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Posts posted by rotary

  1. No sympathy for smokers though obnixious breed.

    Has anybody else noticed that anti-smokers tend to be rude, uncouth, intolerant prohibitionists? (And I make the difference between non-smokers and anti-smokers here - the majority of non-smokers don't believe all the propaganga pumped out, and adopt a rational live-and-let-live approach to life). I know that the type has always been with us, but the fact that some (several billion) people like smoking seems to have escaped them, and the subject of smoking really does bring them out of the woodwork. I can honestly say that I have never read such bigoted, intolerant rantings as those the anti-smokers deploy. Not on any other subject have I seen such ad hominem attacks and spiteful vitriol. And I get around a lot of blogs, forums and online newspapers.

    Big Pharma has done its job well.

    Get over it moe666 (666?). Some people enjoy tobacco, and it is not in your gift to impose your own particular brand of morality on them.

    Anti smokers rude.......what about all the smokers who smoke no matter where they are with others breathing that 2nd hand smoke?

  2. A pommie bloke i met in Pattaya, he said he was a "hard man". He's still around, last time I heard he was selling shares in gold. Early 40s, over 6ft tall, says he used to be a bodyguard for the Kray twins. ( He would have been about 5 years at the time).

    I bet he was a tough 5 year old, hey don't mess with the kid! ha ha

  3. Years ago I used to meet Belgian Jack sometimes in the bars.

    He was a bit weird with his portable radio cassette player with Austrian SS music :D

    I knew the same guy I think. By any chance did he ride motorcycles sometime, did he have a T-shirt that read something like "Friendship through better firepower-Uzi machine guns".

    And when he got drunk he would start Heil Hitler stuff? ha ha I think he was married to a Philippine lady if I remember right. ha ha. Yes the good old days

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