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Everything posted by 2long

  1. I listen to UK radio all day every day and there are constant NHS-sponsored adverts telling pretty much everyone to get jabbed, AND to test themselves and report the tests TWICE A WEEK. Now if someone tests positive and then tests 4 more times during their 'positive period' wouldn't that multiply their single case by up to four times?
  2. Sorry but there's no way in Hell that 'everyone agrees... blah blah Covid'
  3. NOT a rant, but a well-written opinion of which I agree in total! ????????????????
  4. 72% is NOT three quarters! ???? And who did they survey? A load of teetotallers? ????
  5. Drunk farang and go-go girls/ladyboys can't dance very well anyway! But it's good to know that dancing is a vector for this terrible virus!
  6. As usual, most comments are negative or sarcastic... although much of it is justified. I would like to wish the whole tourism industry the very best of luck! Schools and other stuff opens today, and there will be a spike... but let's hope that they don't blame it on tourism. We all need things to get back to as close to before as possible.
  7. Not really news, as this has been the case for a while. Although 11 weeks is quite long, one needs to know when one's passport runs out.... but you guessed it, I am in the process of renewing my daughter's which expired in June! For obvious reasons, we haven't had much use for the passports recently!
  8. But who is able to define what a 'manner that could spread the virus' looks like? "But on Friday, an announcement was published on the Royal Gazette banning any public gathering "in a manner that could spread the virus".
  9. As clear as the khlong water next to a muddy field, during a flood!
  10. A mistake of this magnitude by someone in his position should COST HIM HIS JOB!
  11. All they need to test is if/how the airport wi-fi can cope with all the airport staff watching Netflix, playing ROV and scrolling through TikTok while they wait for the millions of imaginary tourists who aren't ever going to land! ????????
  12. DANCING increases the risk of spreading Covid 19 now!?? ???? Receipts? If I was running an underground/illegal business I would insist on cash without receipt. Silly people!
  13. Why waste money that can be spent on things the country needs, only to crowd people together and risk spreading this virus!? IDIOTS!
  14. Apart from the nightlife, and not everyone comes here to get drunk and hooked up, has anyone considered the masks? I'm struggling to think of ANY activity that international tourists would want to do here where they don't have to wear a mask.. - communal areas of hotels - public transport - restaurants when you're not eating - beaches, if they're open - parks - visiting temples - shopping - having a massage - sitting in a car with ANYone else It doesn't sound like much fun (even for those not interested in the booze and bars) does it?
  15. Big Pharma control so much more than many people know or think. They have their hands in everyone's pockets, especially politicians, and now online media. They will drag this covid thing out as long as possible, which will basically be forever. Can you imagine making a product where the whole world needs it, and you decide the price!
  16. I disagree. This will never ever end and there will always be new variants and booster jabs, It's a bit like gardening... by the time you have finished, you have to start again. Schools need to open asap. It's already been too long!
  17. Thanks for your input, but if you have no interest or care I don't understand why you visited the thread, bothered to comment or bothered to reply. You did point out 'If any, would be the silly mask requirement.'..... ???????????????? To me, 'other' means something not listed above, but this could go on and on.... Have a great day!
  18. Just a quick poll to see what's most important to TV members......
  19. If there is a God, then.. - would the same God's way apply to this person living in a mainly Buddhist and partially Muslim country, fleeing a Muslim country? - wouldn't that God have made the person into the form chosen by God - I guess God made this person male, but gave him/her the thoughts to want to be female, which could be going against God's will or following God's plan... whichever side of the fence you're on. None of my 'questions' are supposed to be taken seriously, just in case....
  20. I think that it's clear Pinnochio goes on Facebook* and spouts his nonsense... and then he uses the public reaction and real-world experts'** ideas to come up with a real plan. Not only does this save him the time and effort to think***, but it also allows others to show his errors before he actually acts... thus saving his ugly face! *a platform he wants to block at times when others post things he doesn't like **ThaiVisa members for example! ???? ***not his greatest skill
  21. If you're unsure if you're coming back, and if you had a business with staff that's now closed, then I don't see the (financial) point in turning over every stone just too get back a secondhand (and now unloved) Honda Click. Some things just need to be left. I understand it's the principle, and that she stole money, but 'the principle' doesn't work in law, and can you PROVE she stole money? If not, you could be making things worse for yourself in the long run. Unless a newer model and a tidy bike, it's probably not worth more than 10-15k. That's less than the flight to come and fight for it.
  22. I have no opinion on this individual, but it's interesting that as a popular celebrity she gets granted asylum for her life choices of gender and being outspoken. How about all the other men, women and children who live both in fear and poverty around the world controlled by religious regimes? But I guess inviting them in is not possible. FGM for teenage girls, torture and execution for disagreeing with the wrong people etc etc
  23. I guess that there might be a few Aussies who are having trouble returning to their own country not so happy with the Motherland granting urgent asylum to this person.
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