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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. There was a place about 16 km east of Kuchinarai, Kalasin Province on hwy 12 on the north side, that raised turkeys. It was closed down during the bird flew crises. I don't know if it has reopened.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I suppse the turkeys flew away

  2. The missing line above is.

    Police will check CCTV in the area as they attempt to identify the assailants and arrest them as soon as possible before they are able to strike again.

    But I think it is too late......... getting dangerous out there. Couldn't have been far from the entrance to the Mercure Hotel.

    4AM and drunk is not a good deal any place. Gold and cash are too big a challenge for the ganster to ignore.

    leave the bling and main cash at home, get a cheap phone for nights on the piss. Dont argue with the robbers, just hand over the few thousand baht and get some sleep

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  3. To Yingluck and her croonies - we salute you for this disaster; a mere 35 years ago Cambodia was dead, dead, dead and war torn - rose from its ashes. Congratulations to Cambodia are in order.

    Maybe Somsak needs to be passed on this message on what kind of fantastic crowd of crooks he voted into office again!

    Let me guess......

    Mr T is long Cambodian rice and short Thai rice futures

  4. I remember reading a while ago that one middle eastern airline, Emirates I think, have effectively valued their A340-500's at zero as they are so inefficient and nobody wants them. How Thai can put such a high book value on them is beyond me.

    It's what they do.

    Planes, houses, cars, rice all over valued on the books. To quote market value would require a loss of face by them.

    Thais will keep a house in a moo baan, unoccupied for years, slowly deteriorating and still attempt to get top value for it.

    The concept of "Sunk Costs" is alien to Thais. They'll never understand that something is better than nothing when it comes to business. Those planes have been flown for untold millions of miles and have carried an untold amount of passengers and have no doubt paid for themselves, but the Thais insist on playing hard ball for their price for planes that they will never put up in the air again.

    Stupid beyond belief...

    Problem here is these A340s have done little miles compared to the norm. like you buy a car for your taxi business and not run it, same same.

    Instead of using them on the routes they were designed for they used them on other routes that didn't suit-plus their prices were too expensive so the planes were never full. In service on good routes and prices at a reasonable level filling these aircraft on long haul would not be at a loss.

    Stood on tarmac under cover is stupid. Surely to sell all at a reduced cost and put that money into a new A380 without paying lease money.

    DOH. idiots. Why are Thai Airways struggling ??? here is your answer -attitude problem-sick management, too many free VIP seats, money pocketed ??? maybe I don't know BUT ???? Maybe Thai should get these planes flying, you can sell easier if used than not used.

    I suggest very high ticket prices: they cant be 28% better than British Airways...... or maybe the Thai smile justifies the cost.

    Personally, I prefer the Thai smile vertical, and can get 10 of those up close and personal for the extra price of a horizontal smile on TG

  5. Those tourists would never do that in their own countries, red flag means the same everywhere , but here they still believe they can do anything .. just hope he will reward very well the guy who saved him ...... Well done Mr Thanyaboon

    Have you ever visited the pristine beaches in Switzerland

    We swiss have no monopoly on fine (ocean) beaches but pristine lake beaches grace many of our cities, and I would drink a glass of water off the beach: by the same token, we are not over endowed with agricultural land, or mineral resources, but we do own the biggest food company and one of the biggest mining companies in the world.

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  6. I have met them many times in the Thai hotels/resorts. They walk next to eachother and will never give way for anybody else. They take all the beachbeds at 6 am and start drinking there right after breakfast, yelling, rude behaviour, being very wild and drunk at 1pm before they go take a nap. At the breakfast buffet a fat russian bloke grabbed the whole pile of plates while my arm allready was reached out to take a plate. He waited for his group of friends who came a few minutes later and gave them all a plate. They piled them plates up, ate only half of it and went for a new pile. Leftovers disappeared in their bags for lunch.

    They barely speak english, don't care at all for other tourists, are agressive and only drink/eat all day.

    I know there are other nationality's which also can be rude but the russians are the worst for me.

    Just my own experience and opinion. From now on i only want to go in a hotel where there are no russians.

    Quality tourists


    I have two Nephew's that married Russian women back in the states, They have integrated well in to life in the US, but also keep their Russian language, culture and food. Much socialization with many other Russian women that live in the same cities also married to U.S. men.

    Young, great looking women that seem to welcome and enjoy the US way of life.

    I never have interacted with Russian's in Thailand!



    I interacted with a russian girl once: I was knackered in the morning

  8. try alaskan pollock from Makro. 185 baht a kg, frozen on board ship and apparently a sustainable fishery. Tastes a bit like cod.

    sorry edd same time.cod and pollock are same fam,

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    same family, different surname. Ask Makro shelfstackers for a subspecies of atlantic cod if you have time on your hands. Alternatively, look out for alaskan pollock!

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