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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. Excellent driving skills on display! I travel the Cha Am--BKK nightmare regularly....drivers like this lunatic, are everywhere...and it's almost always pick-up delivery vehicles....exactly the same as this example.
  2. Looks good....the motocy taxis will love this!
  3. Probably the biggest event to happen in Amman Charoen.....
  4. The drivers fault....maybe, but didn't this guy before crossing....a ten wheel truck isn't too hard to see..even at night.
  5. Texting and reading phones while driving is quite ok in Thailand.....except sometimes, it's not!
  6. Another clever thief from the Darwin pool....
  7. IMO, this woman has a hideous wardrobe....this is a fine example of tasteless dress! She reminds me so much of Harris.....a hand shaker with limited intelligence!
  8. Any rod almost anywhere in Thailand has bad drivers...I use this road often and it's usual to see drivers cut in quickly....umpteen times in half an hour. Using mirrors is novel!
  9. Anyway...much depends upon the bus company owners connections..... The real culprits here are the DLT...another totally useless government department!
  10. A partner visa for Australia is $7800 AUD...Thb175K! Everywhere is expensive nowdays
  11. Looks like they all just walked straight past the XS....
  12. Just another fine example of Thai workmanship....
  13. A soi dog on that road would only last 10 seconds at best.....20 minutes later there's not trace However...these a**hole drivers say anything....just a moron, that another moron put in charge of a bus!
  14. Not unbelievable one bit.....speeding in a truck on the inside lane....goes on daily everywhere. This fool did it one time too many while looking at his phone....probably!
  15. Yes money time again....how many times is it now?
  16. I've been to Texas Chicken a few times.....and more often than not, I have been the only customer....
  17. Thought it may have been too good to be true..."coordination with relevant agencies".....well....there's the major stumbling block word....coordination!
  18. And they still have no idea what a gas detector is...! They keep dying in pits......!
  19. This is unimaginable news!.....Hookers getting welfare....an illegal trade being supported? About freakin' time.... Admit it and stop the nicey nicey pretence, that Thailand is a purist country...prostitution in Thailand is huge
  20. Oh dear....the poster boy of the RTP seems to be a crook.....but they're only taking Tb400k...pocket money for him
  21. I see the cops are smiling again:)
  22. Undertaking? Does anyone think he might have been speeding:))🤪
  23. "tragically died in a horrific car crash" stupidly died...........
  24. "Further investigation at a nearby forest area, about 500 metres from the crime scene, uncovered shell casings, rope, shirt buttons, and bloodstains" Seriously.....in a nearby forest area......they searched that far out and found small items? could have been telepathy....or the amulet facing the right way!
  25. I think becoming an SRT director must be akin to winning the Lotto! With a Thb 230B debt that keeps growing...and what happens? Zero..nothing...more funds are simply thrown into the hole. I wish I could have worked with the SRT....they must all drive MBs!
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