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Posts posted by rotary

  1. I've been riding Brooks Saddles on both my Merida Matts HFS 3000 MTB as well as my Surly Long Haul Trucker tourer and find the Brooks B-17 to be an excellent saddle once broken in. I'm currently using a B-17 Special. Brooks saddles are all leather and will conform to your butt making them quite comfortable for both mountain biking and touring. There are I believe 2 Brooks authorized dealers in BKK. Taken care of correctly a Brooks saddle will last for a long time and is well worth the cost.

    Brooks web site: http://brooksengland.com/

    Thats what I hear.......I have a new Pashley Govnor with the Brooks B17 Champion seat. I really have not rode the bike yet but they claim these seats are the best after broken in.

  2. I believe most western countries feed out cattle for the last 100 days or so before slaughter time with a certain designated mixture of feeds. This makes taste consistant and quality the same as long as good butcher practices are used.

  3. If they really enforce this law it will cost thousands of jobs which will be sent out of the country. Also with things getting better in Myanmar jobs will go there. I agree workers need more money but compaines will just move manufacturing jobs out in the end. This is just reality. Look at what high wages done for the USA, the only thing you can buy thats really made in the USA is plastic trash cans, fly swatters and water coolers as it requires very little labour.

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