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Posts posted by rotary

  1. I know of a few Farangs who were were former taxi drivers, window washers, and street sweepers in Europe who took jobs in Nigeria as certified accounts,Brain surgeons and Engineers for $45,000 a month and then found out they "lost" their $950 visa money. If it is too good to be true in 99.999999% of the cases it ain't true.intheclub.gif

  2. Well I have been in Thailand most of the time since the late 80s. I have lived in Bkk and up country. I know the lay of the land here, speak a reasonable amount of Thai. I would say bare minimum is $700 a month but a good low average to live would be $1000 a month. Any less than $1000 a month better stay in the USA and hope Obama gets reelected to continue socialist style government in the USA to help that $300 a month income. As some others have said we have enough foreign folks living on nothing now.

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