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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. Guess we will never know the truth of this unprecedented attack plots now that the case will be trialed by the military court. What I see is that the RTA is arresting police officers while the RTP is arresting military officers. Something is brewing.

    Pigs fighting to get their snouts in the trough,, grunt grunt.

    Funny little people!

    ...and very entertaining......

  2. Awkward body language by Obama:

    Aside to aide "who is this idiot who wants a pic with me"

    Aide to Obama " Prayut Chan O Cha from Taiwan,,, er Thailand, whispering aside (democratic dictator, long story)"

    So Obama adopts the shake hands with largely irrelevant democratic dictator position ; not too warm not to close, and take that picture quickly please....

  3. The next president of the USA will have to be seen doing more than Obama has, and that probably means troops on the ground.

    The US has already lived and fought over their 9/11.

    I think it a better idea to let Russia and France put "boots on the ground". Dont you? Seems to be their fight now after recent events. Hell China even has a little stake in this game now, and is beating their own war drums at ISIS.

    In fact the US should pull every asset they have, including the CIA. No need muddying the waters with that bunch.

    Of course the corporate sponsor's of these terror wars will be more than happy to supply what ever hardware that is needed, to whom ever willing to pay for it.

    They have pissed off everybody apart from China, lets hope they manage that ASAP. Then the Plain of Dariq will unite the world

  4. no its not corruption...

    Despite being underpaid, they are geniuses with an investment portfolio, and end up with millions when they all eventually get to staff rank.

    Coincidentally, they have an aircraft carrier with no aircraft, tanks with cracks, bomb detectors that don't detect anything, not even the stench of corruption, and soon submarines that probably have to be deployed in the atlantic.

    That is strategy.....no not corruption... no no no

  5. "She said the clinical doctor was uncertified and didn’t show any responsibility for his work."

    Well Duh!!! Instead of researching the "doctor", she takes the advice of a friend with no medical training. One has to be an utter fool to not check up on the qualifications of a practitioner before undergoing any medical procedure. Especially when she probably chose this individual because he was the cheapest one she could afford..

    That's why they have certification for many professions. To ensure professional and safety standards. Of course a medical procedure that introduces a foreign substance into the body can be dangerous, and even with the proper training and attention to professional standards, things can go wrong. With someone who is unqualified to perform this procedure (assuming that this is a legitimate procedure), there is a much greater chance of something going wrong.

    Someone who has not gone through the process of proper training and certification is already exhibiting his lack of responsibility.

    I feel bad for her, but undergoing a potentially dangerous elective medical procedure by an unqualified practitioner in order to meet the sexist standards of a shallow universal male ideal, shows a total lack of responsibility to oneself.

    In Thailand 1 brain < two breasts, and lets face it TV mongers, we're not here for the temples

  6. Apparently it's unbelievably horrible. I spoke to a bloke who was poleaxed for weeks and then knackered after that. I'd no idea it was this common.

    Yes! I have also spoken to the survivors, people struck down with this horrible disease, and sadly had the poor ones been wealthy they might also very well be alive today.

    I had Dengue fever about 20 years ago. The symptoms are back/neck ache and little bloody spots on the skin, as well as high fever and headache at certain times of the day. You certainly know about it, but I would not call it unbelievably horrible.

    I was on an expatriate insurance, so money was not an object. Bumrungrad hospital told me it would take around 7-10 days to get a definitive test result, but most likely the disease will be on the way out after that time. They said it was almost certainly dengue fever. I declined the test, because there is no real point in it.

    There is no cure however much money you have, but it is very unlikely to be fatal.

  7. Did the market vendor get kicks to the head when he was down?

    Did the alleged assailants call a wolfpack for assistance to beat the s**t out of the market vendor?

    Did the police understand that they were prepared to settle for a sum?

    Justice in Thailand is an ephemeral phantasma, only the rich and/or connected can afford it

  8. Actually, western governments should issue travel advisories against visiting Thailand. How many tourists are killed in Somalia or Sudan? and how many in Thailand as a result of road carnage? a multiple I should think. The only way to get Thai government / bureaucracy to do anything is when their face.... "image" is on the block......

  9. I think the fundamental problem is that city people in thailand have been highly exposed to lead poisoning for decades. It definitiely leads to problems with brain development, self control and low IQ.

    It would explain many things about this country, including the disfunctional government and legal system, all drawn from BKK peopen, as well as an underclass unable to control their actions


    Eddie61.. I was going to jump in and not favourably comment about your post but then got to thinking... the whole leather tannery industry as well as other industries is concentrated down there.. years ago I did some work down there and was revolted by the smell in the air and the heavy metal effluent that was directly discharged into the drains..... quite allot of red and yellow dyes used then and probably still now are lead and cadmium based ( even though the most of the world bans them)

    So I change my thinking and give you this a high probability factor and in some ways does give I think a glimmer of insight .......

    Don't ignore leaded petrol which was universal until about 10 years ago, and the fact that most commuters were exposed for 3-4 hours a day in buses. The damage is particularly heavy during the formative years of brain development. It would account for a generation of morons now aged about 20-40

  10. I think the fundamental problem is that city people in thailand have been highly exposed to lead poisoning for decades. It definitiely leads to problems with brain development, self control and low IQ.

    It would explain many things about this country, including the disfunctional government and legal system, all drawn from BKK peopen, as well as an underclass unable to control their actions


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