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Everything posted by 2long

  1. I've never been there.... Is there a lot of downhill driving prior to this intersection and bridge? If yes, then it could be argued that bad driving knowledge causes drivers to use their brakes instead of a lower gear when driving downhill for extended periods. Using the brakes too much will of course overheat them. Poor road design? In Thailand!? NEVER! Oh, and insufficient warnings or warnings in the wrong place! Impossible! ????
  2. When not asleep, my wife spends probably 90% of her time talking to friends/family. - on the phone - up the road - in front of the house - over Som Tum - while ironing It's nice that she's sociable and popular, but jeez I don't know where she gets the energy. There's no shortage of content, because the lottery, local gossip and having to say everything 4-5 times is normal because they're all also doing something else or interrupting each other. Tell me I'm not alone here, ..... PLEASE!
  3. Sounds like I might have rattled a few cages today. I'm not defending this dog, or the fact that there are many stray dogs in Thailand. We all know that there are too many. But we don't know the facts of this case. Plus many members are too quick to make a wish for eradicating them, or showing their preference to having stray cats everywhere. And anyone who wants to convince me that dogs will not eat rats, cats or snakes if given the chance and hungry enough can do so right here. Dogs born here have just as much right to a life here than some people who chose to come and live here.
  4. Rabies can take months to show itself, depending on the site of first infection.
  5. - The only way to BE SURE a mammal isn't rabid is to cut off its head and examine its spinal chord. - This poor girl was 'savaged' but is expected to be back at school by the end of the week... today's Thursday. - Dogs rarely attack without reason. Before everyone jumps on this comment, please note I wrote 'rarely.' - If all soi dogs were eradicated, as many here would like, what might happen to the populations of rats, snakes, cats and other species which are considered vermin but are part of these dogs' diet?
  6. The only thing more dangerous in this country than the roads and women is the balconies!
  7. I would like to know how often in west youngsters have murdered their own grandparents and/or parents. I'm not saying it's worse here, but it appears to be reported a little too often in recent months. And this 'culture' is one of revering and respecting one's elders. Or maybe that's where some of the problem may lie... they're encouraged/convinced/forced to trust and believe their elders from birth... then when they realise most of it was convenient lies, they lose so much respect that they turn to murder. Very sad.
  8. He hits him from behind while the guy's laying down, and is first to flee the scene. What a man!! But the headline isn't really news, is it? 'allegedly' & 'small dumbbell' Isn't there a war or a pandemic or an election that could make more newsworthy content?
  9. Not a lot of sympathy for the diners on here, is there? And quite rightly so. What confuses me is that if this is a 'goo and get your food from a communal buffet table' the member of staff wasn't a waiter, was he? Maybe he was just 'staff' who replaces the nearly-empty serving trays with fresh ones. a WAITER should have more knowledge of dishes, but I feel this is the wrong term for the staff's job.
  10. This is so common here, it's not funny. They always seem to find a way of wriggling out of these situations, that would make westerners cringe. No licence, no insurance, red plates at night, red plates for a year or more, drunk, the wrong way up the road at high speed... it's all commonplace here. Sad, but true.
  11. My local immigration office love saying 'you need to copy a random page that you didn't copy' pretty much every time I go in. I think most recently I avoided that by sending these 4 pages... - main page of passport - page of your last / most recent / valid visa - page of your last / most recent entry into Thailand - page of your 'permission to stay' (for me that's not the same as visa, which was granted 20+ years ago) Take pictures (of you) Good luck!
  12. Yeah, because Thais would never act inappropriately abroad, would they? Loud-speaker phone calls at airports and in other public places, selfies at religious and historic places. I'm not saying that these actions are wrong, but some others would be offended... such is the world we live in today.
  13. Is this really news? Of course Phuket is the main southern tourist province, and after 2021 and with the eased entry restrictions, it's obvious that there will be an increase. In other news... The sun will rise in the east tomorrow, Bangkok will be hot, and Prayuth is a fool.
  14. While so many driver in Thailand are worse than idiots, we have no facts about this case or the truck driver's experience, personality, state of mind or the vehicle speed. When my kids were that age, they went nowhere near roads where trucks pass, especially running across alone with an ice cream!
  15. Does this add up? Which side of the family is the alleged murderer? On the side of the drug-imprisoned biological father, or on the side of the new partner? Am I missing something?
  16. Molested & sex aren't the same thing. What really happened, or is claimed to have happened? Many forum members (including myself) were up to all kinds of shenanigans at that age, with consensual girls of our own age.
  17. This is very sad indeed but the truck driver may have just been 'driving his truck along the road' which is where trucks should be. Should a toddler be running across ANY road alone? Even at 20km the truck might have been unable to stop, depending on the circumstances. And even if (as I suspect) the driver is 100% innocent, this will affect him for years to come. Condolences to the family of the young lad, but I HATE the 'lynch mob mentality' of Thais in situations like this.
  18. Does your mum want the dog? I'm not sure how your mum is connected to this at all, other than being elderly but fit. The OP is correctly trying to the best thing for the dog, so why your comment like that?
  19. Well, I hope his 'conviction and suspended sentence' cause him a hell of a lot of trouble getting a visa to travel to countries like the UK! An important appointment upcountry becomes less important when you have just been in an accident!
  20. I'm not an expert but the Blue Shark is large and as far as I know not seen here in Thailand. We get Blacktip Reef Sharks, some Whitetip Reef Sharks, some Leopard/Zebra Sharks, of course the majestic Whale Shark, the odd sightings of Tiger Sharks and acclaimed Bull sharks... but not BLUE Sharks! Simply good 'sharks in Thailand' to see the results.
  21. 90% sure that just next month (June) the Thailand Pass will be history. For sure, by October things will be very different, and (apart from 300B 'tourist insurance fee') things will be back to normal.
  22. Things will take time, and we couldn't even apply for a Thailand Pass under the new conditions until last Friday, so there's almost no real effect from that yet anyway. We need to give it a month at least, and then come June and July (even though it'll be low season) tourists will return in greater numbers. Khao Sarn used to be a lot of fun and very busy 24/7. Since Covid it has been like a ghost town during the day. In 2022 it has been very VERY loud and quite busy in the evenings, but I hope that not all of the establishments will rely on playing music at deafening volumes. I know I'm getting old never liked super loud music, but surely I can't be the only one who prefers to hear the person they're sharing a table and a beer with.
  23. I've been in the UK for 5 weeks and it's great not to have to wear the stupid things. Flying back to Swampy at the weekend, and it'll back to masks again. I think the law should be officially rescinded (is there any connection to the state of emergency?) but with recommendations for people to be sensible, and air-conditioned shops can make their own decisions.
  24. But this is Thailand! And if they drunk it, I guess not even females can. I was being silly/ironic. I'm sorry.
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