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Posts posted by rotary

  1. I have used AXA and had a small accident-Ok no problems. I sure others will disagree with the following but do not under any case use Viriyah Insurance. I had a pick up stolen, they refused to pay so I sued them in court and won, they still refused to pay. Took them to court again, won again, they still refused to pay the second time. Granted this was 10 years ago but I assume they still do business the "old fashioned" way. Steer clear "pun intended" of Viriyah Insurance

  2. I'm not familiar with US elections and as far as I'm concerned it's all one big show, as is almost everything in the US, but has there ever been in US history been a party member of either democrats or republicans who didn't endorse or nominate their incumbent president?

    Not sure on that but there should be this time and the Democrats should get someone to run with a bit more common sense and business background.

  3. Computers are a good think if used in moderation. I can tell you for sure that we are seeing in a majority of cases worldwide folks in the work place do not have the hand skills and common sense that most workers had 30 years ago but they do have great computer skills. Blue collared skilled workers become harder to find every year in almost all countries. In the USA it is much easier to fing a PHD than a good mechanic. I agree on toning down on the computer learning for these children to allow them to read and persure sports which are useful.

  4. A strange way to go...

    But why would the husband even make a comment of filing charges against the owners of the crocodile farm, they would not be liable for anything if she intentionally put herself in harms way and knowing this why would the owners make a "settlement" offer in the first place ?

    In some countries there could be a law suit as they would say the farm owner should have had a better barrier in place to prevent this type of thing. Not saying I agree, just saying what a lawyer might try to say during a law suit.

  5. Around Korat hard at anything less than B300 per day. Its possible cheaper but less work and harder to find. better to pay B300 in the long run. Sometimes I work the wife's family and I pay them 500 baht a day but that more like 12 hrs working that day plus I am right with them and they "work"

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