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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. And will this idea of driving the drunk home also be applied to tourists or will they still get extorted for a fortune?
  2. Do you expect people of other cultures to adhere to the rules and ethics when in your home country? In my case, British, I would appreciate it. Mind you, the locals do not always set a great example.
  3. He appears to have been able to get the bike up on the stand, even if beyond standing himself!
  4. Central and Big-CX were too yesterday. hearing a lot of Russian language.
  5. I expect the question simply confused him!
  6. Doesn't sound like he got that far... so far all he did was bring her back to his room and took a shower!
  7. Seemingly very unsafe police move. Old enough to steal bikes, old enough to carry a weapon and a danger to police.
  8. If they are handy with fists, boots or weapons, perhaps security on soi 6?
  9. That is true, watched it myself. Many locals seem to sail by. That said, no real point stopping them, better hit rate with the tourists.
  10. My comment really reflects on how not much is currently being done.. so to increase effort, should not be difficult. Reminds me how I saw a homeless man on the pavement in front of one of the hotels in town recently, and the hotel security, and I think a manager, were offering him money to go sit someplace else.
  11. Splurge out and pay 50 baht in a bar and see the delights not seen drinking in front of the 7-11! 😀
  12. I thought the recent issue of too many people flying a kite on the beach had proven negative?
  13. So this campaign is to develop a culture of drinking 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year? There are only about 3 dry religious holidays a year, and there doesn't seem to be a problem getting a drink between 2-5pm. Hasn't the 4am change yielded enough economic growth and prosperity....?
  14. It would be impossible to ramp it down.......
  15. I still lock my old helmet under the seat of my even older motorcycle... neither is worth much more than a can of beans!
  16. I used to drive all the way towards Chonburi City for that sort of thing, Ang Sila I think it was, a large pier. Is this Naklua area going to be possible to drive to and park?
  17. Some people are not cut out for the service working..... especially the night shift. All day sipping on the lao khao and in need of a rest!
  18. Yes, I met a few who fell off the wagon there! Hard.....
  19. Would you expect the crowd living outside to give you that privacy, or be attempting to peer in, ready to negotiate?
  20. Well maybe someone who has just done a 6 month stint in KSA and gets off the plane to a dry Pattaya would be a bit irritated,.
  21. You too eh, I am not convinced either.
  22. I will presume you do not see the joke.... 'Mane' is a word for the longer hair around a male lion's head. (And some other animals).
  23. Their primary culture and belief is that of making money.
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