

    Tact & humilty & respect were never his strong points though.

    rather tactless to instrumentalise innocent victims for your hate speech.

    the 'reds' you like to paint as uncivilised cavemen and sub-humans are an anti-coup movement. citizen resistance. being more civil isn't possible and they are the only group but there are many of them.

  15. how realistic is that at all? isn't it at the moment just a more or less vague idea? is it really backed up and recommended by the government or just a thought a small board went prematurely public. with.

    just a try to buy some time or a jump start into election campaign season. the small coalition partners can poker very high these days. if its really that cool, the opposition can say - yes fantastic concept we support that.

  16. Threads like this are just a rehash of the same crap over and over. Thaksin is bad, Thaksin is bogeyman, Thaksin make Thailand corrupt. The same gang of foreigners that have zero influence in Thailand, that have zero say in the matter, weigh in. It's their opinion and nothing else. Most members of TV don't even bother replying anymore because it is a waste of time. What purpose does it serve? None of the people here blaming everything on Thaksin have a role in the resolution of the issues under discussion anyway. I would pay attention if just one of these people was providing employment for a few hundred people, or was responsible for the advancement of Thai society. Isn't it odd that of all the foreign operations in Thailand, the big ones, like construction, oil exploration automotive, computers etc., none of the companies said boo? There were no frothing attacks as per the gang of TV bullies. No foreign governments railed against Thaksin as they did against other leaders.

    We all know Thaksin had weaknesses. What Thai leader and its government hasn't? The reality is that there hasn't been any reduction in the levels of corruption in Thailand since Thaksin was over thrown by a military coup. Nor has there been any noticeable progress in human rights, quality of life, access to health care or education. PAD and its military pals said the skies would be blue, the sun would shine and prosperity would flow once Thaksin was ousted. It never happened.

    Let me make it even simpler to grasp. Your views do not matter. You do not matter either because you are nothing in the scheme of things. You were marginalized in your home countries and you are nobodies here too. To those that hold sincere legitimate views, my comments are not intended for you. I respect your honest sentiments, and agree with many. It's just that after awhile one gets tired of the same crap puked up from people with some deeper issues at play.

    This situation affects everyone who lives in Thailand, has families in Thailand, has girlfriends and friends in Thailand, has jobs in Thailand, pays taxes in Thailand, employs people in Thailand.

    And everyone of these people have legitimate views, because it's a democracy (basically), and they are allowed to have these views.

    And they are allowed to express those views.

    Do you go into the football threads and post this with a football slant?

    You have your views as a Thaksin supporter. Others have their views as Thaksin hater.

    One of the differences seems to be that the Thaksin supporters are running out of excuses. So they come into these threads and tell everyone that they should shut up.

    That's the sort of thing that Thaksin used to do. "You said something I didn't like. I'm going to sue you".

    your hate makes you blind.

    disclaimer for haters with b/w logic: that doesn't mean that you have to love thaksin, but its better to become realistic and to look at few other issues too.

    otherwise just type ' i hate Thaksin' all the time. your point is clear but don't start to argue if you have no other motivation for the debate.

  17. One of the good things that has come about in this turbulent chapter of Thai history is a realization by the military that they can not administer a government. Soon that will become inculcated amongst the ramk and file and with the attrition of all the old "war horses" they will more and more come undr the authority of future civilian governments.

    agree. that is the lesson here. and that has the whole society to learn, even if its caused a lot of inconvenience.

  18. The supporters of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra say the government is elitist and undemocratic because it came to power through a parliamentary vote after a controversial court ruling removed Thaksin's allies from power.

    I don't understand how Thaksin says he is fighting for democracy when he says things like this!

    Because the PPP executive broke the law, the court had to make the decision that they did. It was a clear cut decision.

    And a parliamentary vote is EXACTLY what democracy is all about.

    It just shows that Thaksin wants to ignore the courts AND ignore democracy.

    "after a controversial court ruling"

    see that word 'controversial'? if you keep ignoring certain details you will not be able to understand.

  19. Edited to add: If the dems go through with this and the reds accept it, Abhisit is taking a huge electoral gamble as a percentager of his voters wont like it and the dems could really underperform in the election. NPP will target the dems on this and split their vote to punish them.

    yep, Abhisit got that goodbye SMS already.

    "THE NATION: "Wanna read sms people sent 2 me? They said they won't vote for me if I dissolve House under pressure from just one group," PM said." TVF Updates

    anyway, do you really think that could have a huge impact? the NPP will be there in 9 month and in 2 years too.

    maybe the Dems could win new voters, more from the share of the moderate people in the middle.

    and don't forget the Dems aren't the only party in this government.

    They certainly arent the only party in the government. The Abhisit negotiation will give the NPP leverage to take Dem votes and damage them and the NPP will not mind the Dems underperforming as that will raise the spectre of the PAD again. There isnt really too much middle for the Dems to saqueeze imho and any gain they made there would likely be more than offset by losing the hardcore PADites. The other government parties I would guess are nowere near as ready for an election as the Dems who have fairly large support. BJT has to take PTP on in its heartland that means getting budgetry stuff out there. Ditto in all the other small government parties. Only PTP and the Dems are really ready as they are big and have a base. And the other parites are just as likely to target Dem voters as much as PTP ones.

    that the dems are not the only party in the government Abhisit himself seems sometimes to forget, when he boast about how confident the people are with him and how many seats they got more in 2009. actually only a +7 for the dems, the others are just coalitions partners. in thailand only temporary allies and not long time best friends.

    anyway, why do you assume there isn't a middle to squeeze? from election to election is a lot of fluctuations. big players of the 80's 90's play today only minor roles. look at the rise of the TRT, that success didn't came only from vote buying but from a winner face.

    such is not possible for Abhisit you say? beside their stronghold in the south, they are only a party the people vote for because they don't want vote for the others and a vote for the dems is a anti vote?

    yep, will be interesting how huge is the chunk of intellectual mature hardcore democrat voter that will swing to the No New Politics.

    do you know how many SMS he got, telling him that they will drop him?

  20. well there is this one notorious group...who even goes to such lengths as pouring their own blood on people's residences....and have a history of violence.....

    There's lot's of unsupported theories in this thread, so I'll add my unsupported theory:

    - Maybe it's sae daeng and his thug buddies.

    - He has been fairly unceremoniously pushed out /disowned by the udd red shirts.

    - This possibly pissed him off no end.

    - Maybe he decided he would 'do his own thing'.

    - He has easy access (possibly his personal weapons storage) to the materials and the launchers, etc.

    - His followers are not exactly upstanding citizens and it seems they too are in love with using bombs, explosives, etc.

    - On the other hand, they are experienced people and probably know quite a lot about how to plan attacks and not get caught.

    - He's had no hesitation in the past to intimidate and threaten people and Thailand with violence and bombs etc. Believes violence is the answer to everything.

    - He has personal access to the paymaster.

    Repeat, just my unsubstantiated theory.

    That's the best theory I've seen so far.

    There has been little reason to subscribe to any other theories...

    this one fits all the logical particulars.

    who is sae deang?

  21. Kind of lost me with the
    up against some plough pushers from up North

    Veera is from Songkhla and was an outstanding opposition spokesman when he was in the Democrat (Abhisit's) party. Jatuporn is from Surat Thani and last I heard, both of these provinces are in the south. I am not sure about Dr Weng as he is relatively new on the scene.

    Anyway the bar has been raised for uninformed newbie drivel but, watch out, there is plenty of competition out there.

    I have nothing against Abhisit, he is a nice boy but I doubt if his elitist background will ever win many votes outside Bangkok. If we discount the 2006 coup, there is also nothing very unusual or illegal about how he came to be PM of a coalition government. If Thailand is to become a "failed third world state" as some posters claim, he is probably uniquely qualified to lead us forward. After all, he was born and raised in another one and knows what can go wrong.


    I can't wait to see the picture of Thaksin in his fisherman pants and rubber boots that must surely follow this one. Get Googling DL.

    i have only this one that is somewhat in a related country side situation, but pretty much the opposite of Abhisit.


    the photo shows also the major crimes of the Montenegrin.

    - free ride off a farmers hard work

    - his gang

    - violating traffic laws

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