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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. Chalerm is exactly the type of Amataya that true Red Shirts should be clamouring to get rid of.

    This buffoon is an insult to the nation and the electorate that chose the government, but a fitting tribute to the selfish interests that nominated him as deputy PM.

    He embodies the culture of entitlement and lack of accountability which will be the demise of Thailand. I just wish the Prai would wake up from their trance.

  2. What gets me is that 26 million is more than 90% of Thais will ever own in assets in a lifetime, and he nonchalantly drops that on a car. So much for representing the poor, of course they don't bat an eyelid at it. 26 million is more than the average Thai will earn in a lifetime let alone save, even after you count inflation. Ridiculous.

    Probably the average Thai would have his average snout in the trough just as deep if he could get anywhere near it......

    • Like 1
  3. Police believe that the house was part of a massive network of wildlife traders, seeing as those involved in this crime had been convicted in similar cases before.

    How many times do they need to be caught before they are put out of business. sorry, forgot the mighty Baht is the ultimate get out of jail free card for those involved in organised crime.

    I am surprised they even bother: Leonardo and CITES have gone home, it should be back to business as usual.

  4. Im not an accountant, but I believe Moodys do know a bit about the subject.

    My first search on google for "inventory valuation methods" yielded

    "GAAP requires that all inventory reserves be stated and valued using either the cost or the market value method - whichever is lower"

    I don't think the rating agencies or the debt buyers will give a toss about Nathawuts up-country roadshow......They are INDEPENDENT auditors!

    • Like 1
  5. You people probably have honest faces.

    When i travel to tourist destinations in Thailand i make an effort to dress aggressively, not shave and to look angry. Most people who i should not have to deal with avoid me as they can see they have a 0% chance of winning a single baht.

    Dont be scared to get in a fight with those touts and you WONT get into one. They'll just smell your alpha manliness and keep their distance.

    It's a sad reality but thats how it works. Gotta act as if you were in a baltimore'sque ghetto

    I'm a little confused by your post here.

    Seems like 90% of the times I read about someone getting the crap beat out of them by Thai taxi drivers, Tuk-Tuk drivers or bar patrons, the picture shows a big burly guy that looks pretty aggressive and ill-tempered- just as you recommend. They seem to get sent to the hospital a lot more often than most tourists here.

    There's a difference between someone who looks like a badass and someone wearing a sleeveless singha/chang shirt with a homemade haircut and a spotty face from not knowing how to shave.

    Like im pretty sure if you had a real biker in a taxi they would never make him stop in a scam joint while if you had your average jetstar aussie wearing a chang shirt and tesco short they would probably stop at more than one location.

    The difference with a biker or anyone who looks intimidating is they send a 'dont fk with me and i wont fk with you' vibe while the ill-tempered uneducated drunk just sends a "please scam me or make me get pissed off then you will have the regular thai amnesty for a beatdown"

    Thailand = law of the jungle. I say act as a Gorilla and you'll be left alone. Thais are like lions. They're lazy, dominant, proud and they'll attack anything that is beatable but they stay away from their Gorilla's even if they might be able to take them(Most people would say a lion could take a gorilla but it rarely if ever happens because the lion isnt that dumb). They'll even attack nasty hyenas(that would be one of the guys you were talking about).

    lions and gorillas dont share the same environment. I am pretty sure they would never meet in the wild. Now lions and buffaloes maybe....

  6. "Last but not least is the "Bang Fai Sib Lan", a 30cm-wide, 6m-long PVC

    pipe filled with two tonnes of potassium nitrate. The craftsmen who

    design these rockets can make them soar up to 8 or 10km, higher than

    some aircraft, which in low-flying areas cruise at only 3km or so."

    blink.png You start to get the impression that Thais are collaborating with the N Koreans and Iranians on a domestic medium range missile program...thats in credible...2000kg of pottassium nitrate?? w00t.gif


    one tambon one satellite

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