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Everything posted by jvs

  1. According to himself he is waiting for something to happen and without contacting a lawyer nothing will happen for sure. Instead of complaining here he should talk to a lawyer about what the possibilities are.
  2. Or grow a pair? Why do people always wait until they meet some one else? If you are not happy with the one you have break up with them before you try something new. That will go over a lot better.
  3. I still urge you to talk to a good lawyer,if you think this case will solve itself you are terrible naive. Police will not follow up,you need to take action! I thought you were smarter than that.
  4. Did you get a good lawyer? I would not wait for the police to do anything,they may have received some kind of envelope.
  5. Yes we were at that temple during the last trip.Very nice and great views from it. We did not stop there this time but we did pass it ,a lot to see there and all along the coast.really enjoyed the trip again.
  6. Yesterday we past each other likes ships in the night but you did have a short conversation with one of our group. We got back to Cha-am today and we had a great ride and saw a lot spectacular views. Going across the mountains was great and some nice roads. We also did take some challenging off road tracks and it was a good test for the team spirit and the bikes. Too bad we did not meet but maybe someday we can ride together and enjoy the great views Thailand has to offer. This was our second trip South and it was really nice,better than the first trip which was in November and we really got soaked nearly every day. Today,like you said ,some rain early in the morning but it cleared up later and was pretty hot. How long will you be out?
  7. Good luck in getting it going again,you could have stopped here in Cha-am we have a shop full of tools. In about one hour we are heading South also,tomorrow we will be in Ban Krut i think. Tonight probably in Pa-mak.a great place to camp but because of the long weekend it will be busy. Maybe we can meet up somewhere for a cold drink or so. We will also be heading to Chumphon,the beach there is also great to camp. Our group will be 6 people this time.
  8. I mean straight from the solar power cells into the battery.Fast chargers are DC anyway so why can you not just have a few solar panels feeding the right voltage straight into the car? Bypassing a few steps that are not really necessary? I am using a DC pump straight of my panels and that system runs really well without any controlers or chargers.
  9. Very interesting,is it also possible to charge the car using DC,so without a converter?
  10. I think i was 3 years old when he left,never seen him again. Our family story is a long and famous one.
  11. Yes thanks to the diligence of a news crew,they collected a lot of video evidence.
  12. Another day ,another rape. What is wrong with these guys? They seem to think it is normal to treat women like objects. They need to impose a fitting punishment for all proven rape cases. To make sure they never do it again!
  13. Some of those so called men do anything to control their victims by threatening to kill them or their children or family. Not much of a social program for these victims,some are just too scared also and keep pretending all is ok. Maybe a bit of Stockholm syndrome also. It is high time the government does something about cases like this,it seems to happen at least every week. And where was her family?Any able bodied brothers? I do know of one case where the killer in a similar situation was released from prison and shot the same day.
  14. The prices of yogurt already went up last week. It seems every time we go to the store some articles have gone up in price.
  15. I was with the SNS for over a decade and had some memorable fights but with the law behind us we always won in the end. Now being retired i try to stay away from violence as much as i can.
  16. How do you know he has a gun?If you see him with the gun it will be too late for you to act. He is not there to kill you,he just wants your tv and money.
  17. Yes almost comparable to people who pray in front of a cross and hope for miracles.
  18. We still have that single some where in a box i think,i can only recall playing it once or twice. It was bad but it was the Golden Earrings.They dropped the s later.
  19. This was one of their very early songs,when they needed the money i think,
  20. Also looks like the 61 billion worth of support is going to the Ukraine. Maybe this winter will warm up early for putin. Supporting the Ukraine is the right thing to do and it looks like reasoning and clear minds are still present in a lot of people in the USA. Get putin done!For good.
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