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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. At last i can rest assured that my next trip up North will not result in carnage.

    Maybe Thailand should look to India for inspiration on how to run a railway system albiet inherited from the British.


    A railway system inherited from the British????? OH DEAR.

    Probably like every rail system on the planet. It seems the Brits do have habit of inventing things which the rest of the world seems to adopt. Ah, the heavy mantle of leadership!!

  2. Wow, I am just amazed by the crap this government churns out. After 21 years in Thailand, and I have never come across such a concentration of BS. Its like a day to day bombardment of the stuff, and frankly, very depressing.

    Soon Thailand can stop importing fertilizer to grow rice no one wants, and just spread the shit that comes out of parliament on the fields, and then buy the rice back at prices way above market.

    I am really not sure what happens after that, but my money is not betting on Thailand.

  3. Stop bringing your western values to Thailand... they don't work here.

    Hitler is just a historical figure, no worse than Chairman Mao.. so get over it.

    Just assuming you're serious for a moment, Mao killed by the million only his own people, and that by accident. Hitler deliberately murdered tens of millions of Europeans and others as a part of his attempt at world domination, and specifically tried to exterminate the whole Jewish race. Can you see the difference?

    Sorry, but your data are wrong. Mao caused the direct killing between of 6 to 10 million people in China. Only on the tibet were 800.000 deads.

    In the "laolai" 50 millions of people were imprisioned and it's estimated 20 millions were killed on them

    So.....Mao was much worst than Hitler in terms of death. And seriously, I do not believe Mao give much better conditions to the politic prisioners than hitler.

    Of course, this doesn't make Hitler a good person, but Mao was worst in my opinion

    It's not just about body counts! Hitler destroyed countries, cultrues, and would liked to have wiped out certain races of peoples too. Germany caused two devestating world wars in a relatively short times space which cost the lives of many millions and changed the world forever. China suffered terribly under Japanese imperial forces, and then had to suffer communism under Mao. China has not caused world wars.


  4. Regarding the defamation, it does not matter if what he said is true or not. If he damages their reputation, he is liable.

    P'Check should have known better to post this on his wall.

    They have worked very hard for many years to make TV Burapha what it is today.

    This could ruin them. My wife is a friend of his wife. We had dinner with them last year.

    Very nice people with good ideas. My wife is really worried about them.

    TV Burapha has a program that involves buying rice direct from the farmers, cutting out the middle men.

    Regarding the defamation, it does not matter if what he said is true or not. If he damages their reputation, he is liable.

    Certainly in the UK the fact that it is true is a defence
  5. Students, that concludes the ceremony... however as part of our final day we are going to hear from Pornchai whom many of you know, about his native Thailand .

    Pornchai welcome.. please tell us about your home...

    Swaasdee krup everyone.. allot of you know me so let me start by telling you about Thailand..

    Its a great place... the capital is Bangkok and the traffic is terrible.... yes there are plenty of taxi's but most are driven by people whose last job was behind a water buffalo and quite often they have guns and knives and just last week and American got stabbed with a samurai sword by a taxi driver.. however it was his fault cause he got annoyed with the taxi driver and in Thailand you shouldn't get annoyed.

    However dont let me put you off going to Thailand and getting a taxi just as long as you are going where he wants to go and don't expect the meter to be on.

    The beaches are great.. in Phuket and Pattaya you can have a wow of a time and hire jet skis.. Just beware of the old scam however where they say you damaged them and then the thugs all descend on you until you agree to pay an extortionate amount.. the police.. well they are in on it so dont expect any help there.... all good fun but remember to keep your cool and don't get annoyed as you hand over 30,000 Baht for something you didn't do as this is Thailand and you shouldn't get annoyed. Besides everyone knows you farang have heaps of money

    Our politics are well known.. in fact we have a great brother and sister team sort of like your Punch and Judy puppet routine.. THaksin is in exile as he has run away from the country due to being convicted of bribery and his sister is the PM but he controls her and the other puppets . People get annoyed at this but they shouldnt as you dont get annoyed in Thailand.

    Thai people really care about our framers so much so that we are the only nation that gives our farmers a rice subsidy... the farmers are real happy at least if they got some of it, our rice is now the most expensive in the world and we are sooo blessed with rice that we are sitting on mountains of it is storage just for a rainy day... people sometimes get annoyed at this but you shouldn't get annoyed in Thailand.

    We have a great quality of life in Thailand...its not that we value life highly its just we have a great quality of life... chances are if you get in an altercation over even the most simple thing with a Thai man then a knife or gun will be bought out.. but dont worry there aren't that many deaths statistically of foreigners in Thailand.. well not compared to active war zones . Again moral of the story is dont get annoyed.. yes you guessed it.. you shouldn't get annoyed in Thailand.

    Ladyboys.. many fellow students asked me about these and they are really a great part of Thai society.. if you go for a standard massage chances are there will be a lady boy under the bed to help sort through your clothes... feeling tired and run down.. not to despair allot of ladyboys will accompany you home and give your drink a little sedative to help you sleep and only deduct a modest sum from your wallet for the service.

    So I could go on and on about my home.. there are so many things I haven't mentioned.. but it sure is a great place... Once I finish here I plan to go to university here, get a job here, get my relatives and friend here live here...some people get annoyed that Im sacrificing myself by not going home but I like to think Im giving other Thais a better opportunity and besides you shouldn't get annoyed in Thailand.

    See you all at the party tonight....if anyone falls of the balcony i will cover for you as my sister has had two of her farang husbands mysteriously fall so i know what to do...

    Democracy.... I poritic very boling

    Copyright plotection.... Oheeey! Why u tink toomut

    Corruption... hab in ebery plate

    Soap opera: i lie to mut, hab many, thailand no 1,

    • Like 1
  6. Corruption is the ONLY reason anything get done in this country! Police actually enforcing the law and not taking bribes? Motorists will be outraged at having to pay the real 500 baht fine instead of the 100 baht bribe to the officer. Everyone ends up unhappy....tomorrow and the next day and every other day will be business as usually in the LoS. A cabinet reshuffle just moves the pigs around the troughs. To eliminate corruptions means there will be no cabinet. Who is gonna do that job for a lousy 70K a month or whatever their real salary is.

    Maybe someone who puts his country and his people ahead of his own greed?

    There are some honest Thais around you know.


  7. I am new to the country, only arrived 3 weeks ago but read the papers, and never heard there was corruption in Thailand. It seems most unlikely in a country where a Deputy Prime Minister, who started his career as a policemen, rising to the rank of pol. capt. is paid well enough to drive pink Bentleys (plural intended). Or am I missing something?

  8. I only hope that it is reciprocal. Thais travelling to UK, USA etc should also be required to have medical insurance, commensurate with the standard of care at western government hospitals.

    Another point is that foreigners pay at least 5 times what thais pay to visit government funded monuments at national parks. Aren't we indirectly funding our "free" coverage, which I am sure is used in a small minority of cases.

    The bottom line is the tourist business. I If a few million fewer touristst a year is acceptable, I am all in favour. Pattaya is far too full of tour buses, and I would be more than happy if they visit myanmar and vietnam instead. Malaysias beaches are much cleaner than thai beaches.

    But then I am not in the tourist business.....

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  9. So at this point, it appears that not only will Thailand have an international reputation for selling moldy rice, it will also have a reputation for that in the domestic market as well. The drumbeat of bad news continues on.... The only silver lining in this cloud is if PTP loses the election over the corruption and losses in this catastrophic program...

    turn it into lao khao and keep the peasants on the farm

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