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Posts posted by rotary

  1. OK, for the Thai bashers, it's 10th in it's class. Feel any better now?

    I reckon Suvarnabhumi the second best airport in the world as is means I am so much closer closer to my chosen home. Top award goes to Udon International because it is a 10 minute drive from home and their brilliant airport security allows the incredibly young, stunningly beautiful and very talented Mrs NL to park right outside the door in the pax drop-off zone and leave the car totally unattended while she comes to meet me.

    Now, I am off for breakfast.... where's my rose-tinted glasses?

    PS. Another huge, HUGE bonus is that I can fly THAI three times a day between these two airports and leave the alternatives of Nok and AirAsia to the hopelessly impoverished, terminally challenged and those that would normally take a bus. Apart from the odd TEFL'er and Vientiane visa-runner, there's a much, MUCH better class of hoipoloi on THAI IMHO.

    Do Not forget to enjoy the loooooong lines at the Thai counter with the depressing bare cement surroundings. That Skytrax gives everyone some kind of award if they are a member. We all know SWAMPY is one of the worst airports in the world bar none if you look at everything. I hate to say that and wish we had a better airport but facts are facts.

  2. I had the same issue. The wife's old passport expired with still having 5 plus years of a US Visa. In our case, after I spoke with a USA embassy in the middle east and talked to friends, we just carried the old cancelled passport with the USA visa in it and presented both expired and new passports in Houston. No problems, passed right through. That was about 6 months ago. We had no MoFA stamps or anything I might add. I suggest you make that glorious enjoyable trip to what they call American Citizen Services(Yea I know the word service should not be used with the American Embassy-ha ha)and ask but in my real life experience no problems.

  3. Truevison that exists today is incredible, there is no worse company than truevison. The only reason I have truevison today is because it is the only company that has the Discovery Channel and NGC in English, I do not like dubbed programs.

    Truer words were never spoken

  4. I've in sakon nakhon area and bought the PSI dish with no monthly dues. But, have only one english channel. Planning on getting the True dish for 4000 B. I was under the impression they didn't charge monthly. Am I wrong??? Any advice would be appreciated, simply want some english speaking channels. Thank you..............ken

    TrueVisions FREEVIEW does not charge but I think it does not have ENGLISH channels or at best limited english channels. TrueVision offer poor programing, lots of re-runs, and the worst service on the planet bar none. Get on to SATTHAI.TV and get VTV Digital with HD channels for less than half of what Truevisons cost.

  5. Don't.......Seriously!

    There are so many guys near where I live that continue to fall in to this trap. They all end up separated and/or divorced. The reasons are simple. If your relationship gets that serious you want to marry then you will have to/pretend convert to Islam. Once you have children the problems will start. About the age of two or three the wife's parents will insist on a strong muslim upbringing for their Grandchild. You may be living away from the Grandparents home area, but your wife WILL up and leave with your child, back to her parental home. There are many broken hearted men I know and when I hear another is about to embark on the same course of action I just say why? I have not known a relationship in Thailand between a muslim girl/non muslim man end any differently. If you have a baby girl she will be a valuable 'asset' to the family, new blood, whitish skin, worthy of a good dowry. I am not being racist or bigoted, these are just the facts from many many thai men I know that fell in love with a muslim woman. All will be great and well until you have children and they reach toddler age. Your wife may even love you very much but when her parents say 'come home and bring the child', thats it, and you will get NO visiting rights.

    By the way, don't be fooled by the no sex before marriage thing. Young Muslim women are just as curious about sex as any other young woman, but don't get caught, her brothers will have your gonads.

    So...you have been warned. Good luck.

    Sound advice

  6. These things happen when the economic situation is going down, fuel prices sky high and unemployment rate goes up up up!

    If thats the case these events should be happening in the USA at a fast pace with real unemployment above 20%. I think bank robbery is a fact of life in all countries and has very little to do with the economy in any country.

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