I had the unfortunate luck of going here with friends for a day trip…at least 40 rotten speed boats…hundreds of Chinese swarming!
Phang Nga…never again
Just a bandaid solve…..now the KU Animal hospital will have no water…..So by September, the water shortage will be fixed.
I hope it happens as water shortages have been ongoing forever in Hua Hin…..but, does anyone believe this?
All parties offering stupid rewards for the votes, target the less fortunate in the hugely populated rural regions. There are millions of votes out there!
There must be a very high level of stupid required to get a job in local councils in Thailand.
Like this disaster in Pattaya....so many places start civil road works in towns and create bedlam for locals....never completing sections before starting new areas...but opening the whole project at once and never completing anything!
Bars with expat customers get raided if still serving a couple of minutes after 2am.....Thai pubs keep open until the fighting starts...like this bar, after 3am.
Thailand has never been able to manage waste....whether sewage or materials waste.
Thailand does not follow countries with successful waste disposal systems..instead simply continuing the same old practices of sewage entering storm drains and material waste being used in landfill......
Must be such fun for the patrons in Pattaya and Phuket, having cops roaming up and down the strips in gangs looking for younger than allowed hookers....when there is no prostitution in Thailand.
For those that don't know who these people are, they're from the YouTube channel "Sailing La Vagabond"
Greta was a passenger of theirs, from the US west coast to Europe