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Everything posted by jvs

  1. Maybe soon Macro will (have to)lower the prices of pork?
  2. Go tell that to the people who have to deal with that on a daily basis. I am talking about the crimes committed by asylum seekers,it is not funny at all and naming it is not spreading fake news.
  3. Sprays two ways?Squirt is one of them?
  4. It was a bit of a shock when AN went offline like this.Can you tell us what happened? Glad you are back.
  5. A lot of Dutch people have decided 'Enough is enough'! There are places where normal Dutch citizens can not go out doors any more after dark and there are many more rapes,break inns etc. Before you accuse me of being a hater you need to have experienced those things yourself. For a Young couple to rent a house there are waiting lists up to ten years and more. Crazy! I am all for helping people who need asylum but over half of those that come in are just gold diggers. Should citizens of a country adjust to the whims of the asylum seekers? Or should the AS adjust to their host country? I really can understand the sentiment of the Dutch people but i do not think Wilders will or can do anything radical.
  6. Can you clarify what you are referring to please?
  7. He played in a bar in Holland i owned,always wild.He did more coke then any one could handle. I went to see his museum and my brother went out with him. Very colorful guy who ended it when his body was finished. He jumped of the hilton in amsterdam.
  8. Nina was married to Herman Brood at one time,his story is also very remarkable.
  9. Fake criminal with a fake(blank)gun?
  10. Usually only the timing belt and it is usually on the cover of said belt.
  11. Some more very good very old Dutch blues.
  12. A lot of times you can tell the km's has been altered by looking under the hood. When the timing chain is replaced it is usually marked some where. If the car is fairly new you can just call the main dealer or the importer,if they have done recent service it will be in their computer.
  13. Perfect laid back new music!
  14. Reminds me of a Bintang's song.
  15. My sex drive is a bit like a dog,only barks at strangers!lol.
  16. A neighbor bought a new car and of course he had to rub it in! "Hi,did you see my new car?" My response"yes i did too bad you did not have enough money to buy a nice one'!
  17. Here in Thailand that would be Fortuner drivers.
  18. Remember it is always the owners fault if a dog is over weight! Get her health checked and if she is ok put her on a diet.Less of all foods!
  19. Usually the nose job sticks out! (pun intended).
  20. Not only Thai girls are doing the nose jobs,also a lot of guys. I think it looks horrible when done on the cheap,it just does not look Asian anymore. Some get the miss Piggy look but they still like it because they paid to become more beautiful? I told one girl it looked really bad after she did it,no longer a cute girl. She told me she wanted to look more like a farang and wanted to have a bigger nose. I told her"next time buy some brain!"
  21. I am one of the Jollyboys.Yes they do lots of off road but also some good road riding. Nice road trip south coming up end of February.
  22. That will depend how high up the food chain he is and who his daddy is of course.

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