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    Tambon Sanpagwan

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    A. Hangdong

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  1. Just a thought.....I know its obvious but sometimes toasters don't latch due to debris getting in the way. If you arnt comfortable opening one up then try turning bit upside down and giving it a few knocks.
  2. There used to be Hangdong Rattan although they may no longer be in business. I have a 3 piece set of theirs in storage.
  3. Go home and queue up at clinics and hospitals? Do you think the NHS could handle it? What do illegal immigrants contribute?
  4. Sorry immigration has it and I never made a copy
  5. K bank!
  6. I extended my retirement visa on Wednesday at airport imm. My bank supplied me with the Normal letter and a 'certificate' which looked remarkably like the letter, all for a bargain basement price of 300B. Being the first to arrive at imm I received ticket 001. By the time the previous days backlog was cleared I received a ticket in the 40s. I finally left at 11.30.
  7. You must referring to the parking mode which can be turned off to prevent draining the battery. I would suggested fitting a power box, Blackvue and Viofo make them. They monitor the battery and turn the parking mode off at a preset battery level and or a preset time. Mine runs for up to 12 hours in parking mode and reduced frame rate. https://blackvue.com/parking-mode-accessories-overview/
  8. Amnuay motor Air 2 have fitted a couple for me with front and back lenses. 500B at the time. They fit an extra power socket behind the dash so the normal power socket is left free.
  9. Its not 440V it's is 380V. 220 x Sq root of 3. As an induction motor is 3 phase and most will only be supplying a single phase then obviously you have to generate a 3rd pase. This is done with a capacitor, the uF value is set to give the 120 degree variation between phases to give the best torque. The capacitor is normally the first thing to breakdown. You hear any motor making humming noises but going nowhere then the chances are it's the capacitor. Applies to a lot of washing machines pumps etc. It's the capacitor wots failed!
  10. Do you still have the paperwork with your breaker? Buy one in the box and it often comes with a graph. You would have to know what your liading is to see if it's the correct breaker. If it hasn't tripped then it's obviously big enough. Pm me with make and model No. And I will see if I can find anything.
  11. I think redundant refers to your posts.
  12. A circuit breaker operates on current and time. The attached graph might help explain. You would have to investigate your own particular breaker to confirm.
  13. If it is an inverter model then no. If a direct on line non inverter model then it will take considerably more. Standard Indiction motor theory. If you do not believe me then this might help. Just a quick copy paste. I did say up to 7 they day 5 or 6. It depends on the startup load and how quickly it gets up to speed The starting current of the induction motor is about 5 or 6 times the motor full load current. An induction motor of rating 11 KW,22 Amps,440 volts takes a high starting current of about 132 Amps. The current reduces as the motor accelerates towards its base speed or synchronous speed.Feb 25, 2564 BE
  14. FALSE I believe I was talking about me. Did I mention any one else? What you did say was that the airdry function found on just about every aircon is meaningless. Now perhaps you can bring graphs and reviews to to prove your hypothesis.
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