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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. You should have bothered to read all 8 other posts. A Swiss man had to lecture us on the cleanliness of their gypsy superior citizens. I guess they think they are so clean they can share needles.

    My point was about long term strategy, starting with EDUCATION.

    As a very open society, we have a fair share of the world's other problems, and many of our own homemade problems, but education about pollution is not one of them,

  2. It's a shame that 1 in 100 in Geneva have HIV. http://lenews.ch/2014/12/08/hiv-infections-down-in-geneva/

    I did say the Rhone that flows INTO lake Geneva I did not say the Rhone as it flows OUT of Lake Geneva......

    We have neighbours, not subject to swiss law, on the other shore in that part of the world.... In Zurich, we do not have neighbours, and the river that flows out should be OK.

  3. I am Swiss, and as a 6 year old, we were taught not to litter, or pollute our rivers and lakes. That was 50 years ago.....

    The seeds sown then, are reaped now, when despite having among the highest prices in the world, we have a vibrant tourism industry, and we can still swim in the lakes and probably safely drink water from the main rivers. Wealthy Thais love Switzerland, but not sure if Swiss love them, known for dumping litter wherever they go.

    Certainly, I would be happy to do the experiment, by drinking a glass of unpurified water out of the Limmat, the main river that flows through Zurich, or the Rhone, that flows into Lake Geneva.

    Only a long term strategy of education will pay off!

  4. Maybe because they might get lynched/killed by third-parties, friends, relatives etc....

    I spent a few few years working in East Africa, where I did quite alot of driving. If I had been in a prang there, I would have been reluctant to hang around at the scene, maybe a drive to the nearest police station is safest? (When I worked in India, farang employees were strictly forebidden from driving at all).

    I bet when they find him, he will not be allowed to refuse breath test, or refuse to go to a police station.

    He will get banged up straight away, no bail nothing.

    He did wrong so should be punished.

    Now we will see the 2 tier Thai system working.

    Lets hope so, people need to learn not to flee from accidents, bail is something most people get if they have a good insurance. I got bail bond on mine. But I would not flee from an accident.

    But strange your not condemning him for fleeing an accident most foreigners would do so if the guy was Thai. Are you are a Brit too by any chance and is that the reason why you don't think its bad that he runs from an accident ?

    I don't care who someone is Thai Dutch, Brit.. whatever.. you just don't flee an accident.

    Do you know WHY drivers flee the scene of an accident here?

    I had a fatal accident in Bangui, CAR (Central African Republic). A young girl ran across the road...... The rest is gruesome.

    It was in a crowded market where a French mirage jet had crashed 3 years before, so there was a bad feeling towards white faces.

    I got out of the truck, and it was clear I could do nothing to help: I knew that from the thump thump of the tires of a Bedford M-Type.

    There was a crowd around, and it was sure to turn very nasty, and very likely life threatening for me and my passenger.

    I fled the scene and reported the accident to the nearest police station.

    They told me I did the right thing or I would be dead.

    I was not drunk, not driving fast, but a kid ran out in front of me,

    If I had not fled the scene, I and my passenger would have died that day

    • Like 2
  5. My god. Does the left hand know what the right hand is doing or do they just choose to be obtuse because it's convenient. Face really is what think it is in your own head.

    Let me get this straight. Grab taxi driver fined 4k? If he really was riding without a permit, etc, then fair enough. If he's authorized, they've completely made this up as they've gone along.

    Orange riders are warned not to threaten and take other people's property. They pay the police to operate there. So if they pack up and move, police don't get their money.

    This country is in serious need of a reboot.

    Format the whole thing and reinstall

  6. A lot of negative comments, and rightly so, it would require an ethics-bypass not to be sickened with the Thai version of justice sometimes.

    But guys, what did we expect really? Thailand is a 3rd-world nation, acknowldged by its own foreign diplomats (or at least, the UN representative) to be heading towards failed state status.

    The military are out of control and are not accountable to anyone. The police don't even bother to pretend not to be corrupt any more and are not accountable to anyone. Ditto the justice system. The entire administrative system from the Pooyay Baan upwards is corrupt to the core etc etc ad nauseam.

    Personally, even though I took the decision to live in Thailand, I detest their culture, I detest their incompetence and I detest their national superiority complex, its just narcissism. And yes, before the sheeple come out and protest that not all Thais are worthless, I agree, I know many Thais who are very good people, probably better than I found where I came from. But they are a small minority in my experience.

    So I keep my head down, have my (Thai) wife conduct most of our business with Thais and try not to be enraged by the 3rd-world behaviour we all encounter almost daily. It is after all, the 3rd-world and its a problem for the Thais to resolve, not me. Of course we all know they've been propagandised for decades and that the country has been run by a feudal elite entirely for it's own benefit. But, I get my pension, I live a quiet life and the major consequences that Thais have to suffer for embracing their imposed lifestyle pass me by. USA and England have their merchant bankers, Thailand has its banking and retail conglomerates and its civil service and its law enforcement, etc etc. SSDD.

    Eventually, Thailand will grow up, eventually they will realise that the rest of the world has passed them by and that they really have to get out of their self-imposed nightmare. Eventually, they will realise that it is the dismal state of their education system that causes most of the problems, and they will fix it.


    In the meantime, I try to remember why I came here - it's relatively cheap (unless you buy something from the mafia franchises such as cars and pickups), the weather's good and by and large, the trouble that Thais cause themselves pretty much bypass us. I figure that fixing Thailand (or even giving sensible advice to Thais for them to ignore) just isn't my job, it's someone else's and I don't really care very much if it never gets done.


    I think the majority of TV members live by your principles.

    I have been here 25 years, and the only thing I care about is ensuring that my kids leave Thailand, and get a life before they come back here, if they so choose

    "Let sleeping dogs lie"

  7. If you want to know what Chinese influence can do to the world just look at the what they're building on the Mekong river and the path of destruction it's leaving.

    Then look at the proxy parties they push to get into power in Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan.

    And finally, take another look at that video of them eating prawn at a recent buffet here smile.png

    epic video... seriously frightening when you consider their regional ambitions.

    They are the ultimate predators on the planet!!

  8. I don't think the tour buses filled with Chinese that pound the streets to Khao Chee Chan, Suan Nong Nuch and elephant rides in the area will go for it, unless the price is half and the rest is commission to the owners of the businesses (in China) paid abroad.

    Well, I hope not. Sincerely!!!!

    I like cycling around there....... but at least the guys who fix the roads will have a job, and the guys that fix those contracts will have some spare cash for their holidays abroad.

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