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Everything posted by jvs

  1. You forgot to mention the RED PLATE!!!! New vehicle,ready for off road.
  2. In this case the owner is a Thai person,kill him too right?
  3. Here you go! and the compliments of your good friend putin.
  4. Really Donnie?Thumps up?you hypocrite !!!!!!!
  5. Well i can tell you this,he is not the only one! Very widespread i would say.
  6. Does not really seem to work,of course the dead criminal can not re offend but they all think they will not be caught. I think there is a better way to keep them contained.
  7. Yes i agree,there should be a better way to deal with this.
  8. Many Thai criminals still seem to think that being drunk is a viable excuse. A lot of them do their time in jail and upon release they are doing the same thing again.
  9. Just to clarify,not doing your ninety day report is an arrestable offense? I did not know that but maybe they mean something else?
  10. I think i know what you are smoking!
  11. We installed flat tile 17 years ago,not had one leak so far. Flat tiles weigh a lot less and therefore the roof construction can be lighter and thus will be cheaper. What i did notice over the years is that we now have some type of mold on the tiles but it does not effect anything,just looks a bit darker then before.
  12. Looks like a barn but that is ok i guess.
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 60 seconds  
  14. You have to be the worst troll since 1880. Why don't you just fade away like Suzy?
  15. No idea what you are on about.Are you saying women should have no rights?
  16. Because they are with you Bobby boy and the pictures go straight to your wife! someday soon parts of you will be fed to the ducks!
  17. In my case if there are a lot of (single)women around the gf will latch onto me. This one is taken! I kind of like it that way. Better then some i guess.
  18. Why?Did he have bone spurs?
  19. Here you go.From your favorite news source.
  20. Here is another point of view!

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