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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. Moral of the story, don't send state officials on study trips. Let them work for a living!

    It seems that state officials on study trips account for a lot of bus accidents. I suppose employees in the private sector have more productive uses of their time, such as working hard paying taxes so state officials can go and slam buses at trees.

    Thank god for small mercies!

  2. British-led Card Room raided by officials in South Pattaya – UPDATE


    UPDATE – 4 February 2016 – 10.00am

    PATTAYA : -- One of the card players contacted Pattaya One to update the story.

    He revealed that ALL of the card players were arrested and eventually released from Pattaya Police Station at 03.00am after almost 12 hours in custody and paying 5,000 Baht Bail each. They will all appear in Court later on Thursday, even the 84 year old Dutch lady featured in one of our photographs from the scene.

    The Bridge club was formed in 1994 and has never encountered a problem such as this. The players are believed to have been charged with gambling offenses, even though they claim no evidence of gambling was present. In addition because the playing cards did not possess an official government seal on the card boxes, this was another offense the officials added to the report of the raid.

    UPDATE – 4 February – 12.00pm

    Pattaya One was contacted once again by a member of the Bridge Club...

    Full story: http://pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/221251/british-led-card-room-raided-officials-south-pattaya/


    -- Pattaya One 2016-02-04

    I do really hope that world media pick up on this, and thus allow the world to see the Thai "Justice" system in all its magnificence. It's going to make headlines!!!

  3. Meaningless words to try to bolster her own political position and stem her rising unpopularity.

    These migrants ain't leaving ever. They're in now and they're here to stay and get as much off the German taxpayers as they can by any means possible and bring as many "family" members over as they can get away with to join the free lunch.

    in the meantime they will be breeding like rabbits

  4. This could get interesting. While the four guarantors negotiated with Mahidol University to accept payment of the original debt, ~8 million baht the University may have a case for the unpaid balance against Dolrudee 'Porsche'. She could find herself with a civil action suit should she return to Thailand and be prevented from leaving until the matter is settled (Andy Hall?). If the law finds a criminal action is warranted (statute of limitations?) she might find that an arrest warrant awaits her at Immigration. The University will have powerful friends in the Government.

    It could get really nasty for her if she is convicted in absentia and her Passport is consequently cancelled. Maybe she has thought of this and by way of marriage has gained dual citizenship; this is lengthy and complicated although she has had since 1993 to get her act together.

    ​Harvard may decide that they don't need the adverse publicity and dispense with her services.

    No, She will sue for 10 million for libel and crimes under the computer crimes act.

    They will settle out of court...

  5. Every year, every month the junta takes further steps away from freedom and democracy and towards totalitarianism and censorship. Spending 5 billion on Internet censorship in the year 2016 is wrong. This country is gonna fail. They should be investing in the future, making brighter students, accepting foreign investment, developing technology, science and research. This will force the Thai's to remain consumers of western products instead of being the creators of it. I am not moving back. God I miss 2013 pre-junta Bangkok.

    Just put yourself in their shoes. It's not what you want, it's what they want. Funnels they can control and milk. It used to be forest resources, then airwaves, but those are no longer relevant.

    They are playing catch-up by getting a monopoly on the new funnel.

    Old plot, different setting, story ends the same.

    A thai soap opera, it seems.

    In fact it is a strategy perfected by Britain's imperial brains. Control the choke points!

    Fortunately the Thai military never went to Eton, so that they are always playing catch-up...but way ahead of the pack by Thai standards.

    Old plot, different setting, story ends the same.
  6. I have always enjoyed having a maid, and getting" basic services" dead cheap. Liberating the serfs is a terrible idea: thai people should be kept in servitude, where they belong.

    Ironing my own shirts? The notion is simply absurd! Imagine if thai people start to use their brains and question the status quo...... it would end in disaster for the elite.

    Long live the single internet gateway!

    Freedom on the information highway, no way, I say!

    VPN is the order of the day.....

  7. I would say that this has to do with the Computer Crimes Act,, which is an abomination of a law passed by the previous military dictatorship. Under the law, the registered owner of the IP adress from which a range of offences under the act are committed, may also be liable.

    Section 15. Any service provider intentionally supporting or consenting to an offence under Section 14 within a computer system under their control shall be subject to the same penalty as that imposed upon a person committing an offence under Section 14.

    For example if a customer was doing porn or stuff that insults the powers that be in a bar and the owner is seen to tolerate it... that could make him liable.

  8. The License was correct International drive bike or car.

    No more silly questions.

    They try to pull a fast one.

    When they had the choice to take it to the station and make it official.

    They threw the paper work out.

    They were only after money.

    Full stop..........

    I would say that in 90% of cases, BIB are only after money, and 200 baht does the job. In the remaining 10% of cases, involving their individual loss of face, or under the spotlight, they are after your blood, regardless of the law.

  9. I presume Laura is in the UK and has no intention of setting foot in Thailand. If so, she is beyond Thai jurisdiction. What would be the practical effect of any investigation?

    They should take her to the International Court of Justice in the Hague... Unfortunately, it might turn into a media trial for the BIB and Laura would undoubtedly be acquitted, but it would be very funny, exposing thai justice in all its gory.

  10. Encouraging the sale of foreign goods, and making things that rich people buy cheaper.

    What's the bet that the wife of the guy who made this decision has her eyes on a new handbag? Because it's not really a progressive move for the country in general. Ordinary Thai will benefit not one iota.

    ....... apart from all the ordinary thais who work in the luxury goods business, and those who work in hotels and hospitality, catering to tourists who come here for shopping.

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