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Everything posted by 2long

  1. Collective noun. A herd of wildebeast. A murder of crows. A flock of seagulls. A ... of katoeys/ladyboys/cheezers.
  2. He said, she said. Or should I mean 'he said, he said' Handbags at dawn!! Don't mess with a gaggle* of cheezers!! *(Does anyone know the collective pronoun for ladyboys?)
  3. I might have scrolled through quicker than I should have, but has anyone considered that the OP is likely trying to enter a third country (already assumed to be Vietnam) with less than six months on his passport, unless he's going here with 6 months and a few days, because he wrote 'a short jaunt.' Personally, I see it as very risky and wish him luck.
  4. There are two sides to every story. It infers that the 'pilot' is connected to the police. Does she drive a manual car that requires all five digits to change gear? As others have already said, it looks like she's trying to milk this for all it's worth, and I would say 17k isn't such a bad chunk of compensation. Ok ok.. that wasn't 'compensation' as it paid the expenses, but she's not whiter than white in my opinion.
  5. So, it's news that the police need to enforce laws because it's a long weekend? I'll drive like a <deleted> for the rest of the year then... but not this weekend. Am I safe?
  6. Sad and disgusting. This demon has no place near children, ESPECIALLY in his position of 'respected elder, educator and protector' which is what a teacher SHOULD be. As a previous member already wrote 'cut 'em off'... a leopard doesn't change its spots and he will do this again, given the chance.
  7. Really? To be honest, this would be perfect. Is there a link to a thread for this? Thank you in advance.
  8. For the last few years airlines have become wise to - the potential problem of people changing seats as soon as possible, such as when the doors close or when the seatbelt lights go out. - the good business sense in charging extra for these seats. In their defence, they make it clear on booking what you get and can choose from. Sadly, some people still feel it's worth risking not paying and making a dash for it to get the seat others didn't pay for. I recently sat in a nice seat right behind one of the better ones and a guy did just that. The air hostess was incredibly professional about it, and even though the guy tried to convince her he worked in airlines for many years, .... he was returned to his assigned seat. And the air hostess continued to talk to him really nicely even after that. I mean like a conversation that wasn't necessary, but made the whole situation lovely.
  9. Been here nearly 24 years. More than 23 years on a Non B with work permit (same company). Decided to try to get residency, which my wife is doing the donkey work for... for now. The local authorities (Chaeng Wattana, I think) have told her to get our UK marriage certificate translated into Thai, and get this translation (but I think they mean original) legalised/certified/stamped by the British Embassy. - I was in the UK while all this went on, and got the info from the ladywife, hence the lack of clarity - the British Embassy are worse than useless, and it appears the only way to get this done is by sending the original document to the relevant UK govt. office. Any help, ideas, or experience is very welcome. Both for this document, and the process in general. I'm sure that there are plenty of other similar threads, but my 'searching patience' isn't great. Thanks in advance.
  10. I've always been happy with VFS. I believe that they say 'up to 11 weeks' considering #1 Covid and #2 school holidays clogging up the system back home. My mate just got his turned around (back in the UK) within a week. Now the schools are off, anyone that needed a passport for the summer will have got it. So turnaround times are likely to be shorter.
  11. Correct. If I see people breaking the law that is not a serious crime (because I'm not a police officer) it would be none of my business. also, if you watch this guy's videos, he goes out of his way to find people breaking the law... but not drink drivers or speeders.. people looking at their phones in traffic jams.. where he can catch them. He's a <deleted>.
  12. I had many years on Nouvos, and was looking for a decent replacement. I'm not anti Honda but there wasn't a Honda that fitted my needs. So, I was leaning towards the NMax, until I rode one in Bali. WOW! Horrible! With a long wheelbase and small wheels, it was horrible to ride. And then came along the Aerox, and I got it and love it! It's not ideal for passengers (making it even better for me). Great ride, and love it to pieces. Reliability is so far no problem at all (15,000kms in 3.5 years).
  13. This (middle-aged white) guy is from Zimbabwe, but has Dutch nationality. His London 'hobby' is to seek out car drivers in traffic jams using their phones. Ok, it's against the law... but not a big deal and none of his business. How long do you think his behaviour would see him live here in Thailand? I reckon he might survive a couple of days of this before he gets shot or beaten up. https://www.youtube.com/c/CyclingMikey/videos
  14. I know that the morons who make decisions for the public in this country are referred to as 'experts' but Dr. Paemika is just a general practitioner and family doctor. Is she qualified to offer such advice? I am not anti-vax, but I don't care about or believe in it as much as many others appear to. But I went for my AZ booster on Wednesday at Bang Sue. WOW! Walked in, chose my [vaccine] (there were at least four options) and sat and had it done. Not one single minute of waiting for others in front of me! The only reason I got it was for domestic airline travel in Indonesia.
  15. The article says the stray dogs were furious, which is impossible. As I have written many times before, dogs are simple creatures that need to be stood up to and never run away from. They will always chase if you run, but never attack furiously without reason. If only more humans understood 'man's best friend' because they're easily dealt with. Luckily the thumbs down emoji has been disabled, because I'm expecting a backlash from dog haters. ????????
  16. I can't understand why the MOTHER has to file a police report in a case like this! What are the cops supposed to do? Are you saying that if a report isn't filed by an alleged victim, there is no victim and therefore no crime? This is crazy.
  17. I say fair play to him. The car is either rented (he may have to pay some compensation for damage or getting it cleaned) or his own (why should he have to suffer smells and inappropriate behaviour? Most people wouldn't eat or fondle others in the back of a taxi, so the signs are only directed at those people rude enough to do so. Do we get upset about no smoking signs and no dog poo signs if we don't smoke or have dogs?
  18. Must be a slow news day! 10 or so years ago I needed to be collected from a local train station, where I planned to drop my motorbike off for something later that day. Instead of trying to find, waiting for, or giving business to the win riders near the train station, I invited a guy from my local rank to follow me and pick me up. Therefore making directions back really simple, and keeping the business as local as possible. The <deleted> wanted to charge me double, because he had to ride there and back... claiming that he was unable to earn any (other) money in either direction. That was the last time I every gave him any business! ????
  19. I bet that piece of wood WAS petrified... have that ugly little dwarf looking at it. He might have been thinking of making some new wooden watches.
  20. My wife puts rubbish IN the sink, which is next to the bin. Her argument is that she's the only one who washes the dishes, so she will 'sort it out' in her own time. I hate it, but can't un-train her from this ghastly habit!
  21. Bukake dungeons!
  22. I object to this whole thread and all of its replies because it's too binary! We all know that there are 13 genders, and a 14th on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Therefore I implore the (gender-neutral) Mods to respectfully close this thread, then delete it, then burn the hard drives it was stored on.
  23. There's 51 seconds of my life wasted, that I will never get back. ????????????
  24. Some vital information here.... "He was fully clothed and had sneakers on."
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