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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. Finland is a nice country. A regular worker has a much higher standard of living than in Thailand so quite obvious that many would not like to return.

    There seems to be more to it than that. Their employer must have tried to short them on something, so they started a protest, and now they're being shifted back home as their visas are terminated. Standard business tactic: no need to pay the last couple months of wages for migrant workers, as they'll be kicked out of the country at the end of their visa anyway and can't come back to pester you.

    Surely they have nothing to fear returning to Thailand and letting the famous Thai legal system defend their interests. Dirt poor or filthy rich the law is the same for all in the land of smiles.....pppppppprrrrrrrbbbbhhhhh......hiiiiiiiiiii........


    my sides hurt......

  2. How irrelevant the initial post seems,I will have an avid intrest in the people who contributed to this post

    Half of the fellas I recon are the failed school teachers,and the people who bought a cheap 18 year old dolly bird

    I found a wife who was not the best looking girl in the bar and counts her blessings she met an idiot felang like me

    But together we have built a good life,

    And I am so insecure to say that we have a pot full money,,maybe that's why she loves me? Or it could be devilishly good looks ,and an insanely hypnotic personality

    So as my credibility is near zero ,,,,you will be hearing a lot more of jimbobs1

    Where do you guys all find the 18 year old dolly birds. They don't give me a second glance anymore!!! That really pisses me off.....

    Mind you at 52 I really cant expect that....

    or maybe I am just too modest.. Anyway.... time for bed all of you... you have skool in the morning, or 18 year old dolly birds in the nest...

    • Like 1
  3. Most politicians have failed to learn the real problems of people in rural areas

    Most politicians very likely don't give a smeg about the problems of people in urban areas either. Money, car, house, face, that's it.

    What most people will do is sell their vote to the highest bidder, which is why they always get shafted. Karma, I suppose!

  4. thats the second hub idea today from Authorities.,,, thats just 2 in a day though.

    Authorities, you useless scum, you could do better than that, you are damaging Thailand's only credible reputation the H..hub, apart off course from the S.. hub. Surely 5 hub ideas a day should be possible!

    I think a hub committee needs to be set up and hub study trips are an urgent necessity. Yingluck will be your pretty travel guide..

  5. Arabs always seem to enjoy a good old fight, and have taken a liking to a bit of fighting between the tribes.

    Good thing too, a bit of a barney never hurt anyone, lets off steam and all that! I don't think that the US or UK should lift a finger to interfere in this conflict.

    Keep 'em busy, old boy, I say, and stop 'em blowing up planes and tall buildings n the west.

    Arguments about wearing a burqua in Paris seems like a lot of gas when Syrians need European support from the west.

    Jolly good show!

    • Like 1
  6. "Meanwhile China has voiced concern at recent accidents befalling its nationals on snorkelling trips."

    Ah. And that would be the same China where they sell dodgy baby formula, drive over toddlers, ignore toddlers that have been driven over, and have several of the world's most polluted cities .... the list goes on a long, long time and I haven't even mentioned the human rights abuses.

    China and its government are the archetypal heap of sh*t.

    When it comes to ethics in business and government, it seems that Thailand has already learned a great deal from China: and now the Thai govt is learning a good deal from China about control of public opinion. The Arab Spring could well become the Asian summer and Thailand could be the Tunisia

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