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  1. Ok I will bite.

    What are the safety issues?

    Take your pick: Thaksin or Islam.....................coffee1.gif

    WOW… Thanks for the clarification..

    So again I ask…What are the safety issues?


    A lot of foreign carrier have sometime the same problem...... SIA A380 has been return to airport after pressure failure due to a door in May 2014.......

    If there are US and European ban about the DCA safety concern, this will not touch airlines like Thai Airways, NokAir, Thai air Asia or Bangkok air who have got good safety record, (Thai has support of Lufthansa about engineering and these carriers are good Boeing and Airbus costumers )....

    It will concern exotic airlines like Jet Asia Airlines or Orient Thai..... in June 2014 a Jet Asia Airlines B767 (Leased by air Madagascar) has been blocked one month at CDG airport by DGAC for failure to have good document about the aircraft.....

    The problem DCA give a lot of licence to exotic airlines without know if their have all qualification for this type of operation

    • Like 2
  2. Pheu Thai disagrees with enforcement of Article 44

    BANGKOK: -- Pheu Thai Party acting deputy spokesman Ansuorn Iam-sa-ard Sunday expressed concern that the enforcement of Article 44 of the interim charter would be worse than the enforcement of the martial law.

    The article, when invoked, gives Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha absolute power in his capacity as the junta chief. Anusorn said the government should instead hold the next election as soon as possible.

    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Pheu-Thai-disagrees-with-enforcement-of-Article-44-30256986.html


    -- The Nation 2015-03-29

    Why PTP disagree? PTP/UDD had planned to burn Bangkok again ?

  3. Very amazing, Thai carriers have got low record of accident compare with western carriers... the last accident today Air Canada A320 crash during landing at Halifax airport !

    ICAO is dominate by western government, it always refer to FAA or EASA regulation....

    Currently, western carriers try to push their government to be more protectionism in aviation the last example the charge of these airlines against Gulf carriers.....

    perhaps its a new move of these government to limit Asian airlines in their sky and promote their national carriers or force Thailand to accept an opensky agreement who put Thai carriers in difficulties.....

    • Like 1
  4. If it weren't for all the coups Thailand would already be a proper, modern functioning democracy. Thailand is undergoing a process of change, its democracy has been far from perfect but is slowly improving (when given the chance). Indonesia started the same journey at the same time as Thailand's latest efforts towards freedom - after the Asian financial crises in the late 90's. The difference between the 2 countries now is that in Indonesia the people have managed to keep the military out of politics, in Thailand the military have not been put back in their box and have conducted 2 successful coups since the financial crises - stunting Thai democracy yet again. The choice Thailand faces is to keep moving forward on the path towards democracy, slowly perfecting the system step by step or return to the undemocratic and unjust past. The hurdle Thailand faces and cannot yet get over is for the losers of an election to accept defeat, to accept the will of the people and take their seats on the opposition benches and try to earn more votes next time around through hard work and policy development. Thailand needs to experience the peaceful transition of power after a succession of elections. Thaksin can only come to power via votes which means Thaksin can be removed from power by votes without destroying the system - not so the military, they come in via guns and destroying the system and cannot be removed by the people without bloodshed.

    Yes ok, if for you Taksin / PTP /UDD is democratic, Can you help me to understand why they need to use vote buying to stay in power, why they use terrorist method for silent opponent, or topple legal government , why they kill children ? why they try to corrupt judge when they are in trouble ?
  5. PT UDD just regroup leftist, demagogue, fascist, anti-monarchist, terrorist, anti-democrat linking by one thing : Taksin money, for this, these people don't believe in democracy

    Now I want to see their evidence for claim abuse by authorities.... but in this sensitive case army and police are prepared strong evidence for tackled this new red shirt lucubration !

  6. there are pix as an evidence http://prachatai.org/english/node/4880

    Londonthai, be serious please take time to check internet about electric torture and you will see that damage cause on body was not like this "evidence"

    Damage are more important that you cannot hided this from medical check......

    This is just another pathetic tactics from pathetic lawyers and red shirts....

    1/ red shirts always show us like victims but evidence and History show us the contrary.

    2/ Their lawyers are the same who defend Kho Tao murders and they claimed the same thing in beginning of investigation, the same investigation backed by British police

    3/ prachatai was a propaganda tools of red shirts movement, not real journalist

  7. Since the begining there was doubt about her testimony in Wat Pathum Wanaram incident..... she never explain why black shirt uniform and weapon have been found in temple.... why some gunshot come from temple and target official during their duty to restort law in vicinity of the temple ? why she protected black shirt terrorist and offer them human shield durring this incident ?

    She never give answer about this .

    For me, it's not a surprise if she linking with terrorist plot in Bangkok

    I doubt she had been the only one to testify, plenty of people had been there. There even has been soldiers testifying that they did not notice any shooting at the military, see the court ruling below:


    oh Candide, like Voltaire's character you so naive

    This article has been issue in 2013, during YL administration, the same administration who has been denies existence of black shirt despite evidence and world critics.....

    See HRW report about this

    The status of government investigations into alleged crimes by the UDD-linked “Black Shirt” militants remains unclear. Despite clear photographic and other evidence, the UDD leadership and its supporters, including those holding positions in the government and the parliament, continue to assert that the UDD had no armed elements at the time of the 2010 events.
    • Like 1
  8. It's all over twitter now with a video on youtube. She was being held in military custody. Tweet by @KhaosodEnglish

    'Missing' witness of 2010 crackdown deaths was in military custody after all. Footage: Details forthcoming.

    Thanks for that video. Shows very clearly that she was indeed in (military? - I only see police) custody.

    Interesting to note however her zeal to use the 3-finger salute - obviously not a fan of the army, which may be a result of her detention (maybe her detention was the result of criticising or even slandering the army). Either way I would wonder how impartial/true her witness account would be, although the 3-finger salute doesn't necessarily mean she is affiliated with the Red Shirts.

    As we don't know why she was detained, we don't know much really. All we know is she was one of those going on record saying the army was firing into the temple. (There are also witness accounts saying the MiB and RTA had a firefight nearby earlier in the day.) I somehow suspect she was picked up by the RTA because they know something about her that we don't yet know. She has "defiance" written all over her - understandable given the circumstances at face value, but this defiant look might also be a long-standing hatred of Thaksin opponents. We all know how much love, trust & tears your average UDD supporter puts into supporting the Shin crowd.

    Still though, "abduction of key witnesses" is obviously not in the best interests of transparency or justice. I have to wonder why the RTA initially denied it.

    she is probably link with terrorist red black shirt movement

    remenber in the famous temple black shirt uniforms have been found...... red shirt are the only movement on the world who not recognize existence of armed element in it rank despite evidence and criticize from foreign NGO like Human right watch (see world report 2014 Thailand.....)

  9. "The four anti-coup protesters were arrested, and later released on bail, after a Valentine's Day protest in central Bangkok where activists handed out roses and copies of George Orwell's anti-authoritarian novel "1984"."

    I'm waiting for the junta enthusiasts to explain why the above is a crime.

    Oh wait, it's a crime because PM/General/Not a D-word Prayuth says it is. How could I forget?

    They violated martial laaw who ban politacl rally........

  10. Metropolitan Police Bureau chief Pol Lt-General Sriwara Ransibrahmanakul said "financiers unknown to police" were behind the grenade attack on the court and the double pipe bombs near Siam Paragon shopping mall. Though police have acquired solid evidence against those who coordinated the pipe-bomb attack, "police cannot identify them", he added.

    Maybe near Dubai ?

  11. Source : Human Right Watch Wolrd report 2014 Thailand :

    The status of government investigations into alleged crimes by the UDD-linked “Black Shirt” militants remains unclear. Despite clear photographic and other evidence, the UDD leadership and its supporters, including those holding positions in the government and the parliament, continue to assert that the UDD had no armed elements at the time of the 2010 events.

    Why PTP government try to disrupt investigation against Red shirt militia by denial existence of black shirt. This is one of evidence show collusion between UDD and PTP in violence. "You make the job, I protect you"

  12. I'm sure I would have seen it in the news if the army had released evidence linking the PTP government to a Khon Khaen terrorist cell. If there were such I news story why don't you provide a link?

    Khon Khaen terrorist cell link to UDD, UDD link to PTP. Q.E.D. !!!!!

    I'm very sad for you It's a choc for you to learn that yours heroes were only a criminal gang.....

    But I think you begun your reconstruction work

    Currently you are between the phase 2 or 3 : the denial, the anger and bargaining

    the next step will be the sadness, resignation, acceptance and finally rebuilding.......

    I know it's not easy for you currently, but I hope you will see the true soon.....

    Take care !!!!!

    So that's your evidence that PTP ordered the killings?

    That I said the denial is the best ally of red shirts......

  13. Weren't those neckerchief part of Suthep and the Mad monks uniform?

    Why you would not want understand that red shirts movement is a criminal organisation ?

    Their movement is linking with a lot of criminal case like children murders !

    Yes I agree the red shirts are bad. I still despise Suthep the Mad Monk and the coup. Why don't you want to understand that some don't take bloody sides and those that don't aren't blinded by love of thier idols. The suthep thing and the coup are just as bad as the reds and it is growing worse by the day.

    Ah, both sides and it's growing worse. You probably mean the grenade and bomb attacks.

    It's really time to clean Thai politics , I hope the country will be restart on good tracks

    • Like 1
  14. I'm sure I would have seen it in the news if the army had released evidence linking the PTP government to a Khon Khaen terrorist cell. If there were such I news story why don't you provide a link?

    Khon Khaen terrorist cell link to UDD, UDD link to PTP. Q.E.D. !!!!!

    I'm very sad for you It's a choc for you to learn that yours heroes were only a criminal gang.....

    But I think you begun your reconstruction work

    Currently you are between the phase 2 or 3 : the denial, the anger and bargaining

    the next step will be the sadness, resignation, acceptance and finally rebuilding.......

    I know it's not easy for you currently, but I hope you will see the true soon.....

    Take care !!!!!

    • Like 1
  15. Many posters stated that the PTP froze bank accounts of protest leaders, but provide no specifics. Were these 'leaders' leading protests in clear violation of the law? The ones illegally occupying government property, blocking roads, refusing legal orders to disperse, etc.?

    Chaturon Chaisang defied an order to report to the junta, where he undoubtedly would have been held incommunicado without charge for an indefinite period for 'attitude adjustment'. The only illegal act mentioned is his refusal to comply to the junta's order, which is of questionable legallity. The type of detention he would have been subjected to is a clear violation of human rights and would not be deemed legal by an international court.

    The great difference between PTP government and PRDC it's that PTP use terrorism method to silent his opponent.....

    If you forget during PRDC stage, a lot of protest has been kill but PTP supporter, 5 children lost live during PTP supporter terror attack.........

    I'm not see or hear that PRDC kill children or cheer this news... not like UDD in Pattaya meeting last year who cheer the kill of children and innocent people.......

    I see, you must have evidence the PTP was complicit in these illegal acts. You shouldn't admit to that, it's illegal to withhold evidence of crimes from the government.

    Presumably you can also prove the anti-democracy protesters weren't responsible for any illegal acts.

    Army and police show these evidence when they arrest Khon Khaen terrorist cell , I don't know where you hidden before coup but you not follow news conscientiously..................wai2.gif

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