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Everything posted by 2long

  1. What I'm suggesting and what other members would read into my posts is usually written in clear English. I'm no expert and I didn't sell him the car. I had never even heard of or met the guy. Has anyone on here met him or the car? I would doubt it. Some people in Thailand and on this forum have - many years experience living here - knowledge and/or connections to how things work - a huge chip on their shoulder - a degree of common sense - a grasp of English language (including irony and sarcasm when it's meant) - a sense of humour - a mission to comment in an argumentative way on multiple posts/threads, out of spite or boredom - nothing better to do - the ability/inability to let someone else have the last word Have a great weekend! ????
  2. Quite a lot of expensive cars in Thailand are 'doctored' to get them registered usually illegally, and minimise the huge import taxes. I wouldn't be surprised if this car was registered differently from what it actually is. May or may not be Jock's fault, but unless he was buying the car from the official dealer, he probably had some kind of idea why the price was what it was. It seems logical that to have a car of this speed and try to 'enjoy its performance'. Anyone reading this thread would probably want to do the same. I can pretty much guarantee that every member of this forum was not on that road at that time of that day (Aug 28th) so it's his word against the world's, and not our place to assume.
  3. This new variant is weak, but still governments around the world play on that as a bad thing... because its weakness means we don't know we have it, and might spread quicker. WHO CARES?! If it's weak, let's all get it. Big pharma are loving this.
  4. YouTube want a credit card or ID for me to watch this video! I would happily just accept it's not very nice and pass thanks!
  5. I know and I 'm sorry and I also somehow lost one of my poll options... Haven't done one of these in years.
  6. Some indicate to go around a corner, others fail to indicate when changing lanes, and others indicate left half way through an overtake. And then there's those who put on hazard lights / 4-ways Come on, which one is most annoying?
  7. There's nowt higher than the Supreme Court, and there were two prison vans at the court, so...... .... but T.I.T. ????????
  8. I walk soi dogs! Well that's not entirely true but on my morning jogs I have several gangs of dogs that I know and stop to stroke. A few of them jog with me to the next place... a couple I take to 7Eleven wher they scrounge for chicken from vendors outside. A dog (like most mammal pets) should be part of the family. Not 'owned' and never caged.
  9. A 403 forbidden is ok. The 404 is the lost/broken link. Don't worry about it and try later... probably on Tuesday as the guys to get it fixed have to first be told by the lazy Muppets who will rock up late on Monday.
  10. When will the LGBTQI+ gang want a longer acronym? Aren't things getting a bit out of hand? I'm not having a go at them, but 'them' is such a broad demographic now. It's like saying 'Asians' or 'Muslims' in which there are many groups within. Not sure I'm allowed to post a YouTube with blue language, so please forgive and remove if necessary. *Video removed*
  11. Isn't Khao Sarn a PUBLIC ROAD, and therefore who controls this and who's making a profit on the tests?
  12. Please show me where I said or wrote anything about visitors not having to respect the law.
  13. Spot on. Couldn't agree more. It's almost like the OP may have started a fake thread for attention. Lockdown boredom syndrome is real.
  14. A virus so deadly that most people need to have a test to know if they have got it or not. And a vaccine so safe that we are pretty much forced to have it. Anyone read the local newspaper that can't be named? Today there was a report of three people dying from the vaccine.
  15. I had exactly the same, but when I tried to set up the wallet in my wife's name I completed all the fields... about a hundred times, and STILL couldn't get it finalised. Very frustrating, but luckily less than 200B.
  16. This is just a return to the national licencing hours, so basically falling into line with the rest of the country. However, these national rules came into effect 12-15 years ago to copy the UK, about 15-20 years AFTER the UK abolished the law. And the UK only had the law to stop bomb makers in WWII from poor (and potentially fatal) workmanship. Because making bombs when sleepy or tipsy probably aint so safe! Well done, Thailand! The land of fools!
  17. As a couple of others have already mentioned, maybe this is a set up to make Thailand look better than SWitzerland in light of Anutin's little problem. I wouldn't put it past them to either make the whole story up, or just add this old photo to a story that has been embellished. Who knows!?
  18. I just had a look and although the prices look great, by the time you add some food and luggage, my Emirates flights were cheaper! Nearly 28k return? No thanks!
  19. With corruption so rife here, spending 500k doesn't guarantee quality meals! Look at all the roads & buildings which were built with quality (higher priced) materials. In cases like this, a good chunk of the money goes 'elsewhere' instead of actually being spent on what it was meant for.
  20. It could be.... it could just be that Pinnochio thinks that if he starves everyone in the dark areas of society (him thinking that all pubs and bars are dens of iniquity, crime & vice) then they will eventually have to find new jobs. And that if he closes them and opens them, then they have hope... but he wants to completely rid Thailand of the sleaze... in order to clean the image of this fine land. While I disagree with this, I see his thinking. HOWEVER.... the image of this fine land is forever being tainted by people in uniform, with guns bigger than their brains.
  21. You really are picking holes and maybe avoiding some phrases in order to make your point more valid. " may be allowed to reopen from January 16th, on the condition that.. " We were never promised Dec 1st, but it was spoken by His Lordship. Jan 16th looks no different to me than Dec 1st. <snip>
  22. It WAS mentioned officially but not confirmed. It even came out of Prayuth's mouth and we all know it. Jan 16th isn't 'confirmed' either, so let's have this same argument in 2 months.
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