Some elderly lady got locked up for some hours, and I believe the participants were held for a time then paid a 'fine' each to be released. What a fiasco....
Don't see the point of going to Lotus on North Rd if i have been to Macro already! On the other hand I do make special trips to Decathlon. Hopefully this new place will mean a wider variety of stock...
I don't think I would incite issues by getting my phone out to record events like this. I also doubt I would hand my phone over to some rent a cop to do as he pleases with... they do not have that authority.
Second thoughts....on my phone deleting a video or pic simply marks it for later deletion and it can be recovered in a given time limit.
Seen similar happen in a GGB where some idiot was sneakily recording inside.
Inclined to wonder how the rules are for private places, like in one;s garden. A lot of fireworks were set off by my neighbour and i had to wonder.... obviously the impact extends beyond the wall into other people's properties.
Some complaints of trivial news were made in the recent past, an event of some security man giving some oaf a thump was the incident in that case. A Thai man taking a dip in the sea in Pattaya seems rather minor.
The 2 pack limit without special licence was what I believed (as you mentioned..... ) but I only read that after the notorious Bridge Club raid of some years ago......
I was on the other side of that area on the frontage Rd recently and figured the guy nearly missed the exit to the toll booths but went for it anyway! Not paying attention, distracted or microsleep!
I think I did that but many years ago and didn't trust my memory to post so. It was a convenient visa, easily obtained once a year for a while... ultimately I put a year retirement extension on it.
Its different when one is here on holiday.... takes time for the rose colored glasses to come off, and maybe sober up. Still, beats back from whence I came though!
I don't think there is much benefit paying more in an opticians and would look to those stalls one sees in the Malls for basic reading glasses. Right in front of the corridor to the bathrooms on the ground floor of BIg-CX as an example.