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Posts posted by mazeltov

  1. Love this cartoon. About sums it up.


    the october 1976 crackdown was nothing else than a similar hard-branding strategy to label the protesting students as wreckers of civilisation, the most dangerous threat to the society and that the the public, the honest and law-abiding citizen finally have enough of it and that something has to be done. not an act of suppression the people, but the right thing to do to defend law, peace and order for the good of every one.

    today some see that event in an other light. and there are also the roots of the 2006 anti-coup movement.

  2. You just couldn't make this stuff up. All of Thailand taking a trip down the Rabbit Hole:

    Jatuporn vows to lead protesters to besiege BMA

    BANGKOK: -- Jatuporn Promphan vowed Saturday morning to lead protesters to besiege the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's headquarters.

    He said the protesters were dissatisfied that the BMA took sample of protesters' blood for testing without permission and announced that the blood sample's was contaminated with HIV and other dangerous viruses.

    Unbelievable. Once they throw it, it's in the "public domain". I guess they feel "proletariat blood" can not be infected?

    errm, actually a more tricky question because it concerns civil liberties such as the right for medical privacy.

    imagine there is a meeting of a group of whoever and monitored by the authorities, they collect saliva samples form used glasses and samples from everything what people left in the rest room, in a hidden operation without asking for permission. then analyse the samples and published the findings about health condition, infectious diseases, illicit drug use.

    is that okay for you?

  3. 3. Propoganda campaign. I want proof. Show me. Show me exact amounts. i am frigging sick of hearing this after having watched TRT squander huge amounts of money, my tax money, promoting themselves and their rubbish. The current govt have done little of the sort

    here someome spend some time to collect figures and list numbers.

    Ranking PM's Office ad spending by government, the result is:

    Surayud/CNS (2007) 1,090 million baht

    Abhisit/Democrat Party (2009 est.) 978 million baht

    Thaksin/TRT (2005) 795 million baht

    Thaksin/TRT-Surayud/CNS (2006) 787 million baht

    Samak & Somchai/PPP (2008 est.) 712 million baht

    Thaksin (2004) 561 million baht

    Spending per month can fluctuate (possibly affecting the quarterly estimate above for 2008-9).

    Also note that ad spending is only for the PM's Office and doesn't include other ministries, agencies, or state-owned enterprises.

    read the full article, to see where the numbers are coming from and how they haw been established.

    to declare " TRT squander huge amounts of money, my tax money, promoting themselves and their rubbish. The current govt have done little of the sort" must the result of some partial blindness, cognitive bias. TRT, Thaksin - most annoying for you and i can understand that someone is pissed off by that.

    Abhisists and Dems activities in the propaganda field aren't much less, if not even more. but because Abhisit is less annoying for you, you don't see it. but is is there,and it is awful and ridiculous.

    if you look the rubbish the Dems promoting - is it exactly the same. lot of people here are so obsessed with Thaksin and red shirt bashing, they don't see or realise what the Dems are doing.

    imagine a PPP Finance Minister had in the middle of the 2008 political crisis declared that "he wants to continue his term as the finance minister for nine years". what your reaction would be? how had all the other experts on this board react? okay, we can only speculate about this because i didn't happen.

    but what if the current Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij, democrat and old classmate of Abhisit, says exactly the same? and he did it, just this week after the discussion about the parliament dissolution, Korn has nothing better to say than that he wants serve for more 9 years, wasting your tax money.

  4. Give it time mate, give it time.

    Thaksin will fade when the Red Shirts have the opportunity to elect a different leader to look up to.

    If the anti-Thaksin crowd really wanted him out of the picture, they would stop demonising him in the media (which only serves to strengthen the sense of injustice the Reds feel on his behalf), cut a deal with him, and allow someone else to take his place.

    But we both know that is the last thing the PAD wants: Thaksin is a useful "wedge issue." The instant he's out of the picture is the instant Sondhi, ASTV and the PAD lose all relevance and support from moderates, NGO's and democrats.

    Uh, you do realize who led the democracy movement to oust Suchinda in '92, don't you?

    Chamlong the yellow friend of Thaksin or this odd Dr.Weng, the proto-PAD red shirt was also seen.

    Weng, as a member of the early 'PAD', helped to bring PAD and Chamlong together , in their protest movement against the Thaksin government

    Chamlong Srimuang Slammed on 16th Anniversary of Black May Incident

    Dr. Weng Tojirakarn
    stated that the remarks coming from Gen Chamlong showed that he is pro-dictatorship and a person who lacks idealism. He also called on Chamlong to stop agitating for a coup d’état to happen because the people will not allow it and will counter it to the same extent as in May 1992.
    It was illegitimate for the PAD or those involved in the 19 September 2006 coup d’état to hold commemorations of the May 1992 or October 1972/1976 incidents.
    If they are involved in supporting the 19 September coup, it means that they stand opposite to the spirit and ideals of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to end dictatorship’s rule. Dr. Weng also called for an end to the abuse of using democratic spirit as a tool. ...

    May 22, 2008

    STREETWISE: From Chamlong, with love

    Everybody knows former Bangkok governor Chamlong Srimuang and Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra have been good friends for a long time. Their friendship dates back years to when Thaksin first entered the political arena. And during this time,
    Chamlong has often sent his best wishes to the prime minister. The latest gesture of friendship was a gift of four books about health food to the prime minister.
    Chamlong recommended the prime minister read the books, knowing he likely would. After all he is an avid reader. "He has advised many people to read foreign titles. I thus want him to read something that I find interesting, like side dishes," he said. One of the books is based on a doctor's conclusions that ground sesame seeds contain more nutrients than milk. That particular book choice was based on Thaksin's endorsement of milk consumption. The government recently launched a campaign to encourage people to give milk to their loved ones. ...

    June 18, 2004

    MISSING LAWYER: ‘Rogue cop’ offers to talk

    Democracy group demands 3 senior police be probed; threat to name more There were dramatic developments in the Somchai Neelaphaijit abduction case yesterday with a police officer in hiding offering to expose the identity of colleagues allegedly involved in the Muslim lawyer?s abduction, and a pro-democracy group naming three senior officers and threatening to reveal more....

    If Thaksin fails to bring the culprits to justice, his government would lose the right to run the country, said Dr weng Tojirakan,
    the CFD?s chairman.

    ?The government cannot provide security to the public and it knows that Somchai is a most respected Muslim lawyer.

    If the government avoids seeking justice for him, the government policy?s of ?quashing fire in the South?? would be a political joke,?? he said.

    April 7, 2004

  5. The group named by police leads back to a few interesting characters. This weekend will be critical for the rally. If that fails maybe the other approach will be intensified and it will be time to worry

    ...many analysts discount ... top soldiers allegedly helped from behind-the-scenes ... Top army commanders are believed to ... Intelligence officials, foreign diplomats and other political analysts who spoke with Asia Times Online all said that they believe ... None of those interviewed, however, provided hard evidence to ... One Bangkok-based diplomat speculated ... Another diplomat tracking developments believes ... said one diplomat, on condition of anonymity ... Other analysts believe ... It's unclear to some diplomats and analysts ... making the email rounds among diplomats and others ... It's thus not clear to some analysts ... Some analysts fear that ...

    But at least one recent public opinion poll showed that substantially more Thais believe Abhisit should complete his term rather than yield to the UDD's demands for immediate dissolution, and its not clear that more grenade attacks from either side will change that popular sentiment.

    Shawn W Crispin, Asia Times Online

  6. cognitive biases. tunnel vision

    just like at this board focussed on Thaksin and don't recognise anything else.

    Sorry, but no. I'm just reporting what I saw. What did you see? (Or were you even here?) Or perhaps I didn't really see it? Yes, it was the military dressed up as Thaksin supporters! :lol::lol::lol:

    ------------Edit because I saw this:

    are you a commie or are you naive or both? trolling people?

    WOW! Tunnel vision, huh? :lol::lol::lol:

    i guess we misunderstood each other. okay, not sure about the budget for campaigning just the few weeks before a election, but i mean the amount of money the government spend while in offfice. or during the junta, for counter intelligence against undercurrent movements or possible protests and so on. or just all that material in print and on TV to promote government programs.

    i mean ads like this:

    or the pm website: http://www.pm.go.th/ his public appearances, propaganda material, PR shows and so on. all that cost money and Abhisit is the biggest spender here ever. promting his chees in the hope he can get mire voters.

    the other dude, i call him commie or troll because he comes up with a total absurd conspiracy theory. evil master mind Thaksin has to buy and payoff everyone to get elected in the first place and than does nothing else as stealing all the money from the country?

    what kind of business plan is that? how one man can keep all this logistics and payouts running?

    or is there still public support for Thaksin and people vote for him voluntary (but that can't be possible because thaksin is undemocratic evil). but wouldn't it make more sense for our dr. mabuse to hide silent in the background than posing in public at the leader position where everybody can see him?

    and the commie paranoia is that he is stealing the 'peoples money'. because rich businessmen, capitalists allways steal from the poor.and evil capitalist take the biggest part from the cake for themself and give only little part of the cake for everybody else, right? that theory has a big flaw.

    because there isn't such a cake of a fixed sizes. the cake get created by our businessman, its size grows with the businessman runs a sucessful strategy. the shares of the cake becomes for everybody heavier. and those who provide the wheat, sugar, butter and milk for the cake also have a bigger turnover. its a win-win situation. nobody lose something. okay,the share isn't equally distributed like a a commie would dream of, our bussinessman still takes the biggest part, but without him there wouldn't be any cake at all.

    Thaksin was so-so stellar corrupt like everybody else and he did quite well in the milk, cookie and the cake business. during his time as PM, wasn't only his wealth growing but the wealth of a lot of others people too.

    but thaksin isn't the boy who owns the football, the football belongs to the guy with the green shirt, he has a big ego too,want kick it like Thanom, but is too slow. so he takes the football away, decares i don't play with you never ever again anymore, teams up with his weaker cousin and waste money to stage a match demcracy thai style, with the emphasis on 'thai style' and that is the part tom, dick and harry will never undertand.

    the rules everybody talking about are not based on fairness and sportmanship, but to obey and show respect to the guy who owns the foolball and never try to be smarter than him.

  7. Or how about 10 years sharing a toilet with 100 other blokes because you posted a video on the internet?

    Yep - utter rubbish - but I don't believe Thaksin's phone-ins are going to be used to criticize it.

    can you just stop one time and forget about to have all the time thaksin in mind and take a look at other issues? you will be surprised what meanwhile happend.

    Prachatai editor faces up to 50 years in jail

    did you hear about laws like the computer crime act?

  8. how they can get into the government?

    and have they ever announced that their goal is a law thaksin? can the government order how the courts should rule?

    if they do that, Weng would be the first in line who starts to protest against them and boycott them.

    Weng was a proto-PAD, but he left that movement as others started to ask the army for help. Weng is one of Thaksin earliest critics, war on drugs, emergency laws, bribing judges, dissapearing muslin lawyers. Weng made his public complains.

    the Junta put him into jail, the same people he knew from 1992.

    do make it clear to the army that they have to stop to interfere with politics - that is the most important point in the long run.

    and yeah, sorry, dr. weng also demand that every pro-coup figure have to look for a new post. and he is right with that. a democracy don't need pro-coupler.

    the junta invested millions of baht for anti-thaksin campaigns the dems having that bigest advertising budget a thai PM ever had - just to run media propaganda.

    From what I understand, the reds have said their goals are government dissolution, democracy for the people, and free and fair elections.

    Their version of democracy: "It is our democratic right to protest". "If you protest, we will send our people to demonstrate against you".

    Their version of free and fair elections: Paying people to vote for them, and sending thugs to anyone else campaigning in their areas.

    The fact that Thaksin is funding their protest, and Thaksin is talking to them nearly every night (except when he's in Dubai), and the fact that most of the reds carry around Thaksin posters, and that even Thaksin needs to remind them that "It's not about me. It's about Thailand. It's about Democracy".

    It's all about Thaksin. It's all about Thaksin's money.

    i think its about some very disturbed mind and paranoia.

    anyway, how he could ever cash in when he pay the half country a salary out of his own pocket?

    Well, considering how much money he took from the Thai people while he was PM, he only needs to use that money (out of his own pocket) until he is back in power. Then he can start using the people's money again.

    are you a commie or are you naive or both? trolling people?

  9. the junta invested millions of baht for anti-thaksin campaigns the dems having that bigest advertising budget a thai PM ever had - just to run media propaganda.

    Wow. Were you here in 2008? Did you visit Issan at all during that time? Even in Bangkok, the posters and pick-ups with loud speakers roaming the streets were all in support of former TRT. If the junta invested millions as you say, then Thaksin must have invested billions!


    cognitive biases. tunnel vision

    just like at this board focussed on Thaksin and don't recognise anything else.

  10. how they can get into the government?

    and have they ever announced that their goal is a law thaksin? can the government order how the courts should rule?

    if they do that, Weng would be the first in line who starts to protest against them and boycott them.

    Weng was a proto-PAD, but he left that movement as others started to ask the army for help. Weng is one of Thaksin earliest critics, war on drugs, emergency laws, bribing judges, dissapearing muslin lawyers. Weng made his public complains.

    the Junta put him into jail, the same people he knew from 1992.

    do make it clear to the army that they have to stop to interfere with politics - that is the most important point in the long run.

    and yeah, sorry, dr. weng also demand that every pro-coup figure have to look for a new post. and he is right with that. a democracy don't need pro-coupler.

    the junta invested millions of baht for anti-thaksin campaigns the dems having that bigest advertising budget a thai PM ever had - just to run media propaganda.

    From what I understand, the reds have said their goals are government dissolution, democracy for the people, and free and fair elections.

    Their version of democracy: "It is our democratic right to protest". "If you protest, we will send our people to demonstrate against you".

    Their version of free and fair elections: Paying people to vote for them, and sending thugs to anyone else campaigning in their areas.

    The fact that Thaksin is funding their protest, and Thaksin is talking to them nearly every night (except when he's in Dubai), and the fact that most of the reds carry around Thaksin posters, and that even Thaksin needs to remind them that "It's not about me. It's about Thailand. It's about Democracy".

    It's all about Thaksin. It's all about Thaksin's money.

    i think its about some very disturbed mind and paranoia.

    anyway, how he could ever cash in when he pay the half country a salary out of his own pocket?

  11. It is time to do something about these arrogant and stupid people that only have one goal. To bring a corrupt man back into power

    i don't think it is just about Thaksin and not the goal of that movement. anyway, how they could do that - bring Thaksin back into power?

    They can do that by getting into government, changing the laws, exonerating Thaksin and bringing him back.

    The reds want government dissolution now, so that they can get into government and change the appropriate laws.

    They also want to be in control of the upcoming army reshuffle so they can put Thaksin's people at the top. Then they have control over everything.

    how they can get into the government?

    and have they ever announced that their goal is a law thaksin? can the government order how the courts should rule?

    if they do that, Weng would be the first in line who starts to protest against them and boycott them.

    Weng was a proto-PAD, but he left that movement as others started to ask the army for help. Weng is one of Thaksin earliest critics, war on drugs, emergency laws, bribing judges, dissapearing muslin lawyers. Weng made his public complains.

    the Junta put him into jail, the same people he knew from 1992.

    do make it clear to the army that they have to stop to interfere with politics - that is the most important point in the long run.

    and yeah, sorry, dr. weng also demand that every pro-coup figure have to look for a new post. and he is right with that. a democracy don't need pro-coupler.

    the junta invested millions of baht for anti-thaksin campaigns the dems having that bigest advertising budget a thai PM ever had - just to run media propaganda.

  12. haha you are really as pathetic as all the other yellow shirts. come on, the aot did only close the airport cause it could not guarantee the safety of the passengers anymore when the yellow shirts took over, even demanding access to the air control tower which is a restricted area. going in there is a crime and should be punished. Besides this, werent it the yellow shirts who detsroyed shops / custom clearings and more in the airport?

    Oh no ofcourse not, this was the AOT as well. come on the treaned independend security agencys (who were protecting shops) to leave the airport or else they would get hurt./ Dont come with the AOT closed it, you just as shortsided as the rest.

    Any just to mention it, werent the yellow shirts shooting? there were photos of that thai actor who played in ong bak 2 (a yellow shirt) waving his gun? there were bombs thrown at the taxi radio station at dindaeng. dont come with your peacefull demonstration.

    You yellow shirt are just as low as the red shirts, and you have no right to complain when you all did the same not long ago.

    and these bombs are most likely even done by your people. when seh daeng said that he did not necessarily had to mean that his group would do it. the yellows have been more the willing to hire southern insurgents to do the bad jobs (like those drugged guys that took over government at the start of their protests and disgraced the government house stealing many invaluable objects)

    "werent it the yellow shirts who detsroyed shops / custom clearings and more in the airport?"

    Actually, the yellow shirts caused VERY LITTLE damage at the airport. There was nothing stolen out of the duty free shops, and there was only one plate glass window damaged (not shattered).

    The airport was able to open ONE DAY after the protests finished. That means that there must have been no damage to the control tower (except probably a broken door).

    I am NOT saying that the takeover was a good thing or wasn't illegal. I'm just commenting on one of your statements.

    Comparing red violence and yellow violence is pretty irrelevant. It doesn't excuse either of them. Trying to compare each of them is pointless. They both have violent elements. They are both bad for the Thai economy.

    an anti-coup movement is exactly what thailand needs, democracy wise.

    if you think about the 'economy' Thailand also don't need the 'do good do good do good' democrats.

    if you wanna know who is legit - election!

  13. If I start a "ThaiVisa Magenta shirt group". Will there be followers?

    considering the fact that magneta is not a colour an amazing idea, but then, i don't wanna be part of anything.

    maybe you can get some further inspiration from the furry shirts, they also came recently forward to be not below politics anymore.

    JFYI Magneta is not a word and not a colour, hiowever magenta is a purplish-pink color)

    okay a typo,

    but magenta is not a colour - old meme.

  14. This is a turn that makes me nervous, although on the bright side, I do have ringside seats, having a 25th floor office with a glorious view of Lumpini Park.

    The hyporcrisy of the red shirts in this case is amazing. They can exercise their right to gather, yet anyone else that does is a government stooge and gets warned off.

    They planned to march on Chula if people gathered within the University grounds- will they now March on Lumpini ? If they do - is there any doubt to the outcome ?

    nothing will happen, enjoy the sunshine.

    and don't judge to quickly about any team here without questioning the sources of your information.

  15. Tri-dao Apaiwong is very beautiful. I don't mind changing from what ever colour to PINK just for her. Just google for her image.


    Some of us may be familiar with sweet, doe-eyed Dao-Tridao Apaiwong, acting coach and presenter on several TV shows. Tridao told WhO? that she’s been lucky not to have had too many serious problems. She can see the positive side of the world simply because she is enjoying life.

    “A little chameleon can change its color, which means it isn’t fastened to its own self. So it can make adjustments to any situation, right? (laughing). However, its real identity is always the same…just like we never lose our individuality.”

    is that the pink shirt movement mission statement?

    i was expecting something like Rosana Tositrakul, but her postmodern bubble flair, that sounds sounds like it has potential. i will stay tuned.

    and does she twitter? where can i follow? does she rally daily or only on weekends?

  16. You got anything on the Red Gaurs or the Village Scouts? Always fun looking back through the scrapbook.

    Ah diversion. I don't DENY violence on either side. There are a lot of posters who DENY violence on the PAD side.

    Can they admit to the lies?

    the teams mentioned above are not from the other side, they are just from further back in history.

    saying that, the project Pink Man came to my mind, an additional 'pink'.

  17. The blood-splashing was not the only black-magic ritual performed so far during the red shirt rallies. A Nation editor posted this on his Twitter account on March 26:
    9monks fr Nongkhai perform soul-destroying ritual @red rally 2day, burning Prem's, PM's, Newin's, Sutep's names in earth pots w/ chilli&salt

    I can't find it mentioned on Thaivisa and therefore I am asking here in this topic if anybody can find a video of this burning of names, as I would like to add it to my collection of videos on the subject of black magic. I have been unable to find any video of it on the web but somebody more experienced may be able to find it.



    smells like tulsathit twit.

    did you try to ask over there?

  18. Democracy can only occur once the military reports to the civilian government and only when it is the civilian government that dictates the military budget.

    Right on...otherwise, we are just like Burma....

    Yeah, but we got electricity and tourist. Whoooooopppeeeeeeeeee!

    and the smiles. don't forget about the smiles. its legit.


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