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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. "- สามารถขี่ขึ้นเนินได้สูง 50 ํ - Able to ride up hills up to 50 degrees" I think they must mean 50% or 23o. Still pushing credibility. ????
  2. Thanks KhunLa. Your input has been very helpful. I've been looking online and the Lulae V10 seems to fit the bill. Under 20T, replacement batteries 4T, 600w, looks sturdy and will negotiate a 50 degree incline apparently. I'll look to buy locally and if not it looks like Shopee. Regards. ????
  3. Thanks Khun. I'd love one of those but I really need a three-wheeler as I don't trust my dodgy knee.
  4. Fit in with society? You really think that gay people aren't as much part of society as you? You sound like Jordan Peterson and his "helping gays integrate into society" cobblers. Sheesh! Anyway, my point was that lots of other celebrations contain nudity. People don't seem upset about those ones. The great thing about them is they're not compulsory. If you don't want to get upset don't go.
  5. It's this one. https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1219485 I only need it for poodling around the village: I wont be going out on the main road. I have no idea how you gauge the torque. The roads aren't great but manageable. My only concern is a couple of inclines, one fairly steep.
  6. I was looking at a three-wheeler but it's only 450w with a Lead-acid battery 48V 15Ah. It seems underpowered. Would I need something like 600w as there's some sharp gradients here?
  7. You should see the Rio carnival., or the Kanamara Penis festival or the Hadaka Naked Man Festival or the annual Naked Bike Ride in many major cities. Or the penis museum in our local temple. Why do straight people have to flaunt their sexuality? ????
  8. He states in his reply he thinks that transgender people are "not normal", "troubled" and a blanket ban should be imposed. He gives no definition of normal other than a vague "accepted standards of society". He also conflates the argument of transgenderism with the bathroom issue. It's all pretty damning. Interesting that he's changed "eradication" to "ban". His genocide means genes argument is just daft but I agree people should be accurate with reporting his actual words.
  9. What does Moore say about the method he would use to eradicate transgenderism?
  10. Burke and Hare sold bodies after murdering people, they didn't buy corpses.. But I'm sure you'd get a good price for your body Muzzique. ????
  11. Early on in the proceedings wasn't there a guy who was pro-Russian reporting on the ground how well the invasion was going, or did I dream that?
  12. It's always a red flag when someone purports to speak for everyone. And I know that everyone on this site agrees with me. :)
  13. Probably. He will have certainly worked with a few in the clubs though.
  14. In fact, I'm struggling to think of a famous U.K. comedian in the 60s and seventies who didn't 'drag up' at one stage or another.
  15. In the U.K. dedicated drag acts (female impersonators) like Danny LaRue, Dame Edna Everage and Lily Savage appeared regularly on t.v., even in Conservative Britain. If the content was deemed racy they would appear after 9pm , the so-called watershed. No one died.
  16. This is what I was exposed to on prime time t.v. as a child. It's a wonder I survived such explicit sauciness. ????
  17. In the U.K., men dressed as women have been telling stories to children in pantomime theatre for over 100 years with no adverse affects. The kids love it. It is only pearl-clutching Christians who are offended by drag.
  18. Just listening to Trump with an open mind as you suggested Mac. I made no comment so people can make their own mind up as to Trump's supposed faith.
  19. Quite! And let's not forget all that morbid death song humour from the 1960's, Leader of the Pack, I Want My Baby Back and Transfusion.
  20. I don't think it really justifies violence towards women. The protagonist acknowledges that they will break down the door to get him; he concedes what he's done is wrong. It is characteristic of many English folk ballads and murder ballads in general. Maxwell of Maxwell's Silver Hammer murders two women on a whim.
  21. It's difficult to opine on books that are banned without reading them but here is a list of 176 that Duval County removed in Feb 2022. https://pen.org/banned-books-florida/ You will see from the list titles that very few deal with gender or LBGT+ issues. Most of them seem to be concerned with non-white Christian American lifestyles. Asian, Black, Native American, other religions etc. Therein lies the problem. The excuse of protecting children is used to prohibit anything that certain individuals deem unwanted. Here is one of the books. It seems delightful and just the thing any normal parent would be happy to let their children see. As of November this matter was unresolved and I can't see any newer articles on it but that's beside the point now.
  22. I'm particularly impressed by DeSantis not wanting children to be used as political pawns whilst appearing in a photo opportunity using children as political pawns.
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