In my area. some feeders are doing penance for merit, to alleviate bad luck as suggested by the monks at the nearby Wat. They set off the dogs in my neighbour's place when they wander about....
Fortunately they seem to let bikes go by, well I have been okay on my motorcycle.
Yes, my immediate thought too. A monk can certainly have a mother, sisters, aunts and nieces......who may come visit their relative. Some busybodies grabbing the wrong end of the stick perhaps.
Often common for all vehicles to cut corners at junctions and effectively be on the wrong side........especially surprising perhaps for a guy from the UK. Thais seem to like to always go the shortest distance....
I went nearly that long without ever doing one for myself too.... so I believe you.
I was eventually obliged to get one, but I was using an agent to get a COR at the time, so got a deal on it!
Yes it does, it is in front of me, how on earth can you see it?
I will take instruction from the paperwork I received... there is a place on the witness declaration for a stamp. The instructions say.... 'The official at the agency/institution you use will then sign and stamp the Life Certificate' . I would rather follow that, than some mouthy person on the internet.
Had that happen to you?
I agree it could happen, particularly if one spends some time in immigration watching the casual way piles of passports are left around and handled.....when I went back for mine after a wait it was in a plastic basket sitting on top of the counter. In that case, I was doing things myself!
I have heard local police can witness the paper, and put an effective stamp on it. Also Thai Post registered mail is certainly less than 1000 baht to get it reliably sent.
I was passed on the railway line bypass road the other day by a kid on a bile being pursued northwards by 2 cops on another bike. The cop on the rear kept hitting the right and of the kid with some sort of staff. Quite impressive, but the cops should have more powerful machines really.
'Newly dredged'... does this suggest it was not there prior, or simply it has been dredged in such a way as being impossible to climb out of? Is this also a danger to playing children?
That said, walking down Klang yesterday, I got an impression someone had been out patching up some of the longstanding traps. They get to things eventually I suppose!
Unless one has eyes like a chameleon that can rotate independently it is quite difficult... you either walk into things, get hit by a motorcycle going the wrong way, or step into an ankle breaker.
Never done that, never felt had to. Pain in the ass for me and the staff. Don't carry enough small bills. Just keep and eye on the bin-cup, and never, ever, ever, touch that rope attached to a bell.
It does look that way, chasing the numbers, preferably numbers in baht. Never mind if they have a lousy time due to crowding and lack of infrastructure.