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Posts posted by than

  1. BANGKOK: -- The Broadcasting Board decided on Monday to revoke the operating license of Peace TV allegedly for repeated violations of the announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).

    Colonel Nathee Sakulrat, chairman of the Broadcasting Board, said that the commission had warned Peace TV which was owned by Peace Television Company on several occasions since last October that the contents of some programmes were deemed to be provocative, inciting disobedience and causing public misunderstanding.

    On March 23, the commission decided to serve the television a written warning to Peace TV to comply with the law and to follow the agreement. Yet, the television continued to defy the agreement prompting the commission to suspend its operating license effective as of April 10 until April 17, said Colonel Nathee.

    Peace TV resumed operations on April 18 but, again, it broadcasted contents found to be violating the agreement in a way which were deemed provocative and inciting public disobedience.

    Reacting to the order revoking Peace TVs licence, Mr Natthawut Saikua, co-leader of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship, said he suspected the order came from someone above the Broadcasting Board.

    He said he didn’t why the powers-that-be were so afraid with opposing views. However, he indicated that the company might appeal the case to the Administrative Court to seek a stay of execution so that PEACE TV could continue broadcasting.

    The army really is terrified and losing the plot it seems.

    Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

    Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

    billd, can you give a brief transcript of what they have been saying which justifies their shutting down?

  2. These types of threads always bring up too much democracy rhetoric. Western democracy is a republic founded to protect our individual rights to life, liberty, and happiness. Thailand is not a republic. If you all are going to banter about political philosophy, at least do it with some class.

    Ok if I understand your mind a western democratic country is a republic ? What about Spain, Great Britain, Belgium, Nederland, Denmark, Sweden and Luxembourg ?

    These counties are not a republic ! For you these countries are not democratics ?

  3. Yeah...anti-semetic rants and hate- speech are forbidden in many places...and that is something else as criticizing or even insulting the President.

    France have is lese majesty law too :

    The offending the head of state is governed in France by Articles 23, 26, 36 and 37 of the law on freedom of the press of 29 July 1881, in order to punish offenses against public figures, protected because of the functions they occupy

    Insulting the President of the Republic is punishable by a fine of € 12,000 under section 33, paragraph 1 of the Law of 29 July 1881 and defamation € 45,000 under Section 31 of the same law.

  4. So France is not now a good example of democracy because of it's pas colonial laws. It further confirms that these guys are under the modernity of the 50's.

    You must te relearn your history, France has make a lot of harm to Thailand with his gunship diplomacy......

    Preah Vihar is one of result of this colonial time, when English and French wanted to control Thailand

    On the contrary, France protected the region, particularly Laos from Thai expansionism. If you recall the history, Thailand made an opportunistic land grab during WWII and the Vichy French pressured the Japanese to hold Thailand in check. Thailand was actively collaborating with Japan while other countries in the region were resisting the Japanese. A large part of the resistance movement was associated with the communists, while the 'military' faction was in the Japanese camp. Many people forget that the communists played an important role in removing the Japanese and then the French colonial forces. When we forget history, it tends to repeat itself.

    In this time France just protect is interest, some part of Thailand has been steel by force by french colonial campaign...... France have during this time a diplomacy call gunship diplomacy, France want new territory in Thailand, Thailand said no, France send gunship and threaten to bomber Bangkok for forced Thailand to accept it..... this the glorious colonial history of France in this part of the world.....


  5. At least France has freedom of speech and you can say and write that president Hollande is an !d!ot without getting jailed.

    Try that in Thailand.

    you can try in France, you will be fall for defamatory...

    There were some protesters who criticize Holland or Fromer president Sarkozy these people were arrest and detain by presidential security....

    You cannot make any negative remark against power without have an investigation from police or see revenue inspector control you

    In France there are not really freedom of speech......... you cannot criticize religion, a joke in a "lay" country....

    Are you joking? You never read charlie hebdo? Just type charlie hebdo on google then image and enjoy the various cover pages dealing with political figures and others

    Look humorist Dieudonné, government want to shut him.........

    If you criticize Chaly hebdo you will have problem......

  6. At least France has freedom of speech and you can say and write that president Hollande is an !d!ot without getting jailed.

    Try that in Thailand.

    you can try in France, you will be fall for defamatory...

    There were some protesters who criticize Holland or Fromer president Sarkozy these people were arrest and detain by presidential security....

    You cannot make any negative remark against power without have an investigation from police or see revenue inspector control you

    In France there are not really freedom of speech......... you cannot criticize religion, a joke in a "lay" country....

    • Like 2
  7. DCA must begun to use ICAO regulation, start inspection of all Korean carriers landing in Thailand, I'm sure they'll found that some problem

    And cause a drop in the all-important tourist arrival figures?

    It's just international regulation, when a foreign carriers landing in airport, it must be face to control by aviation authorities of the destination country.....

    In June 2014, French DGAC blocked a thai carriers (JetAsia) in CDG for one month due to lack of maintenance documentation...

    2013 to 2014 EASA inform ICAO about some problem in lack of maintenance of Korean Air A380........

  8. Oh nooo, more bad news for thai aviation.

    Who will fly with any of them from now on? Not me or my collegues....

    But this happened saturday? Then why it's in the news on tuesday??

    This is a good example of exotic airlines in Thailand...

    Those are carriers who give bad pictures of civil aviation in Thailand... old fleet with lack maintenance.

    This is the main problem rise by ICAO since few year without fix by former "elect" government .................

    All charter or small budget carriers in Thailand are under eyes of ICAO.......

    Thailand has got 21 carriers only 8 reach ICAO standard.....

  9. It is a common practice to paint over the Logo following an incident, although it does no good unless you paint the whole aircraft. Everybody knows the Livery of most airlines.

    Why is the "H" are they bringing up something that happened in 2013 ??

    Further, until the IACO releases to the public there findings there is a lot of unnecessary posting about something no one knows about. From what I have read it may be directed at the Air Ministry and not the major airlines in Thailand.

    But, as usual everybody has to take a punch !!

    Thai airways is not the only carrier to paint logo after accident, Air France do the same in 1993 with an A340


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