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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. Rear end crashes are so popular in Thailand....either riders and drivers must all be vision impaired....on their phones or pissed! How do you not see a huge yellow truck?
  2. DashCam Thailand....a pretty general view of Thai road users! As for this van driver.....totally clueless!
  3. I sometimes watch "Dashcam Thailand" on YT.....the stupidity and ignorance on the roads is astounding. They have zero patience....they never want to stop at intersections....and the aggression is constant
  4. Tourists keep making the same mistakes....some businesses are for Thais only!
  5. Don't worry folks...this is just PR spin. Thaksin won't lose anything!
  6. Rear end crashes never stop here......either the drivers are asleep, on their phones or undertaking..... By the look of the wreck....K. Sermrit was flying!
  7. This is normal in India.....men pissing and women squatting openly in the streets. As mentioned....very few, if any, public toilets...
  8. Well done to the amazing RTP....! I understand it's an accident....but very likely could have been avoided.
  9. Assurances of safety for tourists is pure spin at best....a fabricated promise known to be meaningless! No more tourist bus crashes....no more kidnaps...scams to end...nothing ever changes!
  10. "tanker may have failed to notice the stopped trailer truck" Aha.....Sherlock is on the job!
  11. Far out! He sure had some bad stuff going on, poor old fella!
  12. The court accepts the charges. I assume the court has an option? Now to get the show rolling....hopefully it does get going quickly, but that seems unlikely!
  13. Running a red light and illegal U turn! Pretty much sums up the attitude of so many road users here.
  14. Perfectly lined up and executed by the deceased driver....damn cell phones maybe caused another rear ender!
  15. "has raised serious safety concerns " How many times have we heard this?
  16. Rarely have I ever seen trench shoring! I've seen workers in 2+m trenches totally oblivious of the perils. I doubt authorities know either.
  17. Well...the numbers of rear end crashes in Thailand, are probably the highest globally.....
  18. Stupid driver...undertaking at speed is so freakin' dumb! He should never be allowed near a steering wheel again!
  19. Oh.......another rear end smash! How unusual....again!
  20. Obviously not so "undercover" after all!....The question is, who informed the shooter.....?
  21. That's exactly what he's being used for. Freakin elephants are 2 tons of danger with some lunatic on their head.
  22. So many rear end smashes.....some drivers must be blind!
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