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Posts posted by rabo

  1. I guess the yellows will send their "granny's with clappers" out to protest. From what I remember the yellows only had a few hundred thugs holding the perimeters of the gov. house and the airports. I don't see them having near the numbers to make any impact against the reds.

    It looks like the red cheerleaders have recruited John Travolta.

    The Disco King!

    'Does my bomb look big in this?......'

    Yoshiwara, is there something wrong with the timestamp in the message you quote?

    Or are you just answering questions from the future? :)

    Very impressive

  2. Thanks:) At this point we ONLY need to travel by train or bus, no flights...(airplanes are easy to find info about...)...ok, so, we gotta get to Kantang, where the nearest train station is located, eh? What about tickets? What about the train schedules? The thing is - its quite a distance to Singapore, and we only wish to travel by sleeper train 1 class, not seating one. I am so sorry, but i still dont understand how to get the info about these trains? The schedule, which i found, doesnt really explain much...thanks for help:)

    Here is a link about train travel in Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. Never done it but always wanted to.


    You can find more by googleing "Train bangkok to Singapore"

    There is also an expensive first class train called the Eastern Orient Express. Sleepers, nice dining rooms etc.

  3. Yesterday's article in the Straits Times quoting Aung San Suu Kyi's opinion on the Thai crisis is probably a lot more illuminating than any of this nonsense.

    Aung San Suu Kyi has earned her right to say what she does however I would suggest using a source other than the Straits Times which was recently caught by bloggers having posted an edited version of the last video of the Japanese journo to fit a certain line the video didnt really show.

    The Singapore Straits Times is 100% controlled by the government. It is the government.

    As far as quoting Aung San Suu Ky, lets look at Singapore's stance on Burma. In the late 1990s, Singapore's Temask Holdings (more government) developed an entire small arms manufacturing facility and shipped it to Burma. What would the Burmese do will small arms? Control their population.

    I suspect the Straits Times quoting of Aung San Suu Ky is simply support for Mr. Thaksin.

    Kind of a waste now that he is dead, again.

  4. The so called "terrorists" are demanding for an Independent Investigation into April 10th.

    PTP party have called on the UN for an Independent Investigation.

    The government refuses for an Independent Investigation.

    Why not get the UN in to investigate as happened say in the Bhutto murder in Pakistan ? Why does Abhisit and his cohorts refuse ?

    Well, I think most people around the world can guess.

    One more time.

    Why did the redshirts cover the security camera's?????? They could provide prove that the redshirts are innocent, or are they maybe not????????????

    Let me explain.

    Around the world governments have whole operations set ups to deal with "propaganda" more commonly called "communications" nowadays. These deal with halting news that is not wanted to get out and putting out "stories" that is wanted to be put out.

    Fake photo's, tampered photo's and tampered video is just a small part.

    Thailand's military is very good at this, it was used successfully against the Communists in the past and Sondthi, the CNS leader, is on record as saying that, after the coup, that "Thaksin and his forces" will be dealt with "by mass psychology, just as we did with the Communists".

    So, in 2010 why would Reds cover government run camera's but allow the worlds free media to be present and film ?

    Would it be perhaps that BBC/CNN/AFP/AJ and other media sources will not allow their video to be altered and tampered with, it will go out raw. Perhaps the Reds thought that government owned video, like the BTS at Silom, might not get released for a long time, time during which many of its contents could be changed.

    Ask yourselfhy, why the Reds and the PTP have called for a UN Independent Investigation into the April 10th incident, AND YET the government and Abhisit in particular REFUSE this.

    Normally its only the guilty who do not want Independent Investigations.

    So ask yourself why Abhisit and his cohorts are refusing...........

    They initially began covering BTS cameras the day that the leadership told them to destroy BTS stations. This was before April 10. Facts, please.

  5. '... unarmed peaceful people ...'

    Go and have a shower, a cup of coffee and wake up man!

    If you doubt that down here there are more than 20'000 absolutely harmless, unarmed civilians, families, women, men and children of all ages around then come here, take a good ice coffee and open your eyes. After that you can open your mouth again.

    Why is it that so few farang can comprehend two things at the same time?

    There is a well trained terrorist militant wing mixed with thousands of innocent rural people, and a significant number of Bangkok thugs.

    Wow, three things, you will never understand that.

    No one is doubting that there are different groups. I was even mentioning before that there might be an armed gang of black soldiers around. Now tell me, are you one of those still suggesting that the tens of thousands innocent rural people don't count and an army has to come in and start a bloodbath?

    Absolutely not. BTW, I have a big "red" family from Buri Ram, not the most well off of provinces. I suggest that people understand the problem before calling for simple radical solutions that will cause further harm, either unnecessary death and suffering or worsening the social divide.

    Where pray tell did you get the idea I am for violence from any of my words??????????????

    Or any of my posts, for that matter????????????????

  6. '... unarmed peaceful people ...'

    Go and have a shower, a cup of coffee and wake up man!

    If you doubt that down here there are more than 20'000 absolutely harmless, unarmed civilians, families, women, men and children of all ages around then come here, take a good ice coffee and open your eyes. After that you can open your mouth again.

    Why is it that so few farang can comprehend two things at the same time?

    There is a well trained terrorist militant wing mixed with thousands of innocent rural people, and a significant number of Bangkok thugs.

    Wow, three things, you will never understand that.

    why is that an excuse for not allowing people to vote now rather than in December ?

    Why vote now, since there are no scheduled elections?

  7. '... unarmed peaceful people ...'

    Go and have a shower, a cup of coffee and wake up man!

    If you doubt that down here there are more than 20'000 absolutely harmless, unarmed civilians, families, women, men and children of all ages around then come here, take a good ice coffee and open your eyes. After that you can open your mouth again.

    Why is it that so few farang can comprehend two things at the same time?

    There is a well trained terrorist militant wing mixed with thousands of innocent rural people, and a significant number of Bangkok thugs.

    Wow, three things, you will never understand that.

    ... I guess the solution is to do nothing, right? Then what do we have the army and police sitting around for? Crowd control? The goverenment's objective was and still is to remove the red shirts from blocking Rajaprasong. But through their incompetence, they have forced other people to do the dirty work for them. As a result, the government troops have become like the referee between the reds and those others who oppose the reds, like the multi-colored shirts. That is total bull.

    What a cop out. How incompetent.

    Not sure who you are replying to, since I do not even hit at doing nothing.

    1) Understand the problem clearly, all aspects.

    2) Devise a plan that will work

    3) Move, move, move.

    After some initial Thai style fumbling by the govt and army, this seems to be Abhisit's approach.

  8. The timesonlineuk has a very good editorial calling for elections in Thailand. Abhisit must step down or be removed immediately. Aung San Suu Kyi's recent comments concur.

    so that's it then, because the Times in the UK says so and an activist in Burma says so, then Abhisit should just turn over the country to anarchists?

    neither of them have to live here after do they?

    its easy to be a commentator when it does not affect you

    look at how these red animals behave now and then imagine how its going to be if they ever get any real power

    Abhisit should stay the course, whatever the price......

    no .................because he said so himself

    watch this video of Abhisit where in Thai he says the

    government must take responsibility by resigning .. everyone BUT HIM :)

    do to others what you would like to be done to you

    Yeah, well, Thaksin S. stated clearly in his thesis that the rule of law must be enforced, above all else. I put a reference to his thesis in another thread yesterday. Go look.

    Don't quote what you want, quote the truth, if you dare!

  9. '... unarmed peaceful people ...'

    Go and have a shower, a cup of coffee and wake up man!

    If you doubt that down here there are more than 20'000 absolutely harmless, unarmed civilians, families, women, men and children of all ages around then come here, take a good ice coffee and open your eyes. After that you can open your mouth again.

    Why is it that so few farang can comprehend two things at the same time?

    There is a well trained terrorist militant wing mixed with thousands of innocent rural people, and a significant number of Bangkok thugs.

    Wow, three things, you will never understand that.

  10. The timesonlineuk has a very good editorial calling for elections in Thailand. Abhisit must step down or be removed immediately. Aung San Suu Kyi's recent comments concur.

    I have taken the time to read many foreign media reports but have have stopped because many, but not all, are not able to comprehend or bother to report on the issues at work here in Thailand. Most seem to simply apply the standard western, root for underdog, establishment is bad, people just want democracy model. While that is truly an honorable model, it does not apply here, now, and only ends up supporting the man who has caused all the misery and death. A man who is internationally recognized for his vast corruption and long track record of serious human rights abuses, and is currently banned from visiting many of the countries who's media are biased by their ignorance. Perhaps these media also have anti-establishment leanings in their own countries.

    About a week ago, Amnesty International did a 180 degree turn around in their reporting with an official announcement that fairly laid blame wherever it was due. It seems they took a closer look into events after receiving some rather scathing feedback. Go AI.

    For Aung San Suu Kyi, dear lady, after half a lifetime of house arrest under the Burmese Junta, what else could she say. I wonder what the generals are letting her read.

  11. The man, Narong Panpetch, was driver of a BTS Skytrain traveling between Sala Daeng and Ratchadamri stations and is said to have told investigators that he saw "flashes come from upper floor windows" of the landmark department store building. A women, whose identity has not been released, is also reported to have told investigators she saw the same thing, just seconds before the grenades struck.


    My betting was that with all the thousands of police and army survailing the rally site (we saw the cameras on BBC report) They must have seen 5 flashes. They have an entire team in there just filming and photographing the Red Rally. What next, from the Government, All 500 cameras in the area (not just the ones the reds pointed at the sky) we not working due to them been procured during the rain of Thaksin the Terrible.

    In which case, they would have been all over TV as proof of who fired them.

    Robinsons eh, Is that in Lumpin Park?

    Well there is the subtle hint of the 5 military historied guys arrested in Landmark.

    Gee, might be some subtle connection there. Huh? Ya think?

    We agree on something, thats most strange.

    Yes, it seems the boys at the front line were not aware they should not have arrested "those" men.

    "Those" men were supposed to quietly make their exit whilst the whole Yellow propaganda machine said it was reds and fired from Lumphini and backed up by the missing video from the BTS.

    However some of the front line boys arrested them and so this was the lead story until it quietly got swept under the carpet and the "men" disappeared after being released.

    Owing the actual men being "wrongly (not the plan)" arrested by some over active boys on the front line (and so some watermelon police/army knowing of what happened), its said the "false flag" event and its video and everything else was decided to be "binned".

    Keep an eye on the Silom event to be conveniently "forgotten" and swept very deeply under the carpet.

    The rest of the story.

    Actually, the boys at the front line were really watermelons (we know this is true 'cause reds say so) who then arrested what they thought were yellows sneaking from the building. When they discovered that the sneakers were really red assassins, the whole thing was quietly swept away.

    Logical, must be true!

  12. When governments refuse "Independent Investigations" its because.....................

    Come on, you should know why.

    I love the way that no video evidence of anything has been released and yet Yellow posters claim there is evidence.

    Unless the evidence is released and confirmed 100% accurate by Independent sources, its nothing.

    However, an eye witness report (collaborated) that they saw the flashes come from high floors of a nearby building, well thats real time, and released and on record.

    Flash cameras reflecting from the windows, glass, bright surfaces, I see it all the time.

  13. So yesterday, I tell her the red leaders have told their people not to wear red. She is as I type, watching the events on tv. "Oh now they change shirts" she says. I reply in an exasperated tone. "I told you that yesterday!". Her response, "OK I no talk with you." :)

    Sounds like our wives are sistars

    Farang tell Thai wife something

    Get ready for argument and sulky face

    But we love em

    Thai wife, happy, singing lightly, comes to door.

    Opens door, change face, sulking, could be anger.

    Negotiate, compromise. OK OK

    Turns around, still sad

    Closes door, continues same song.

    Life in Thailand.

  14. You won't see the army clearing the protesters anytime soon. Their previous attempt on April 10 was a failure for them and the reds finest hour. It gave them the attention they were craving and the opportunity to violently attack the army. Since that time we have clearly seen that this is not a peaceful movement. They sit behind barricades sharpening spears calling for blood from their stage. When they aren't busy trying to intimidate the PM or those who live and work in the neighborhood they intimidate their own to keep them in line. Without another violent clash with the government they will run out of steam eventually. They can no longer leave their main base in large numbers and they've dropped their signature red to hide their dwindling numbers. The PM seems willing to let them implode on their own. One the imminent crackdown they claimed was coming doesn't appear they will come up with another set of lies to tell their congregation. They will claim victory and that they've scared the PM, make more threats, and look more crazy.

    (I said that they would make more threats, Nation TV has received a bomb threat this afternoon)

    Red shirts violently attacking the army on the 10th April ?

    Any footage ?

    Seems instead that it was the army shooting live ammo at the reds


    If you start with the answer, you won't find the truth.

    The April 10th events started with the professional targeting and assassination of 3 commanding officers leaving the military structure headless. It is widely reported that they were hit with M79 grenades and video showing the start of violence begins with the sound of an explosion.

    Just prior to this time, seven 5kg C4 plastic explosive bombs are detonated on 3 power pylons that feed the entire city of Bangkok. Luckily only 4 go off. Faulty timers. (whew, I live on the 19th floor)

    These coordinated events were planned well in advance and intended to cause great loss of life.

    What ever happens after that point is consequence.

    However, these two facts alone are enough to decide between two popular theories about what is happening in Thailand.

  15. IN respect to the question of a society's responsibility to control lawlessness

    and I quote -

    "The Crime Control Model is based on the proposition that the repression of criminal conduct is by far the most important function to be performed by the criminal process. The failure of law enforcement to bring criminal conduct under tight control is viewed as leading to the breakdown of public order and thence to the disappearance of an important condition of human freedom."

    I think this quote leaves very little question as to what Prime Minster Abhisit and the Thai authorities must rightfully do.

    End of story.

    Oh, who's words are these?

    Thaksin's criminal justice doctoral thesis?

    Yes, here is a reference to a site that claims to have obtained the real thesis, they said there are various versions floating around Bangkok. They do a little analysis looking into the "mind" of Mr. T but have a downloadable scan.


  16. OK, Sorry, forgot the name.

    In respect to the question of a society's responsibility to control lawlessness

    and I quote -

    "The Crime Control Model is based on the proposition that the repression of criminal conduct is by far the most important function to be performed by the criminal process. The failure of law enforcement to bring criminal conduct under tight control is viewed as leading to the breakdown of public order and thence to the disappearance of an important condition of human freedom."

    --- Mr. Dr. Thaksin Shinawatra (thesis)

    I think this quote leaves very little question as to what Prime Minster Abhisit and the Thai authorities must rightfully do.

    End of story.

  17. IN respect to the question of a society's responsibility to control lawlessness

    and I quote -

    "The Crime Control Model is based on the proposition that the repression of criminal conduct is by far the most important function to be performed by the criminal process. The failure of law enforcement to bring criminal conduct under tight control is viewed as leading to the breakdown of public order and thence to the disappearance of an important condition of human freedom."

    I think this quote leaves very little question as to what Prime Minster Abhisit and the Thai authorities must rightfully do.

    End of story.

    Oh, who's words are these?

  18. Dispersal or not, I am hoping the recent show of support for the PM is making him reconsider his stance, and not to give in yet. I just hate to see the mob force him to step down before the end of the year. That remains the best compromise.

    But the Democrat party will be disolved by the end of the year so what is your point?

    Well, not necessarily so. Again we try to find some facts (again ??????), though maybe not correct to the letter,

    The first 3 points are from my niece who is a lawyer still studying to be a judge, She said:

    1. The Democratic party is widely recognized to have better legal skills than other parties.

    2. The illegal contribution charges facing the democrats is a less serious charge than the voter fraud committed by Thaksin's crowd.

    3. The head of the election committee had the authority the decide himself whether to forward the charges to the next level or not, but had so far not decided.

    The day after the reds visited the EC, the EC held a full committee vote to decide, votes were 4:1 and 5:0 on the two charges in favor.

    From reading elsewhere. The "illegal" contribution from the Paint company was made precisely at the time neither constitution was in effect, implying that just maybe it was not illegal, or at least enough room for argument and a less than clear outcome. (Again, welcome to Thailand).

    Conclusion: disbandment of the Democratic Party is not a sure thing.

  19. Before buying Jatuporn's line the army is coming now, I wanted to understand today's headline "Army ready to regain Ratchaprasong when situation permits"

    So what does it mean? Courteously TNA via TV, this is all cut and paste.

    Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd, army spokesman said Saturday that soldiers are ready to regain the area when the situation permits

    The plan

    Protests have now spread to a number of provinces nationwide.

    Protests upcountry can still be controlled by the government.

    Dispersing the crowd at Ratchaprasong could fuel protests taking place in the provinces

    Thus: the government and CRES will explain to the upcountry public so they understand

    Then: Convince as many innocent people as possible to leave Ratchaprasong so government forces can disperse the protesters

    His conclusion

    Dispersing the protesters, or even suppressing them, is not appropriate now, but with several new measures, it is "possible that we could achieve that target," said Col Sansern.

    LOL, Western politicians would turn green with envy

  20. I am hoping the recent show of support for the PM is making him reconsider his stance, and not to give in yet. I just hate to see the mob bring him down before the end of the year. That remains the best compromise.

    If you consider the pressure he has been under compared to your standard world crisis, I would say he has shown some stuff, even if the "elites" have to physically hold him erect for the cameras.

    Mr. T's worst nightmare. The present troubles make Abhisit into a respected national and world leader.

  21. The last news release said the Army was ordered to disperse the protesters????

    I was just about to post this. This just posted at TV.

    BPbreakingnews: UDD: Army chief ordered to disperse reds


    Real story: UDD says Watermelon tells UDD Abhisit this morning ordered Anupong to remove reds using force. Anupong said OK, we will wait for a good time.

  22. If I were to do it I might look at selling thai goods to western markets.

    Start with handycrafts, local cultural items, etc, then move to supplying small businesses world wide.

    If you know something about antiques/art/coins the profit margins can be high, takes time to build customer base.

    Can't export bombs, grenades (popular of late) or war weapons.

    Maybe import of large quantities of paintball guns, but hurry.

  23. I'm 90% with you but there has to be a 'truce' which includes pardoning all (except those 'blacks' who sniped - they are unforgivable and must be caught and punished). It would not be wise to keep pushing the 'Thaksin' button - better to just get to a 3 month election compromise and stop the carnage. However, a caveate, I do think there has to be some sort of 'outside' monitoring of elections.

    And what if it can be proven that the grenade throwers are funded by PTP/PPP/TRT MPs or Thaksin, or were acting on orders from the red leaders? They too would then be tried on terrorism charges.

    anybody... individuals (not parties) should be held fully accountable

    Abhisit/Suthep ordered the army in, with live ammo, and people were killed with the live ammo on April 10th.

    Therefore based on this the Democrats should be dissolved and should have terrorism charges against them.

    Using live ammo against protestors is designed to "terrorize" them with fear, thats what terror is.

    If of course you wish to go down these silly emotional "thoughts for the moment" kind of nonsense.

    I am amazed at some of the nonsense spouted on here.

    Well lets see what we can do with facts.

    Red leaders have repeatedly called for violence

    Red leaders called for the destruction of BTS stations

    Red leaders called for burning down the Counter Corruption Commission Building

    There have been roughly 50 unexplained bombings in Thailand since the start

    Someone tried to destroy the 230KV power lines feeding Bangkok (big disaster)

    Someone tried to blow up the jet fuel depot at the international airport (big disaster)

    Someone targeted and killed the commanding officers before things started on April 10

    Someone shot m79 grenades at the BTS station April 22

    Abhisit has from the beginning renounced the use of force.

    Anupong has renounced the use of force.

    The reds still occupy the city

    Silly me, I must be having silly emotional "thoughts for the moment.

  24. If Thaksin finance the whole Red uprising he will be BROKE by now !! $400Mill. is NOT enough to spread around,

    besides his money is STILL FROZEN isn't it ? So - this is now bigger and beyond Khun T. agreed with some posters.

    Assume ALL politicians are corrupt & self serving, ............ so Khun T.'s biggest mistake ??

    He opened the eyes of the poor masses that there's an alternative out there than just getting B.100.- to B.500.- or more

    every election year ! Is his plan flawed ? the concept is GOOD, the execution is flawed because there's not enough check and balances - so corruption is nibbling at those funds.

    kg1947 maybe the penny will drop with the farang Abhisit supporters in the end :)

    They showed red shirts in Khon Kaen the other night collecting their own contributions

    amongst themselves or was that just a conspiracy theory . :D

    For those that do not know the story of Mr. Thaksin's trip to Finland just before the coup using two aircraft with 114 large suitcases and trunks reported, rumored, to contain money, here is a link:


    Or, you can google (suitcases coup money finland parked), no need for Thaksin's name.

    I once did an estimage on how much that would be in terms of transportable negotiatable bills and came up with 1.0 to 1.5 billion USD.

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