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Everything posted by jvs

  1. Here you go,that is what he said literally,now you believe it?
  2. What a load of bs! When did NATO expand East? putin provoked? i give that zero credibility and the same for people who post it. There have always been clear warnings putin was no good,Crimea comes to mind. I asked you before,which country should stop fighting? And why?
  3. Another old and worn out point. Yes i do agree the Ukraine was very corrupt,just like russia still is. Ukraine still is to a certain point but it is getting much better and fast! You are also wrong about billions being sent there. What is mostly send there is outdated war equipment,not cash money. The option for countries to spend billions on infra structure has always been there,why was it not done when this war was not here? The money allocated to help the Ukraine by the USA so far is just a fraction of the money that was wasted in Afghanistan.Look it up . And another thing about corruption,the money allocated for the Ukraine by the USA is less than the money that disappears each and every year by the US Army and no one knows where it went. You want America first and staying a world power?Help the Ukraine!
  4. Do you really think trump could and or would stop this war in 24 hours? Just how would he do that? If i recall right Zelensky invited trump over to do just that but trump declined,of course. trump is in putins pocket but he is to dumb to realize it. So just who should stop fighting in this war? Which side is wrong?
  5. This girl is not hurting any one,it is the people she is working for, the russian mob.
  6. They need to clear the evidence before Yingluck comes back? A lot of coincidences lately,or not? Why not just make it into fuel or animal feed? The cost of keeping it stored for ten years must be more than the rice is worth? Not suitable for export but good for Thai people to eat?
  7. Ok, i see you point of view and i can understand it. I still see it as a continuing struggle between East and West. putin can want to reinstate the old USSR but that will not happen. If he would make the mistake of attacking a NATO country russia would be done . 3 days special millitairy operation? putin is in over his head but he can not back down,he would be dead. Gas prices up in russia and exports are down,that has got to hurt! Countries now talking about giving confiscated russian money to the Ukraine,very good but why not sooner? Let the USA send more (old and outdated)weapons and ammo,it will not cost any money right? More and more people in the US are starting to see the danger that is called trump. Maybe just in time they will realize there will be life after trump is gone. Yes it is still a war of choice started by putin but there is so much more involved. Do you think putin would have attacked the Ukraine if he would have known the outcome? "Do not wake the russian bear"was a very much used expression. It will be a very long time before this bear will have teeth and claws again.
  8. The main issue is ,this war is certainly a conflict between the russians and NATO. and is a result of world politics of course. However NATO as such can not get involved directly because of their ROE. It is the cold war all over again on steroids. Can a country,like France for instance send soldiers to help the Ukraine ? We will see. Unfortunately imo this can not be won without help from the USA and i think it is shameful they do not step up. Not because they did not promise to help but because of this being an election year. Trump will not be voted in (again) and after the elections there will be a lot of anger and resentment to deal with on both sides.
  9. Yes things do not really look good now at the front so the Ukrainians should roll over and give putin what he wants before putin gets annoyed? What a laugh. Granted the USA is not doing as they promised,all do to mike and the maga crowd and of course trump. Is there any good news? Of course there is,F-16s are coming soon. Bad at the front line?Lets go get them inside russia and let the drones fly!
  10. When it is a private shop it is a legal requirement. Their shop their rules,take it or leave it. Yes could and should have been avoided.
  11. I have seen a few posts now that say ,the cop probably pulled his gun. He did not! Did you all watch the video? One of the two guys grabbed the gun from his holster,the police did not do this. Would he have done so he would have shot the two attackers.! Did the policeman draw his gun before and for some reason put it back? Not very likely,if he would have drawn his gun because he was feeling uneasy about these two guys he would have kept them at gunpoint until more officers would arrive. Soon someone will let us know what these guys have been up to at home,the internet is great for finding stuff like that.
  12. I have to disagree with you . A police investigation does not revolve around keeping the public well informed and up to date. There are many discussions about this incident going on but of course nearly all is in Thai language. The legal terms are well known in the Thai legal system but again ,all in Thai language.
  13. You really do not know that?
  14. I do not take supplements or vitamins but i have recently started to take a few natural products. In the morning,one capsule of tumeric and one capsule of ginger powder. During lunch one capsule of Cayenne pepper. I need to do some more reading about it and maybe will add a few more products like that. All organic,home grown ,dried,powdered and put in capsules.
  15. Yes most are scams. Athletes are not normal people and have to perform at very high levels. They are usually tested for all kinds of things weekly or at least monthly. People who live a normal lifestyle and who eat a normal diet do not need supplements. I know it is a very big money maker.
  16. She teaches Yoga and claims her hormones are out of wack,that is why she became violent. Work permit?
  17. Have you ever played with the notion that all of the negativity that seems to surround you is because of You?
  18. In this case (i watched the video) i saw no police man trying to shoot any one. What i saw was one of the guys grabbing the gun from the holster and handing it to his brother. The police man did not draw it and try to shoot the brothers. This tells me the boys attacked him and were not in fear of their lives. If so, why did only one of them attack? Why not both? Maybe by the time the one guy was handed the gun it started to dawn on him that something was not going to work out for them. There where witnesses there and they can and will tell what really happened. Just as a few incidents happened with foreigners in the last few weeks ,it does not mean all foreigners are bad. Just as you can not call all policemen bad.
  19. If you are that old you should forget about having kids!
  20. jvs

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    Thaiwatsadu has a good selection.
  21. No that does not really work either,you can ask any bargirl to rent a bike in her name and off you go!
  22. You are right,so far no video so no one knows what happened. So don't say "what really happened" You do not know.
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