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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. FFS....how could anyone not see these cables above? Obviously, he had no idea of the danger of operating below HV or any power lines!
  2. 2 clubs doing the same thing in this morning' news.....one good reason against ID cards!
  3. All watched over by the ever alert RTP A very simple way of identity theft.....no scamming of computers or phones. Can't think of any logical reason why they would do this, except for a scam!
  4. These concrete poles...with thin wire reinforcement, are so damn useless.....drill a hole, drop them in and walk away. Load them with hundreds of cables to make theme lean over......crash into them with a small car and the chain reaction starts....15 poles! But....the system never seems to improve here, like most things.....just keep going the same bad practices!
  5. And again, the usual Fire Safety checks to be conducted......these are never ongoing, but just wait till the next time.
  6. Yikes!!!....How did this happen? Likely, this slab was held up by luck and not structural design.....but failed!
  7. "travelling on the wrong side ".......They all think this is fine until......
  8. Good...another corrupt official gone! Check his history if you think I'm biased!
  9. The rear end smashes never end.....either the drivers are blind, on the phone or undertaking...and by the looks of this wreck...going fast!
  10. Well done to K. Amnat Kaewprasong. "the police failed to adhere to required legal procedures." There must be thousands of outstanding fines which may now all be illegal according to this judgement..... Any lessons learnt for the cops?
  11. Can't be too hasty....the baksheesh needs to be finalized first...
  12. And my guess would be, not a word from the Customs dept...that allowed this stuff to enter the country!
  13. Never stops...rear ending parked trucks seems to be an occupational hazard here.....nothing to do with dark visors...texting on phones....being pissed....and of course there's the tales of how the accidents happened by witnesses....
  14. I don't think Thailand will host the F1....however, if they did, it would cost a fraction of the costs of the Australian race..... The disruption to locals would be ignored...the roads would be re-surfaced....and there'd be BBQ pork sticks everywhere!
  15. Many BKK beggars were "owned" by gangs....send them off in the morning...keep a watch on them during the day, and collect in the evening. Not sure if that's still the case
  16. So often rear enders....charging into the back of a parked truck will take 'em out every time......Blind...stupid or the phone...?
  17. Even cars when they get a flat, will often just stop where they are....no idea of consequence!
  18. Beer...hookers and <deleted>...always a recipe for trouble.....:))) Wouldn't be Thailand if foreigners don't get into fights in girly bar areas:))
  19. I'm all for anti-noise management, however it get done.....hail the navy!
  20. It sounds as though this case will never long and drawn out....the driver will have connections...while the distraught father and husband do not. Is this a civil or criminal case?
  21. Always a good idea when arguing with ones' wife or husband....climb a bloody great tower!
  22. Undertaking or phone use.....they never learn!
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