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Posts posted by rotary

  1. I had a company driver for several years, I never really let him drive me anywhere unless I knew parking was a problem. Too much hassel with drivers and maids. Easier to do it yourself and no problems to worry about a bonus. Less is more in this case in my opinion. House work keeps the spouse busy and thats good also.

  2. Thanks guys .. Well i've been here since i was 20 and will be 31 in may it comes a time in life where you just get fed up of a place plus all the bs what comes with it i have also lived in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket .. just tired these days .. plus i'm not getting any younger ...

    you will never be any younger than today, do everything you can and keep going, forget age as we will all be gone sooner or later.

    Nothing wrong with bailing and getting out of dodge, that is wha life is all about, but don't think of it as a failure, think of it as the next chapter...

    you could always head to Oz, USA, Canada or somewhere else in Europe if you are bummed to give up he adventure.

    The USA is an adventure for sure

    • Like 1
  3. Good range in both House & Home and Homepro. I've bought the cheaper ones and the more expensive ones. Does not make much difference, all need replaced after a couple of years. The nozzle usually start leaking, worn seals, but can't get spares. Ho Hum ....

    Agreed - never found the expensive one's any better than the cheap ones. I always keep a spare in the cupboard.


    Bought the 150 Bt ones and bought the 550 Bt made in USA ones that swear that they are leak-proof. They're not.

    Made in China, assembled in USA perhaps or maybe just packed in USA..........wai2.gif

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  4. can i imagine that medical care in thailand is more expensive than the US ?

    where a bottle of aspirines in the hospital can be billed 100$

    and the country of the free, where you have a heart attack and no health insurance, you can go sell your house to pay the doctor ?

    And do not forget the USA, even if you have health insurance, has one of the worst health care systems in the western world. I was there not long ago and my 80 year old mother who has insurance waited in pain for 6 hrs with a dislocated shoulder to see a doctor in the emergency room of a large hospital in a southern town with more than 100,000 people in that city. Also sometimes it takes her weeks to get a doctors appointment. I relearned what I already knew. The medical service in the US, even if you have health insurance is of such a low level you are much better off in Thailand even if you have health insurance in the USA. The USA could learn quite a few things from the Thai hospital system as could the US banking system learn quite a few things from Thai banks.

  5. Like some other countries, getting rid of the greenback is a good idea but you can bet the coercion was made by the recent visits by the US. US needs the demand to hold up the dollar. It can't sustain itself much longer as a stable currency with the mounting US debt and printing money to meet debt, thus devaluing the currency.

    Truer words were never typed. The US economy is a wreck looking for a place to happen.

  6. A few years back I queried at the big condominium by lake Bung Kaenakorn. 30K per month. I said the place must be empty as I was here early in the morning and there were no cars in the parking lot. The manager said. "No. The place is nearly full. The drivers take the cars home at night."

    Some how I think the manager told a little white untruth. For that price in KK I bet there is no one staying there.

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