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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. This is a great summary of what the Pride march stands for at 0.25.
  2. I'm sorry you're less open minded these days. I hope you recover. And again the old misguided trope about children not being safe around gays. It never ends.
  3. What you don't understand is that that civil right, unlike that of straight marriage can be taken away on a whim. This is already being spoken of in some states of the U.S. which is why Biden brought in the Respect for Marriage Act that legally protects same-sex and inter-racial marriages from being banned by state laws. De Santis and possibly Trump would reverse this.
  4. Assimilate into society? Jesus Christ, you sound like Jordan Peterson and his "We should help gays integrate into society". Gay people are as much part of society as everyone else but aren't always afforded the same rights or treated the same and that's what this is all about.
  5. There is so much misunderstanding here. Let me make a few observations on previous comments. "Pride Month is special treatment." - No it isn't; in fact it can't be. Firstly, Pride Month is just a concept and as such it can't confer any treatment special or otherwise Previously Pride events were staged throughout the year from March to September and this is attempt to bring some of them together where feasible with the weather. Secondly "Special" infers that there is treatment that isn't available to all groups. Nothing is being granted to anyone who participates in Pride Month that isn't available to all. Straights are most welcome at any events as they are gay pubs and clubs all round. Conversely no one who wishes not to participate loses out on anything, straight or gay. Thirdly Pride Month is about celebration, acceptance, education, inclusion and solidarity, again concepts with events open all. " Straight people don't keep telling LTBG people that they are straight and blowing whistles and waving flags around to demonstrate that." - No? Well I could swear that there are innumerable posts on this website alone with straight guys boasting about their prowess with Thai women. A celebration of their sexuality indeed. All that's missing is the flags. ???? ".....straight people don't have straight pride month, straight marches etc... " They did but it was a disaster and poorly attended. They even had their own black and white striped flag. ???? The problem was sensible people realised it was just a stunt and unnecessary, like White Lives Matter. "I'm honestly curious... When did being homosexual become a culture ???... Its just sexuality... " Culture is defined as "....achievements of a ............. social group." Many advancements have been made but there is still a way to go. There was something else but I've forgotten now. Lol. Sorry for not replying individually but it's too much hassle
  6. There are no gay cities just some cities with more prominent gay communities for obvious reasons.
  7. This already exists but most sensible people see it as preposterous so it hasn't gained traction..
  8. But you get that in everything. There are always people who overplay oppression and offense. But Pride is about showing solidarity with those who are genuinely oppressed around the world and visibility in the public sphere.
  9. He can't have been that drunk if he perched precariously on a ledge then dangled by his fingertips and pulled himself back up. He was clearly distressed though.
  10. Aw bless! Maybe teach her what it means. A little education might help.
  11. You're using the biblical notion of pride. You can be proud of your family, your work or even your coin collection, that's all fine. Gay Pride is pride in self-worth, something that was denied for so many years and still is in many countries. The Pride events celebrate that self-worth and show solidarity for those still seeking equality.
  12. Some of us are descended from apes and others are descending to apes by the sound of it. ????
  13. I can never see the point of going after retirees. Because of our age we tend to be able to pay our way, behave reasonably and, most importantly, will disappear in a few years anyway.
  14. You asked me to provide proof then when I post a link you accuse me of looking for "a shred of confirmation bias." Bizarre. In any case your link gives pretty much the same advice as mine i.e. "keeping your bacon intake to a minimum is recommended" v. "Cut out processed meats altogether or keep them to an absolute minimum. " No one ever died of bacon. I think we can agree it should be a rare treat. Like sex. ????
  15. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/bacon-bad-you "The current advice from the NHS recommends that if you currently eat more than 90g (cooked weight) of red and processed meats a day, you should cut it down to 70g a day. This is equivalent to two or three rashers of bacon or a little over two slices of roast lamb, beef or pork (with each about the size of half a slice of bread). In light of the more recent evidence, it's best to reduce your intake of all processed meats to once every couple of weeks. Therefore, keeping your bacon intake to a minimum is recommended – eating it every couple of weeks is best." As with most things it's about dosage and frequency.
  16. Well, Juniper berries are an important ingredient for gin along with other botanicals, so it's not such a leap.
  17. Demonstrably untrue. I know a number of transgenders and they work in shops, bars, department stores and restaurants. They're generally seen as reliable. And you might want to rein-in the unnecessary trans slurs.
  18. Pensions are paid 4 weekly not monthly so the payment date can shift around a bit. That might be something to do with it.
  19. Changs are just gas bombs. I'd be farting for Thailand if I had seven. ????
  20. "When eaten in excess...." is the key as always. Just don't eat fried bacon or any other fried foods to excess. Just eat a healthy, balanced diet with the odd treat and you'll be fine. Same with alcohol. Drink in moderation.
  21. UbonJoe was not only knowledgeable and helpful but he did everything in good grace and with seemingly endless patience. He'll be sorely missed.
  22. I'm well aware of that, Enoon but that doesn't make it any easier to comprehend how people can be so vicious, whatever the culture. Oil of Vitriol was commonly used as a weapon of attack in Victorian London as you will know from your Sherlock Holmes.
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