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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. Thanks to the professional finger pointing I was able to discern the gold chain.

    IMHO it is a relatively well poised point, the finger gracefully bent outwards, and the rest of the hand discretely folded... I also like the straight arm to finger alignment... Excellent technique!

    My only slight criticism is in the poor face position relative to the rather masterful point.

    In general, I also prefer a pointer to be surrounded by smiling policemen and a downtrodden suspect. It all adds vibrancy to the composition.....

    I would give it a 7/10.

    What do you think?

  2. I watched that video a few times, and my take is this:

    The son inadvertently knocked into a Thai guy because he was practically unable to remain vertical being so drunk.

    The Thai guy already annoyed by a previous guy, gave him a shove and because he was so drunk was easily toppled and fell over.

    The Mother, reacted to seeing her son hit the ground and I believe misread what was actually just a drunken fall.

    She went ballistic and humiliated the Thai guy by slapping his face first for something she "thought" he did.

    Then it just all got out f control, and we all know the outcome.

    I am not condoning it nor excusing it , but due to that initial misinterpretation, it got a whole lot serious very fast.

    This is all to prevalent when people get drunk, their judgement is impaired and they make poor decisions. Late night, partying, Songkran over indulgence, wrong place and certainly wrong time. = Perfect storm !

    I am genuinely horrified by the level of attack, there is NO excuse for it.

    BUT the incident could so easily have been avoided, if people drank in moderation and didnt get into altercations whilst intoxicated as the result is predictably the same regardless of Nationality.

    There is no such thing as delicate as a Thai man's "FACE". His mother raised him with the idea that he has a magic wand, and is beyond question, always right. The government encourages this with nationalistic views of "Thainess" as a quality rather than a fault.

    At some stage Thais become aware of their rather low position in the pecking order and this makes them uniquely sensitive to any insult to their "FACE". Is it by chance that Facebook has among the highest penetration in Thailand, a way to boost your "FACE"?

    Advice to all visitors to the kingdom: do not slight a Thai man's "FACE"...... It is very sensitive, delicate and easily hurt. The consequences were seen in Hua Hin, and the brain doesn't function when the "FACE" is slighted. You see it on the roads every day...

    Fortunately, I profited from the Thai "FACE", as I made my money in luxury goods, helping inadequate "FACES" to boost their ranking!!!

    As my Grandad said about fire, a Thai man's "FACE" is a great friend but terrible enemy.

    Use it to your advantage!

  3. Would it be possible to get a 30 year lease for the house and other assets in your favour?

    This would be enforceable in court even as a foreign devil, provided you can agree on the lease terms.

    Just an idea, she gets some cash and you strengthen your legal position.

  4. Belgium always was a bit of a reject buffer zone between European powers, not important enough to fight for, but too delicate to give up.

    If anyone had wanted the kingdom of Belgium, the country wouldn't exist, it would be part of a more viable state or empire.

    It reminds one of certain South East Asian Kingdoms which suffered similar rejection and suffer similar consequences of dysfunctional statehood

  5. It makes me so angry to read of so many injustices like this against western visitors to Thailand. It seems like I have read about hundreds instances like this. We seem to be nothing more than punching bags for these people that neither like or respect us. They only like our money. How many thai visa members have expressed indignation through the years at behavior like this but nothing every changes, it only gets worse. Let me be the first to say that we need to organize and speak out. Let's set up a website of all the violence against westerners like this and put it on the internet. Let the world see these atrocities. FIGHT BACK! Let Thailand know that we are tired of being beaten senseless by their citizens and have them do nothing about it. Anytime a potential tourist does research on Thailand this website will come up and make them think twice about Thailand as the Land of Smiles. Officials in thailand will soon feel the heat. It will negatively impact their pocketbook as well as their "face". This will work as I have seen it work when a Thai physician did some bad work on a western patient. This person could get no recourse from the doctor or the government. Well, this patient set up a website outlining what happened and that nothing was done to help him. This doctor, so I hear from another doctor, has lost 80% of his western customers. The website has been running for 2 years and every time someone googles the doctor's name or related procedures performed, this website comes up. I'm sick of this violence and when I read about the old lady behind KICKED IN THE FACE WHEN LAYING IN THE ROAD, I was incensed. Does anybody have experience with website design? Your work shouldn't be for free, maybe others will contribute, as I will put in USD$100 as the first. OK everybody, this is your chance to do something besides run your mouth. This is an opportunity to fight back and get the government to start prosecuting these animals with sentences that will help stop the violence.

    But watch out for the computer crimes act.... 100,000 baht or 5 years in prison....

    I speak from experience

  6. There is only one way to stop this; kick them where it hurts. In the wallet and the famous Thai "face' a very delicate organ, especially in the male of the species, but very lucrative if you sell luxury goods.

    Thank god for social media. Even Thailand will change, but it may mean the end of the lucrative tourist industry before that happens.

    Some win, some lose. Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam will not cry over Thailand's tourism woes.

    Let Thailand cater to cheap, and let others get those who spend.

    TAT has a bit of work in western markets, but I'm sure someone will find the budget

    So be it!

    Som nam na

  7. After 25 years of hearing the same nonsense from authorities, I feel completely detached from the story.

    I think if people have a death wish, let them continue in this way. The world won't stop spinning because a few million people threw water and a few hundred less are walking on earth.

    You make your bed and lie in it....

    Personally, I stay at home with 2 large boxes of beer, and aircon.

    I feel sorry for those innocent bystanders, and those children whose parents were irresponsible with their lives.

    For the rest, well, ...................If you enjoy dangerous sports, don't grumble about the odd negative outcome, and don't expect society to pick up the bits.

  8. Can someone enlighten me.

    Maybe it is just me but 1 official says songkran will not be cut back, then another says songkran will be cut back to save water.

    As far as i am aware songkran has been 3 days for years. So if that is the case what on earth is the deputy governor talking about.

    Left hand right hand situation, in the end they all spout sh..e.

    The loaf does one thing, and the north and south says another, the left hand thinks it's time for a Jimmy Riddle, and right hand thinks it's on for a Jodrell Bank.

    It is as dysfunctional as it always has been, all that has changed is that now the daft and barmy are in charge of the bangers and mash.

    It will rain on 13 May 2016. Otherwise there will be a crackdown,,,,,

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