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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. Sounds like there was a herd of them, like wildebeest migration. One made a start and they all went.
  2. By the name of Sawangjit Kosoongnern if the same Bentley riding lioness we saw a year ago.
  3. Pah... backpackers from Europe were doing that on Greek beaches back in the 80s.
  4. I was passed on the railway line bypass road the other day by a kid on a bile being pursued northwards by 2 cops on another bike. The cop on the rear kept hitting the right and of the kid with some sort of staff. Quite impressive, but the cops should have more powerful machines really.
  5. Also known as a tantrum when employed by younger females.
  6. 'Newly dredged'... does this suggest it was not there prior, or simply it has been dredged in such a way as being impossible to climb out of? Is this also a danger to playing children?
  7. That said, walking down Klang yesterday, I got an impression someone had been out patching up some of the longstanding traps. They get to things eventually I suppose!
  8. Unless one has eyes like a chameleon that can rotate independently it is quite difficult... you either walk into things, get hit by a motorcycle going the wrong way, or step into an ankle breaker.
  9. You would think they might have tried somewhere else after that incident. I still like the grenade in the bag, with pin tied to the wrist.
  10. Never done that, never felt had to. Pain in the ass for me and the staff. Don't carry enough small bills. Just keep and eye on the bin-cup, and never, ever, ever, touch that rope attached to a bell.
  11. It does look that way, chasing the numbers, preferably numbers in baht. Never mind if they have a lousy time due to crowding and lack of infrastructure.
  12. No....... Not seen any on Klang for ages either, have they stopped?
  13. Quite a few examples of that off the flyover entrance to Hwy 7 off Suk North....before the roller barriers went in.
  14. If you need help, call the local heavies and not the police seems to be the message here.
  15. And perhaps the introduction of visa exempt (free) entry.
  16. I always feel there is an increase in his sort of thing as we come out of the peak season. Things have been so easy and lucrative for a spell and now we are left with fewer two week millionaires, mostly balloon or special offer chasers. Sense of entitlement in the girls too....
  17. Even in the Malls, shoe stores are just a single or double unit with a maximum of two staff, often just one.
  18. One reaps what one sows...... I guess the toilet faculties are handy for them.
  19. Mine seem to handle the sun, but leaning on them with my grubby hands over the years, has left dirty marks ingrained in them.
  20. Do you thing it was 'come back in a week, when we aren't so busy, leave the gun on my desk in the meanwhile'?
  21. It's not fair too... those on the odd side get to park more often, 2 days running 7 times a year, 8 in a leap year!
  22. Shoe shops, sadly, do seem to excel at such attitude, you got them off their phone and now expect them to search around in the stock room!
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