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Posts posted by rotary

  1. restore to the people of Thailand both the principles and the process of democratic rule.

    Have these muppets been on the moon for the past 13 years or what?

    Yingluck was elected, the coup leaders were not. Were you unaware of this?

    she was elected by a corrupt government don't forget that.
    There are several countries in the world you can say the same about right now, not just Thailand. Even in places where they are supposed to have a free election how can you call less than 4% of the popular vote a real majority.
  2. CNN is about as good as Fox News

    Not really, at least Fox News has some eye candy. After watching CNN you want to take an ice pick and puncture your own ear drums then poke your eyes out with the same tool so you do not have see Christiane Amanpour & her colleagues.
  3. Famous ?

    Sun Marisa became the talk of the town in December, 2011 when her nude photos, which were taken in a casino she was paid to stand around topless, were shared online. The model handed herself in and was fined THB500 after the incident.

    Do these people really have an understanding of the words famous and hub. No need to answer, I know already.

    I am famous.........at Soi Cowboy and also a legend in my own lunch box!
  4. Why not get rid of those "Use by Date" fat Hostesses and Drag Queens....That would be a good place to start. Then the service instead of rudeness might bring back the the paying customers....that supply the money to keep them in business.

    I thought you were talking about United Airlines until I read the heading.......tongue.png

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