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Everything posted by jvs

  1. If they would have just stopped when asked to, none of this would have happened. There was another thread a week or so ago,it was about how smart people really are? These two guys who have a high paying job and probably not really stupid in their work but how smart are they really? They also knew they did not have a license to legally operate a motorbike. No matter how you try to spin this these two guys are stupid!
  2. Have you noticed? This happened in Thailand and not in Kansas.
  3. Spirited?You mean arrogant because daddy has money right?
  4. Really ?All that? A gun to my head and i will not resist at all! If you have a valid license and are wearing a helmet and obey the basic traffic laws you will have little trouble with the police here. What kind of idiot is trying to run from the cops for a lousy 500 baht? These two idiots did and see what it got them. How many people have gotten shot by the police over there? Yes two totally ignorant arrogant young people. They will grow up fast now and gain some much needed experience.
  5. After all of the negative news involving foreigners last week the Thai people proof once again,they don't need foreigners. Volunteer rescue groups fight? Not the first time and in the past some of these people got shot by the opposite party. Back to the drawing board or just Thainess?
  6. We have four 450 watt panels and a 2 inch pump. We can pump something like 20 cubic meters of water per hour. The pump we had before this one was a 1 and a halve inch and it is still running well but in another part of the land. The first pump we bought we were told we needed a converter and a battery. That was total bs,the converter just tried to maintain a certain voltage but for DC that is not needed. When we did use that we also needed a battery and i just installed an old motorbike battery,the battery was needed to complete the circuit. Thaiwatsadu is not cheap with panels,there are better places to buy your equipment and other places actually do have knowledge. We paid for the pump and four panels a total of 23500 baht. We live in an oasis here,all is green around us.
  7. Yes he had a great excuse to use violence but this not the USA so the offenders get to live.
  8. I am not sure how to respond to all of this negativity. Although i really like a slight tingle every now and then i also want to know who,what and how much spark i am dealing with. Are you one of those two way people? Say ACDC? Personally i do not really care which way your motor turns but i am concerned if it will leak some and affect our precious micro circuits. I am protected however against any major surge and i installed a shunt just in case some one tries to over charge my personal circuit. Just in case all of this fails i also have a main switch to cut of all the flow. I will just go sit in the sun and go Solar.
  9. Go have another drink Bobby,you are mixing things up again.
  10. Sorry to say it was not Bob. If it would have been him the article would have mentioned one of the men wearing a very expensive(looking)watch.
  11. Yes all you people can do is call names. Typical i will say. Well you will have to face the facts soon enough,enjoy your own truth while you can.
  12. Did you forget to say the earth is flat ? And yes,you do seem like a crazy lunatic.
  13. I am pretty sure they will also have to pay the family and that will be more than 5000 baht. Pay the man that was first made to confess by the police until video proved who really did it. Shameful.
  14. I would pay good money to see them two dueling it out in the ring some where! I know a few others too who could join but some would not put up much of a fight,just roll over and surrender.
  15. You are lucky to get away with a major mistake like this,the grammar police can be brutal!
  16. Already billions of baht have been (spent)on a program to neuter and release monkeys. Did it help or where did the money go?
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